Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 501: The trickster He Jun

Wang Qianchen was fine, Lang Baibai was relieved, but he still asked strangely: "By the way, why did Song Cepeng appear there?"

At the entrance of Mrs. Lu's cave that day, everyone fought a messy battle, and then they fled inexplicably. No one could tell what happened.

Wang Qianchen said: "Liu Jin had a connection with the [Wan Yaohui], which was discovered by Song Cepian and tracked all the way there. It happened that we had a fight, and you hit me with a stick, but instead made a contribution. Song Cepeng praised me. !"

In fact, these words are full of loopholes, and if you think about them carefully, you can find the strangeness, but Lang Baibai saw that Wang Qianchen was wearing a filter, and he felt that he was "in the air of a dog emperor" and everything was right, and he immediately said with relief: "That's really good. I was afraid that something would happen to you, and it took me a few days before I dared to call you. However, Lord Hou Ling was very dissatisfied with you. He felt that Madam Lu and Liu Jin were arrested because of you, and said they were looking for you. You settle the account! But you don't have to worry about it, he doesn't dare to do anything with me supporting you."

Wang Qianchen said sincerely, "Brother Lang, thank you."

Lang Baibai said: "I heard that Guo Zizhen died, is it you who did it?"

Wang Qianchen said: "It's not me, it's Chen Wanhe of [Tianqi], but I was there at the time, it was really fun."

Lang Baibai smiled and said, "Brother Dog, it's time for you, why don't you tell me the truth?"

Wang Qianchen asked in confusion, "What do you mean?"

Lang Baibai said, "Is it He Jun who was with you at the entrance of Mrs. Lu's cave that day?"

Wang Qianchen was surprised: "You know him?"

"Of course I know, the new squadron leader of [Tianqi] has not debuted for a long time, but he is even more famous than the previous 'Quick Sword Xiaofang'! His reputation has spread in both the human and demon worlds, and they all call him the 'Ghost Hand' He Jun!"

"Ghost hand He Jun?!"

"Yes, it is said that his hands are very powerful, and he can turn the river and the sea with a slight shake, but it is not a 'Ghost Hand'. I didn't know it was him that day. Later, after the Qingcheng Mountain incident spread, the reputation of 'Ghost Hand He Jun' It's far too far! I realized it later, I realized that the person who was with you was him, if it weren't for his ghost hands, how could it have pierced Liu Jin's copper skin and iron bones?" Speaking of which, Lang Bai Baiton After a while, he continued: "Brother Dog, honestly, did you ask him to do what happened in Qingcheng Mountain?"

Wang Qianchen couldn't help laughing and laughing. He never expected that He Jun, who was submissive and slaughtered at the training camp (of course, he is not much domineering now, still shivering when he saw people), now has such an amazing title and is so famous.

But the Qingcheng Mountain thing really has nothing to do with him, Wang Qianchen said: "My relationship with He Jun is good, but..."

Lang Baibai smiled and said: "Okay, don't say any more, I understand what's going on. Dog brother, I'm still worried about you, you are the Demon Slayer Captain of Dayuan City, and the Taihang Cave of the Ten Thousand Demons Guild. The cave owner, he still has such a good relationship with [Tianqi]'s 'Ghost Hand He Jun', if Song Cepeng finds out one day, he won't let you go!"

Wang Qianchen knew that the more he described it, the darker it was, and it was impossible to deny it, so he had to say, "I will be careful."

Lang Baibai gave an "um" and asked again, "Where are you now?"

Wang Qianchen said, "I am in Hangzhou."

Lang Baibai said in surprise: "What are you doing in Hangzhou?"

Wang Qianchen said: "There is something... Why is Brother Lang so surprised?"

Lang Baibai said, "Because I'm also in Hangzhou!"

This time, it was Wang Qianchen's turn to be surprised: "What is Big Brother Lang doing in Hangzhou?"

Lang Baibai said: "Fei Heizi remember?"

Wang Qianchen said, "Master Fei Ling, of course I remember."

Before in Qixia Mountain, Lang Baibai and Fei Heizi were about to fight because of the shovel, but they were stabbed by Yasha Mara and the mountain elf Kru, who appeared halfway, and they were so scared that they flew away.

Lang Baibai said: "The dispute between the two of us happened because of the Qiankun Shovel. Now that the Qiankun Shovel is gone, we can reconcile. He held a banquet in Hangzhou and invited me over to dinner. It’s from the Ten Thousand Demons Association, and there’s nothing to say.”

Wang Qianchen said strangely: "Lord Fei Ling's territory is not in Hangcheng, why did you come here?"

Lang Baibai said with a smile: "Well, he usually spends his time in Hui Province and Qilu. However, he wants to invite me to dinner, so am I not good at it? I won't go to his territory! Likewise, he doesn't either. Come to my territory, so we decided to meet in Hangcheng, and no one should take advantage of the other."

Wang Qianchen sighed secretly, thinking that these two monsters combined have 800 hearts, and they didn't take it seriously. Suddenly, a flash of light moved and said, "Brother Lang, since you are in Hangzhou, can you do me a favor?"

Lang Baibai said sternly: "Brother Dog, what else can our brothers say to help? You can say anything if you have something!" At the same time, he prayed in his heart: "Don't kill the demon beheading. You have this ambition, but I don't have the courage!"

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