Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 399: Outside of 吃 扒

Nie Rong did not panic, and said solemnly: "Yes, I am helping Wang Qianchen. Although Wang Qianchen and Wanlong didn't deal with each other during the training camp, they are both my friends, and I also tried to reconcile them. I tried hard, but it didn't work. Hu Yan and Zhang Quan also know about this."

This time, more than a dozen disciples came to Qingcheng Mountain, including Hu Yan and Zhang Quan. They and Wan Long had both been in the training camp, so they were called over to investigate the matter together.

The two nodded when they heard this.

Nie Rong continued: "In my opinion, Wan Long and Wang Qianchen are fine, but there was a misunderstanding because of a trivial matter. Later, Wan Long died, and the dirty water was splashed on Wang Qianchen... I think so, Wan Long You have already suffered misfortune, so don't implicate innocent people anymore."

Guo Zizhen asked a few more questions, and Nie Rong always answered the question perfectly.

Guo Zizhen nodded and said, "It's not that I want to hold on to this matter, but Sect Leader Ge asked me to thoroughly investigate Wanlong's death. If there is anything that offends you, please ask Haihan."

Nie Gang said with a smile: "Guo Sect Leader is polite. Since there is still something wrong, it is time to check it out. Our Nie family will definitely cooperate fully."

"Okay, then let's stay for a few more days, I hope not to disturb you all."

"Master Guo is polite."

The Qingcheng Mountain group got up and left, and Nie Gang sent someone to **** them, so naturally a hotel was arranged for them.

After everyone dispersed, Nie Gang only kept Nie Jiao behind.

"Wan Long's death really has nothing to do with you?"

"No!" Nie Jiao said firmly.

"It's best if it really has nothing to do with you..." Nie Gang said in a deep voice, "Qingcheng Mountain is kind to the Nie family, you can't do anything inside and out. If I find out, I won't cover you up."

"No, Dad." Nie Jiao lowered his head.


in a hotel.

Wang Qianchen received a call from Nie Rong.

"It's going to be a few more days... It's okay, I'll be waiting for you." After learning about the situation, Wang Qianchen's performance was very generous.

Not too much is not enough, are you dragging Nie Rong to find Huang Sanye?

"Well, it's just a routine inquiry. It's fine in the past." Nie Rong also didn't take it seriously.

After hanging up, Wang Qianchen and Wei Zihua continued to rest.

After staying like this for two or three days, the city of Jinling was always calm, and Guo Zizhen didn't find anything. The people in Qingcheng Mountain relaxed a little, no longer put their minds on Wanlong, and gradually began to go out to eat, drink and have fun. Chance?

According to Nie Rong's estimation, in three days at most, Qingcheng Mountain should leave anyway.

At this moment, Wei Zihua received a call from Sun Ming.

"There is an accident in Dayuan City, I have to go back." Wei Zihua said to Wang Qianchen while packing up.

"What's the matter?" Wang Qianchen asked with a frown.

"A team member inadvertently provokes a second-generation ancestor in the process of performing the mission. Now that second-generation ancestor is unwilling, everyone is a little helpless, waiting for me to go back and deal with it."

"Is it a good solution?" Wang Qianchen remembered Xin Wuwei in Luzhou City, and he used to have a lot of trouble with Zhou Weiguo. Although [Monster Slayer] has a lot of power, sometimes it can be difficult to deal with such local snakes.

"It shouldn't be a problem, how can he really turn his second-generation ancestor upside down? Just wait for me, I'll be back in two days at most!" Wei Zihua packed up his things, said goodbye, and left the hotel.

Standing on the side of the road, Wei Zihua reached out and stopped the car.

"Go to the high-speed rail station." Wei Zihua said to the driver.

As the taxi left, the two people across the road were stunned.

"That one just now...is that Wei Zihua?"

"it's him!"

It was Hu Yan and Zhang Quan who were talking. The two had a good night at the bar, and just after they came out to have some breakfast, they ran into Wei Zihua!

"Why did Wei Zihua come to Jinling City?" Hu Yan looked puzzled.

"Wei Zihua is here, is Wang Qianchen also here?" Zhang Quan responded very quickly, and everyone in the training camp knew that Wang Qianchen and Wei Zihua were inseparable!

"Whether he is or not, keep up with this guy first!" Hu Yan made a decisive decision, immediately stopped a taxi, followed Wei Zihua all the way to the high-speed rail station, and then watched him leave Jinling City.

"Is this **** lonely?" Outside the high-speed rail station, Zhang Quan was very speechless.

"Not necessarily..." Hu Yan said solemnly: "Wei Zihua is gone, it doesn't mean Wang Qianchen is gone, maybe Wang Qianchen is still in Jinling City!"

The two immediately told Guo Zizhen the news.

"If Wang Qianchen is really in Jinling City, it will be interesting..." Guo Zizhen said with a sneer, "Then let's have a look, I hope it can give us a surprise. By the way, keep this matter from the Nie family, be careful. What Nie Rong leaked the news!"

"Understood!" Hu Yan agreed immediately.

Although Jinling City is very large, according to the location where Wei Zihua appeared before, the scope of searching for Wang Qianchen is also much narrower. There is an urban village nearby, especially some hotels and rental houses, which are the top priority of their screening. heavy.

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