Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 518: back carbine

Wang Qianchen understood.

Even if it proves that he is loyal to the [Wan Yaohui] in the end, the twists and turns and the pain of flesh and blood are inevitable. In order to avoid this kind of thing, Lang Baibai asked Brother Mastiff to hide him in advance, and he would rather suffer a few by himself. The knife did not reveal the fact that Wang Qianchen was beside him.

Lang Baibai smiled and said, "It's okay, King Diao is usually very busy, and I will forget about you in a few days!"

Wang Qianchen didn't know what to say, but silently helped Lang Baibai deal with the wound. Lang Baibai was already injured. After being slashed by the Golden Eagle King several times, his bones were even exposed in some places.

"It's fine, just keep it for a few days!" Lang Baibai bared his teeth, pretending to be relaxed.

After Wang Qianchen came, the two words that Lang Baibai said the most was "it's okay", as if the sky was falling and it didn't matter to him. Lang Baibai is definitely not a kind-hearted monster. He has heard the Eighth Prince talk about some of his deeds before, and he is absolutely ruthless and unscrupulous. The reason why he treats Wang Qianchen so well is because he is arrogant to the Dog Emperor.

Wang Qianchen tried desperately to tell himself that there was no good thing in these Ten Thousand Demons Guild, and he did it only because it was profitable for him, but he couldn't help feeling touched and a little sad when he looked at the scattered wounds on Lang Baibai's body.

Without saying a word, Wang Qianchen took care of Lang Baibai's injuries. Lang Baibai smiled and said, "Brother Canine, this method is good, and he can go to a human hospital to become a surgeon!"

Simple medical measures were originally a necessary skill for [Monster Slayer], and there was really nothing to show off.

Wang Qianchen said, "Brother Lang, when are you going back?"

Lang Baibai said, "You can leave when you are healed up. What's the matter with you?"

Wang Qianchen said, "No, when you guys go back, I'll visit your old man when I have time."

Unconsciously, Wang Qianchen's manner of speaking began to be polite.

Lang Baibai smiled and said, "Okay, I'll be waiting for you at any time, just call if you have something to do. I'm a big brother. I can't help it."

Wang Qianchen said a few words to Brother Mastiff and others, instructing them to take good care of Lang Baibai, and then left a lot of medical supplies, and taught them how to use them before leaving.

Wang Qianchen flew away, because he had the aura of a dog emperor, no matter what magical powers he used, it would not be surprising. This trip to visit Lang Baibai made his thoughts very complicated. As a member of the [Monster Slayer], it is definitely inappropriate for him to be so close to the Lord of the [Wan Yao Guild]—the purpose of joining the [Wan Yao Guild] in the first place. It's very simple, just to find out the third master Huang, and later even the eighth king was killed, so he always has a clear conscience.

But now, he couldn't help asking himself: If one day, there is a chance to kill Lang Baibai, can he succeed?

Banzhuan seemed to have sensed his thoughts, and said directly: "No one is forcing you to kill Lang Baibai, why put this shackle on yourself?"

Wang Qianchen thought about it too, and no one forced him to do anything, so there was really no need to increase his troubles.

In the night sky, Wang Qianchen flew quickly and wanted to return to Putuo Mountain as soon as possible. But when crossing a mountain peak, I suddenly smelled a familiar breath, and immediately frowned, slowly landed, and hid behind a bush.

A group of monsters sat under a rock not far away, led by Fei Heizi, the Golden Eagle King was gone, and it was estimated that he had left first. The monsters were surrounding a bonfire with skinned rabbits, pheasants, etc. on it. Fei Heizi nibbled on a rabbit's leg and ate his mouth full of oil, saying, "Let's kill a carbine later. If Lang Baibai is injured like that, he will definitely not be able to handle it. Let's do him directly and frame it on Ma Qianli. King Diao will definitely believe it."

All the monsters said, "Okay."

Before that, Wang Qianchen must have been watching the excitement happily. Ten thousand demons will fight within each other. Is there anything more fun than this? But forget about other monsters. When it comes to Lang Baibai, he really can't bear it!

Wang Qianchen was about to call to remind Lang Baibai to leave quickly, but Fei Heizi had already thrown his bones on the ground, wiped the oil from his mouth, and said, "Let's go!"

A group of monsters stood up one after another, and a few raptors had returned to their original appearances. This place was not far from Lang Baibai's habitat. Even if he called to remind him, he would still be blocked by Fei Heizi before he could escape!

Wang Qianchen was in a hurry, and flew into the sky with a "huh", and then changed into the appearance of the Golden Eagle King.

Eagle face, human body, rib with wings.

"Fei Heizi, what do you want?!" A loud shout exploded in the night sky.

"Diao... King Eagle... Why are you back..." Fei Heizi raised his head in shock, and all the monsters were trembling.

Wang Qianchen stood in mid-air, and he definitely couldn't fall to the ground, otherwise Fei Heizi would be able to see the clues - even if the appearance was exactly the same, but the Golden Eagle King was in the mountains.

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