Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 519: dream again

Fortunately, Fei Heizi would never take the initiative to detect the breath of the Golden Eagle King, plus one was on the ground and the other was in the sky, and the distance was far enough to be safe for the time being.

Wang Qianchen said coldly, "Why did I come back, don't you know?"

Fei Heizi shivered all over, but he still said bravely, "King Eagle, I really don't know..."

Wang Qianchen shouted sharply: "What are you going to do, do you want me to say it clearly?!"

Fei Heizi was finally sure that the Golden Eagle King had understood his plan, and said tremblingly, "Diao... King Eagle, I knew I was wrong!"

Wang Qianchen said coldly: "Old Bai made a mistake, I have taught him a lesson, what are you thinking of holding on to it?"

Fei Heizi was crawling on the ground, not daring to say a word.

Wang Qianchen originally wanted to scare him a few words, so that he would not dare to go to Lang Baibai, but seeing him so terrified and so cooperative, he couldn't help but want to teach him more: "Is it all over if you admit your mistakes? You know that I always have clear rewards and punishments. , I don't need to tell you what to do? Lao Fei, don't force me to do it myself!"

Wang Qianchen hadn't seen King Golden Eagle a few times, so he could only try to imitate his tone. Fortunately, Fei Heizi was already frightened, and he couldn't tell the truth from the fake. He cut himself a few times.

In front of the Golden Eagle King, Fei Heizi did not dare to lie, and every knife was very real. If he doesn't cut it himself, the Golden Eagle King will come to cut it. After several consecutive stabs, Fei Heizi was dripping with blood, and even saw bones in some places, and finally fell to the ground, and the other monsters did not dare to say a word.

"Carving... King Carving... I know I'm wrong... I won't dare again in the future." Fei Heizi said weakly, lying on the ground.

"Next time, I'll kill you!" Wang Qianchen took it as soon as he saw it, but instead of continuing, he turned his head and flew away.

Regardless of whether Fei Heizi could react later, now that he was injured like this, he would not be able to trouble Lang Baibai for a while. Helping Lang Baibai escape, and teaching Fei Heizi a lesson, Wang Qianchen was in a happy mood. After flying far away, he returned to his original appearance. He called Lang Baibai again and told what happened just now.

Of course, he didn't say that he became the Golden Eagle King, even if it's not surprising to have this kind of magical power, but there are also suspicions of "committing the following" and "overstepping", there is no need to find such trouble, just say that he is on his way back , accidentally bumped into Fei Heizi and other demons, and overheard their next plan.

Lang Baibai said excitedly: "Good brother, thank you, I'll go now!"

Lang Baibai was originally ready to leave after recovering from his injury, but now it seems that he has to retreat ahead of schedule. That night, they flew away from Hangcheng in a few birds of prey, and by the way, they called the Golden Eagle King to sue Fei Heizi.

King Golden Eagle was furious. He knew that the two ridge masters under his command had always been at odds, but he had already come forward, and Fei Heizi was still holding on to it, so he didn't give face a bit.

So he called and scolded Fei Heizi again. Fei Heizi was naturally very confused. Didn't he scolded him just now, why did he scolded him again?

But he didn't dare to question, he could only keep answering "yes, yes".


On the other side, Wang Qianchen also returned to Putuo Mountain.

After several days of aftermath work, Putuo Mountain has returned to the right track. Wang Qianchen and Du Hong discussed whether it is possible to proceed to the next step. Although Wei Zihua didn't have a dream, from the experience of Mount Qingcheng and Mount Putuo, 80% of some limbs are also in other places with sufficient spiritual energy, such as Maoshan and Longhushan, especially the retreat places of the ancestors.

Leaving aside Longhu Mountain for the time being, Maoshan is quite close, just in the Jiang Province area, and there is Tan Zuo over there, which is also a matter of 100 percent.

Du Hong agreed with Wang Qianchen's speculation, saying that he would hand over the work in the past few days, and then take a leave from Master Puji and go with him.

Wang Qianchen actually wanted to go by himself, so he could hurry up, but he didn't want to pour Du Hong cold water, so he had to wait.

Coincidentally, in those few days, Wei Zihua happened to have a dream too.

Just like last time, Wang Qianchen was on a large disc, surrounded by clouds and mist, and it was bottomless. Wei Zihua's head slowly fell.

"My arm in Qingcheng Mountain, have you got it?" Wei Zihua's tone was fast, as if he was chasing something.

"I got it, I..." Wang Qianchen was about to say that he also got the other arm, but Wei Zihua interrupted him and said quickly: "The longer my limbs are separated, the slower the gathering of spiritual power! I don't have time to be with you. Chat, just listen to me! My other arm, in the Valley of Flames in Mount Putuo, you must get it yourself, don't tell Song Epee..."

The words fell, the surrounding environment began to collapse, and Wei Zihua's head began to blur.

Wang Qianchen scolded angrily: "I've already taken that arm from Putuo Mountain! Can you say something useful every time... What kind of **** are you, that's how you work for Lord Yama? So many years "Ye Wangye didn't beat your **** out?"

But no matter how he scolded, Wei Zihua disappeared without a trace.

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