Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 502: Life credo

the next morning.

Gu Yan was the first to get up in the book club "Pickup Light", saying that he would go to the Valley of Flames today to catch Garudas. He was ready early, knocking on the doors one by one to wake everyone up, and then the first one came to the hall to prepare Go outside and buy breakfast.

But as soon as he came to the door, he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

The door of the bookstore of "Xiguang" is the most common type of rolling shutter door in shops. At this moment, it is on the inner side of the door, and there are a few big characters written in red paint: In an hour, kill all of you-Guangfuhui .

Gu Yan stared at these words with a solemn expression. At the same time, other team members came out one after another. Du Hong said to Wang Qianchen as he walked, "I'll let you taste the authentic Xiao Long Bao in Hangzhou, which is better than the fake ones from other places. The product is 100 times better...Fuck, what is this?!"

Everyone noticed the words on the door. Some people were surprised, some people were angry, and some people asked suspiciously: "What is the Guangfuhui? Where did you get such a big tone that you want to kill us all?"

Gu Yan carefully checked the door and turned around and said, "While we were asleep, we sneaked in quietly and left these words, but I checked the door lock and there was no sign of picking it up. Maybe the other party used some magical power..."

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, there is some panic in their eyes, the other party sneaks in without knowing it, and leaves these arrogant and bold handwriting, either too arrogant, or really has this strength!

Du Hong just wanted to say something, but Wang Qianchen gently pulled him.

Du Hong turned his head and said softly, "Is there a way?"

Wang Qianchen nodded.

Du Hong rubbed his hands together and said excitedly, "Let me guess, let's see if we think the same thing! People from the [Guangfuhui] came to the door, we can use Wei Zihua's arm to block it, isn't his arm powerful? What kind of weapons can be chopped continuously..."

Wang Qianchen's expression of "Are you an idiot?" Really, just change someone, Wei Zihua, Yin Luoluo, or Tan Zuo, Nie Rong, Wang Qianchen pulls gently, they will know what's going on , Du Hong's brain deficiency is that he can't react!

Fortunately, Du Hong was not really low in IQ, but he was a little impatient sometimes. Seeing Wang Qianchen's expression, he realized that he had guessed wrong. After thinking about it for a while, he finally understood and said in a low voice, "You arranged it?"

Wang Qianchen finally nodded.

Du Hong finally understood, and then looked to the left and right to observe everyone's reactions.

Gu Yan said solemnly: "No matter what the other party's background is, since it is said that it will be an hour later, then we must be ready! At this time, it is too late to ask for help, everyone organizes equipment and fights at any time!"

The so-called equipment is naturally the Demon Slaying Sword, the Demon Suppressing Bell, and the Demon Deterrence Cloak.

Everyone took action and prepared to go back to their respective houses. At this moment, the sound of "ding bells" suddenly sounded, and all the demon bells in the book bar trembled together!

At the same time, there were a lot of footsteps outside the door, at least dozens of people, unabashedly exuding a realm atmosphere.

"Two peaks, seven or eight walls, and rock and stone..." Gu Yan felt these breaths, and his heart clenched tightly. When did so many powerful monsters come to Hangcheng?

"Didn't you say it's coming in an hour, so soon?!" Song Jianhua's face was ashen.

Gu Yan gritted his teeth and said, "Who knows when they will leave their handwriting, maybe an hour has passed! Everyone, hurry up and prepare!"

Gu Yan took out the demon bell and prepared to set up the Qingming space. Others went back to the room to get the equipment. Du Hong knew that this was arranged by Wang Qianchen. He shouted loudly at the door, "Where did the monster come from? Do you dare to fight with the uncle?"

"Who wants to duel with you? I want to kill the Hangcheng Demon Slayer Team!" A voice sounded coldly, it was Lang Baibai.

"Ten minutes, kill you all!" Another voice was equally cold, and Fei Heizi was also pulled over.

As for the other monsters, they are naturally their subordinates.

With a "huh", Du Hong's hands were on fire, and he turned around and said, "Go through the back door, and I'll hold them back!"

Whether I can hold on to it or not, these words are touching enough.

Du Hong was upright, and his image became more and more tall. All the monster slayers looked at him in surprise. Obviously they didn't expect him to do such a great thing. Thinking that he had excluded him before, they were all ashamed, and Song Jianhua was even more red-eyed. Said: "Captain Du, let's go first!"

Gu Yan slapped him on the head and said angrily: "What are you going to do? Not abandoning our partners is our life creed! Copy all the guys for me, and prepare to do it with them!"

Song Jianhua covered his head and said, "Yes, don't abandon your partner!"

After he finished speaking, he ran towards his room, and everyone else rushed to the room. The demons outside the door seemed to do what they said, ten minutes would be ten minutes. No matter how Du Hong yelled, they didn't rush in.

Wang Qianchen closed his eyes and listened carefully to every voice in the book bar.

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