Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 516: the first time

Du Hong is also right. According to his current identity and qualifications, it is indeed a bit unreasonable to be the abbot directly, let alone shocking other sects, families or organizations, even the disciples of Putuo Mountain may not be convinced.

Master Puji also knew that this matter could not be rushed, so he arranged for Du Hongxian to be a "deacon". The deacon is equivalent to the elders of other sects, and they are generally of marginal strength.

After becoming a "deacon", he should have stopped the work of [Monster Slayer], but Du Hong refused to give up on the grounds of "requiring experience", and quietly said to Wang Qianchen in private: "Let me stay on the mountain every day without holding back. die?"

According to Du Hong's plan, after Putuo Mountain is rebuilt and back on track, he and Wang Qianchen will continue to find Wei Zihua's other limbs.

Of course Wang Qianchen was also happy, so he waited on the mountain and helped out by the way.

Du Hong arranged a meditation room for Wang Qianchen as his temporary habitat. That night, Wang Qianchen returned to the room and was about to wash and sleep, but the phone rang, and it was from Lang Baibai.

"Brother Lang!" Wang Qianchen picked it up immediately.

"How about your side? I heard that Putuo Mountain suffered a lot of damage?" Lang Baibai asked with a sigh.

"Well, that male bird ran wild..." Wang Qianchen briefly explained what happened, but didn't say that Abbot Huiguang passed away. He only said that Du Hong took his meditation staff before killing the male bird.

"I'm sorry, dog brother, I couldn't stop Fei Heizi! That guy is an idiot. I'm really speechless. Together with Master Maling, we couldn't persuade him!" Lang Baibai scolded, but he was a little angry. Insufficient, accompanied by coughing.

Wang Qianchen immediately said, "Brother Lang, are you injured?"

"Well, I suffered a little injury...but Fei Heizi didn't get any better!" Lang Baibai smiled, very proud of his words.

"Brother Lang, are you still near Hangcheng?"

"Here, recover from the injury, and prepare to leave! Fei Heizi and I are completely deadlocked, and it's no use who said that this time around!"

Before that, Wang Qianchen would not care about the life and death of a monster, especially the monster of the Ten Thousand Monsters Association. But this trip to Hangcheng, Lang Baibai did help him a lot, and he was rescued from Guo Zizhen before, which made him feel a little unbearable, and asked, "Brother Lang, are you injured? medicine?"

Lang Baibai said: "Yes, I always have it on my body."

Wang Qianchen has seen the monster's wound medicine, which is some rough herbal medicine. It is simple to stop bleeding and analgesia without any processing. The effect is definitely not good, and there is a risk of infection.

Wang Qianchen said, "Brother Lang, where are you, I'll bring you some human medicine."

Lang Baibai grinned and said, "Okay, come on."

That night, Wang Qianchen prepared a large package of medical supplies, including the wound medicine that he usually carried with him, as well as the unique wound medicine from Putuo Mountain, and flew to Lang Baibai's temporary residence in the suburbs of Hangzhou.

Before that, unless there was a particularly urgent matter, Wang Qianchen would not take the initiative to see the monster.

Not to mention saving monsters.

This is really the first time.

Traveling all the way through mountains and rivers, Wang Qianchen finally saw Lang Baibai's group of monsters in a ravine.

What surprised him was that Lang Baibai's injuries were more serious than he had imagined. He had suffered at least ten stab wounds on his body, and the dark red blood had penetrated the bandages, which was shocking to see.

Brother Mastiff and other demons are the same, with varying degrees of injury.

"How could this be like this?" Wang Qianchen looked surprised.

Brother Mastiff just told what happened before.

After Fei Heizi ate Garuda that day, Lang Baibai and Ma Qianli were so angry that they beat him together. Of course, Fei Heizi was not a fuel-efficient lamp either, so he didn't dare to provoke Ma Qianli (because this was someone else's territory), but he launched several attacks on Lang Baibai, and now there are casualties on both sides.

Lang Baibai is now hiding in a ravine, intending to return to the territory after the injury recovers, and then slowly play with Fei Heizi.

Since the two sides have torn their faces, they can only fight to the end.

"It's alright, don't look at how badly I'm hurt, that guy Fei Heizi is not good either!" Lang Baibai lay in the grass and grinned.

Wang Qianchen didn't say a word, and squatted down to give Lang Baibai medicine.

The monster's medical treatment is really bad. I don't know where I got the bandages, and it doesn't look clean. Wang Qianchen carefully re-treated Lang Baibai's injury, and then bandaged Brother Mastiff and others. It took several hours to complete the work.

"Brother dog, you've worked hard!" Lang Baibai still smiled.

Wang Qianchen came to him, squatted down and said, "Brother Lang, do you need me to help you get Lord Fei Ling?"

Lang Baibai shook his head: "No, we can solve it by ourselves. Besides, you are not his opponent! Brother dog, I understand it!"

Wang Qianchen still wanted to say something, but Brother Mastiff said next to him, "The matter of Lord Langling and Lord Fei, the Golden Eagle King already knows, it will be resolved sooner or later, and it will not continue."

Lang Baibai and Fei Heizi were the ling masters under the Golden Eagle King, and the Golden Eagle King would definitely not sit idly by.

Wang Qianchen nodded and said, "That's fine."

As soon as the voice fell, I heard the sound of "hula la" in the air, and it seemed that something was flying here.

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