Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 398: Homeowner, Nie Gang

Nie Rong said calmly, "If you think I set the trap, you can leave now."

Wei Zihua wanted to say something, but Wang Qianchen stopped him and said to Nie Rong, "Don't go, I trust you, how long will it take to deal with it?"

Nie Rong said: "I don't know. I have to go back and check the situation. Qingcheng Mountain has not been here for a long time. I came here suddenly this time. I don't know what to do. Stay here and wait for my notice."

"Yes." Wang Qianchen nodded.

Nie Rong stopped talking nonsense, wiped his mouth with a tissue, and left after paying the bill.

"I didn't say where we were going." Wei Zihua pouted, obviously still dissatisfied with Nie Rong.

Wei Zihua's attitude is also normal. During the training camp, Nie Rong had contacts with Wang Qianchen, but he did not interact much with him. Although there have been several experiences of fighting together, they have not spoken much. Wei Zihua could trust Du Hong and Tan Zuo. After all, they lived together for three months, but they had reservations about Nie Rong.

"Isn't this to avoid suspicion? He wants to arrange for us to go where. If there is an accident, I can't tell." Wang Qianchen smiled, looking like he understood Nie Rong very well.

"With the power of his Nie family in Jinling, it's not a problem if he really wants to find us, right?"

"As you say, unless we leave Jinling, we won't be able to get rid of him in any way?"

"...It's not that I don't believe in the way you look at people. The main people from Qingcheng Mountain are here, and my heart is beating." Wei Zihua was worried, and now he can't forget Wang Qianchen's appearance when he was attacked.

"Don't worry, with the Nie family here, the people from Qingcheng Mountain can't touch me!"

"So confident?"

"Yeah!" Not only because of Nie Rong, but also because Wang Qianchen has a big killer in his hand - the video of Nie Jiao killing "him" is still preserved, unless the Nie family wants to perish together, otherwise he will Must be safe.

Wang Qianchen said so, of course Wei Zihua had no objection, the two left after eating, and casually found a hotel in a nearby urban village that did not require an ID card.


On the other side, Nie Rong also returned home.

The Nie family has a very lavish manor in the center of Jinling City, covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters, with high walls, towers, and barbed wire.

The Nie family has considerable influence in the Jiangnan area. With the benefits and resources brought by "Slaying Demons", they have also been involved in economics and politics. They are definitely a well-deserved big family.

The old man of the Nie family, the grandfather of Nie Jiao and Nie Rong, was the head of the previous generation, and his strength was already in the mountains.

The current head of the Nie family, Nie Gang, the father of Nie Jiao and Nie Rong, is at the peak of the peak.

However, when the deputy head of Qingcheng Mountain came, Nie Gang had to personally greet him.

The deputy head of Qingcheng Mountain is named Guo Zizhen, and his strength is also at the peak. This time, Guo Zizhen was ordered to go down the mountain by Sect Master Ge to investigate Wanlong's death-although the [Monster Slayer] has already concluded that Wanlong was killed by a monster, and there are all kinds of evidence, but because Ma Because of the sudden death of the elder, they decided to check it again, so as not to leave any regrets, it is also considered to comfort the spirit of the elder Ma.

Guo Zizhen went down the mountain this time, and brought two elders from the wall, as well as some disciples from the rock and stone, which is enough to show that Mount Qingcheng attaches great importance to this matter.

Qingcheng Mountain attaches so much importance to the Nie family, so Nie Gang personally went out to welcome the guests.

Nie Jiao and Nie Rong were naturally among the people of Qingcheng Mountain in the discussion hall of the Nie family.

Guo Zizhen, as usual, asked about the previous matter again.

According to Wan Long's last call records, he was in contact with Nie Jiao.

Nie Jiao said: "Yes, Wanlong and I have a very close personal relationship. At that time, I had something to do in Gusu City. He said he came to play with me, and I said yes. As a result, before people saw him, I heard that he died unfortunately... …”

Nie Jiao has said this set of rhetoric many times, and he has truly lied without drafting, and can't see the slightest flaw.

Guo Zizhen asked a few more things in a row, but Nie Jiao still answered fluently, without any flaws.

Guo Zizhen pondered for a while, then raised her head and asked, "Master Nie, do you know Wang Qianchen?"

"I don't know." Nie Jiao immediately shook his head.

"I know." Nie Rong picked up the conversation and said, "I'm a classmate in the training camp. Sect Leader Guo, I know what you want to say. Wang Qianchen and Wanlong have never dealt with each other. Do you think he killed him? Tell the truth. , With Wang Qianchen's strength at the time, I don't think he has the ability to kill Wanlong! Moreover, the training camp has investigated for a long time and determined that this matter has nothing to do with Wang Qianchen."

Guo Zizhen gave Nie Rong a meaningful look: "Young Master Nie, I didn't say anything, just mentioned his name. Are you so eager to speak for him?"

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