Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 517: distressed

In the dark night sky, except for the sound of wings flapping, only a vague black shadow could be seen.

But Lang Baibai only glanced at it, and then said solemnly: "Mastiff, take the dog brother to the back."

"Okay." Brother Mastiff also became nervous, pulling Wang Qianchen and walking back.

"Brother Mastiff, why..."


Brother Mastiff pulled Wang Qianchen to a rock more than ten meters away, then leaned down and looked forward through the grass.


Several birds of prey landed, and the one headed by him had an eagle face, a human body, and two wings on his ribs. It was the golden eagle king that he had seen in Qixia Mountain before. Behind the Golden Eagle King, Fei Heizi and other monsters were standing. Fei Heizi was really scarred, with a lot of bandages on his body and a crutch in his hand. Other monsters were also injured.

Lang Baibai stood up strongly, and said respectfully, "King Eagle!"

The Golden Eagle King raised his hand and slapped Lang Baibai's face fiercely!

Seeing this scene, Wang Qianchen was taken aback and instinctively wanted to stand up, but was stopped by Brother Mastiff.

Brother Mastiff shook his head at him, motioning him not to move.

Lang Baibai was slapped, but lowered his head and said nothing, while Fei Heizi had a smug look on his face.

The Golden Eagle King said coldly, "Old Bai, you've been able to endure it for a long time, and join forces with other people's ling masters to deal with Lao Fei?"

Lang Baibai said: "No."

Fei Heizi raised his eyebrows: "Lord Langling, dare to do it, don't you dare to admit it, you didn't deal with me with Ma Qianli?"

The Golden Eagle King also said, "You don't admit it?"

Lang Baibai said: "King Eagle, because of the Garuda, I was really angry with Lord Fei Ling, so I beat him on the spur of the moment. But I didn't join forces with Ma Qianli. He beat him, and I beat me."

Fei Heizi gave an "Ow", beat his chest a few times, and said angrily, "King Eagle, listen to what he has to say!"

The Golden Eagle King gritted his teeth and said, "You two are fighting at the same time, so it's not called joining forces? Even if you help Fei Heizi drive away Ma Qianli first, then let the two of you fight anyway, I won't do this!"

The more he talked, the more angry the Golden Eagle King said. Suddenly, he kicked Lang Baibai to the ground. Then he pulled out a shiny saber from under his rib and slashed several times in a row. The fatal part, but Lang Baibai still screamed in agony, and there were several more knife wounds on the already blood-stained body.

It was obviously something that Fei Heizi picked, but at this time, he pretended to be a good person again, and stopped the Golden Eagle King and said, "King Eagle, don't fight, Lord Langling is my brother, and it makes me feel bad to see him like this! Let him give it to me. Just apologise."

"Fuck you!" Lang Baibai cursed fiercely.

The Golden Eagle King's expression froze, and he slashed a few more knives. Fei Heizi sighed and said, "Lord Langling, why do you think you are doing this? He knew that the Eagle King and the Black Bear King would not deal with it, and he even had to deal with his subordinate Maling. Lord join hands to deal with me..."

Hearing the words "Black Bear King", the Golden Eagle King became more angry and cut him down again.

That is to say, the white skin is rough and the flesh is thick, and it is really unbearable to put it on a normal monster.

Lang Baibai lay on the ground and said weakly, "King Eagle, I really didn't join forces with him."

The Golden Eagle King obviously didn't want to continue this topic, and said coldly: "What is the name of the cave owner of Taihang Cave under your command, 'Little Dog', or a monster slayer?"

This is obviously what Fei Heizi said.

Lang Baibai was well prepared, and immediately said: "Yes, King Eagle, the puppy got into the [Monster Slayer] and made a lot of hard work, and it will make us look good!"

The Golden Eagle King said, "You call him here."

Lang Baibai was stunned: "What are you doing?"

The Golden Eagle King said, "There are quite a few monsters who are in tandem with [Monster Slayer], let me see if he is."

Lang Baibai shook his head and said, "Absolutely not! King Diao, you can go and find out. The two captains of Dayuan City died at his hands."

The golden eagle king said: "You call him, I have my own way of judging."

Lang Baibai had no choice but to take out his mobile phone and dial Wang Qianchen's number. Behind the rock, Brother Mastiff had already signaled Wang Qianchen to shut down, but naturally he didn't get through.

"King Eagle, he's turned off!" Lang Baibai said, holding up his phone.

"I got in touch, let him come to me!" The Golden Eagle King couldn't wait here. After leaving a sentence, he immediately turned and flew away.

"Lord Langling, I'm also forced to be helpless, don't affect the relationship between our brothers!" Fei Heizi jumped on an albatross and flew away as well.

It wasn't until the group of black shadows disappeared completely that Lang Baibai scolded and said: "Fei Heizi, it's really yours, let's ride a donkey and read the songbook, let's wait and see!"

Wang Qianchen and Brother Mastiff also ran out together.

"Brother Lang!" Wang Qianchen jumped in front of Lang Baibai, looking at the multiple stab wounds on his body, he was immediately distressed.

Yes, he actually felt distressed, for the sake of a Lingzhu of the Ten Thousand Demons Association!

"It's all right, it's all minor injuries!" Lang Baibai grimaced in pain, but pretended to smile, patted Wang Qianchen's head and said, "It's a pity that you didn't come out, King Diao was very suspicious, and was provoked by Fei Heizi again, I don't know. How to deal with you!"

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