Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 509: open again

Garuda is a very rare species, because the body is born with spiritual power, so eating it can make a big difference. I dare not say that it will immediately rise to a small realm, at least it is beneficial to cultivation.

Seeing that Lang Baibai's face was still very ugly, Fei Heizi said: "I helped your dog brother so much, what's wrong with eating a Garuda? Besides, I didn't take it all alone, didn't I think of you too? Okay, One and a half, when this never happened."

Fei Heizi pressed the Garuda on the table, and then picked up the Qinglong Yanyue Knife next to him, ready to chop it down with one knife. Garuda hadn't eaten for several days, and it was a little weak. It was held by Fei Heizi's big hand, and it didn't even have the strength to resist, its head was tilted to one side, and it was screaming.

At the critical moment, Lang Baibai stretched out his hand to stop it and said, "Don't worry about eating, let me ask the dog brother if taking this thing has any effect."

Fei Heizi said angrily: "The dog on the left and the dog on the right, I don't think he is your brother, but your father!" But the scolding was scolded, and the face still had to be given.

In front of Fei Heizi, Lang Baibai took out his mobile phone and called Wang Qianchen.

Wang Qianchen and Du Hong were going over the mountains and mountains, trying to get close to the Valley of Flames, when they suddenly received a call from Lang Baibai. After finding out what was going on, he immediately said anxiously, "Brother Lang, that garuda must not be killed!" Barabara, talk about the seriousness of the consequences.

Wang Qianchen said: "Brother Lang, tell Master Fei Ling that when I catch the male bird, I will send it to you together, but don't move now!"

Lang Baibai said, "Okay, I see."

After hanging up the phone, Wang Qianchen told Du Hong about this again.

Du Hong said angrily, "Are those monsters crazy, how could they take the Garuda away?"

Wang Qianchen said: "It's useless to scold, they have already taken it away, I hope Lang Baibai can persuade him!"

Du Hong said: "Can't you be persuaded?"

Wang Qianchen stopped talking. If Fei Heizi didn't listen to his persuasion and really killed the female bird, then the other male bird would go berserk and bring great disaster to the world.

This is absolutely no small matter.

After discussion, the two quickly made up their minds: first, get to the Valley of Flames as soon as possible and catch the male bird; second, Du Hong called Gu Yan and asked him to contact another member of the Wan Yaohui. Ridge Lord.

——Before in Rongcheng, Du Hong said that their captain was in contact with the local lord of the mountain, and many of the monsters who committed crimes were the lord of the mountain to help provide information.

The ridge master of the Wan Yaohui in charge of Jiangsu and Zhejiang is called Ma Qianli, who is actually a steed, so he named himself this name. Gu Yan immediately contacted Ma Qianli. This Ma Lingzhu has a good relationship with Gu Yan, but as a monster, he is a brother to the leader of the demon slayer, which is also considered an outlier among monsters.

After Ma Qianli learned of the situation, he immediately said, "Leave it to me."

Immediately, Ma Qianli called Fei Heizi.

But didn't get through.

I called Lang Baibai again, but he didn't get through.

Ma Qianli felt that something was wrong, so he called one of his subordinates and said, "Lang Baibai and Fei Heizi are having a party near Hangcheng. You can check where it is. Let's go there."


It's really not right, because Lang Baibai and Fei Heizi have already fought!

After Lang Baibai hung up the phone, he told Fei Heizi about the seriousness of the matter, but Fei Heizi didn't believe it, and said cursingly, "The number of Garudas is already rare, and there are even fewer in pairs, but they are caught by They are eyeing? Besides, even if it is true, what does it have to do with me? The male bird is running wild, and the demon slayer will deal with it. How many people die has nothing to do with me?"

Lang Baibai said: "I usually don't care about you, but this matter involves my dog ​​brother! He finally got into [Monster Slayer] and became the leader of Dayuan City's Monster Slayer, because this matter affects his career. What to do, it is also a huge loss for us [Wan Yaohui]! And my dog ​​brother also said that when the male bird is caught, it will also be eaten for you, so can't you wait?"

Fei Heizi scolded: "He's not your brother, he's your father! How good are you to your father? Grass, just eat a Garuda, why is there so much trouble, I think you want to be alone and want to unite with you The dog brother stole the Garuda!"

Fei Heizi was in a hurry to eat the Garuda, and he didn't care about anything. He pressed the bird on the table again, and he picked up the Qinglong Yanyue Sword and was about to cut it.

Unable to bear it any longer, Lang Baibai pulled out his mace and smashed it directly at him.

"Okay, the wolf's tail is finally exposed, so I know you have bad intentions!" Fei Heizi put the Garuda into his arms and slashed it with the Qinglong Yanyue Saber.

As soon as the two ridge masters started to fight, it was a ping ping pong pong, and all the tables and chairs around were shattered, and all the monsters screamed in shock.

Brother Mastiff was so dizzy that he jumped up immediately when he saw this scene.

"Whatever I said, I knew they had to fight sooner or later! Brothers, go ahead!" Brother Mastiff took the lead and charged towards Fei Heizi.

The monsters on both sides were still enjoying themselves just now, hugging each other's necks and bragging. After the fight, they showed no mercy and quickly entered the state!

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