Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 536: not alive

In fact, it doesn't matter whether the invisibility charm is torn or not, because the time limit has come, and Wang Qianchen and Axiu have also shown their shape.

The eyes of many Maoshan disciples lit up, and they all looked straight at Ah Xiu.

A Maoshan disciple said: "Tan Zuo, we won't chase you, hand over Axiu!"

"There's no door!" Tan Zuo supported Axiu with one hand, drew out his sword with the other, and stabbed at the disciples with a "hhhhhhhhhhh".

Wang Qianchen couldn't help but be surprised. What was the origin of this Axiu? The Black Bear King was infatuated with her, Tan Zuo was protecting her, and the Maoshan disciples wanted to arrest her. Just looking at the appearance, Axiu does have a bit of beauty, but it is not to the point of shocking, not to mention the age is not young, there is a forty-year-old, and mentally disabled, no matter how you look at it. The appearance of being able to overwhelm all beings.

Tan Zuo, however, was guarding Axiu so hard that she would not be harmed in the slightest. With his long sword in hand, he walked quickly, trying to cut a **** path. Those Maoshan disciples were all in the rock realm, and they were hit by Tan Zuo for a while, but Tan Zuo was carrying a person after all. Those disciples quickly adjusted their formations, and kept throwing all kinds of talismans, either fire or thunder, and forced Tan Zuo again. Gotta go backwards.

"Help me!" Tan Zuo turned around and shouted at Wang Qianchen.

"Isn't it necessary for me to help, are you still stubborn now?" Wang Qianchen rushed out, but did not join the battle, but grabbed Tan Zuo's arm, and flew into the sky with a bang.

"Flying Senser?!" Many Maoshan disciples raised their heads one after another, watching this scene in surprise.

Whenever Wang Qianchen showed a skill, bystanders would say that he was an XX-type enlightened person. He was used to it and didn't bother to explain. Wang Qianchen flew fast and high, and in an instant, he plunged into the night sky, and he could leave this place as soon as he saw it, when he suddenly heard the sound of "huhu" wind above his head.

As soon as Wang Qianchen looked up, he saw an old Taoist with a long sword rushing towards him, and at the same time a gust of wind hit his face, making him almost unable to open his eyes.

"It's Elder Feng of Maoshan!" Tan Zuo shouted immediately.

Maoshan is good at drawing talismans of various functions, but few people fully bloom, and most of them specialize in one or two kinds. This elder Feng is quite talented in drawing Gangfeng Talismans. The long sword shook the yellow talisman gently, and gusts of wind came towards him, causing Wang Qianchen to become unstable and fall directly.

At the same time, several old Taoists rushed up, each of them as fast as lightning, each holding a long sword, but the elements attached to the sword were different, some were thunder, some were fire, some were electricity.

Tan Zuo shouted, "It's Elder Huo, Elder Lei and Elder Dian!"

Those Maoshan disciples said before that the four elders, "Wind, Fire, Thunder, and Electricity" will be here soon, but they didn't expect to arrive so quickly. Wang Qianchen had to let go of Tan Zuo, pulled out the Demon Slayer Sword to fight, and recruited Mr. Honglou.

The four Maoshan elders, Wind, Fire, Thunder, and Electric, are all in the wall. Wang Qianchen is okay to face one of them alone, but it is nonsense to face four at the same time. Even if Mr. Honglou joins, it is still difficult to shake the opponent. As for Tan Zuo, he is still carrying Axiu on his back, so he can't fight with all his heart.

Fortunately, the four elders were not in a hurry, but surrounded them. Elder Feng said solemnly, "Tan Zuo, hand over Axiu."

"Don't think about it!" Tan Zuo gritted his teeth and looked around with Axiu on his back.

Wang Qianchen still doesn't know what Axiu's identity is, but it seems that Tan Zuo is going to live and die with her. Wang Qianchen didn't ask why, and stood directly with Mr. Honglou to his left and right, one holding a knife, the other holding a sword, and even the bricks flew out with a bang, swaying up and down and said, "more people bully less people, right? Yes? Can't stand one-on-one?"

However, no one took care of a brick.

Taoist Maoshan has been slaying demons and slaying demons for thousands of years, and no one has put a brick in their eyes at all.

Elder Feng said: "Tan Zuo, don't make a mistake again and again, if you hand over Axiu, you can still return to Maoshan."

Wang Qianchen thought to himself: "Tan Zuo was expelled by Mao Shan, and even left the Demon Slayer Team because of this Axiu?"

Wang Qianchen looked back at Axiu on Tan Zuo's back, and saw that she was still dumbfounded, and couldn't see anything special.

Tan Zuo is still gnashing his teeth: "Don't think about it!"

Elder Huo said, "Tan Zuo, if you can't escape, hand over Axiu."

Tan Zuo looked around: "Then give it a try!"

Then, Tan Zuo handed the Axiu on his back to Wang Qianchen, and said in a low voice, "Put it in your Qiankun bag first!"

"???" Wang Qianchen looked confused. It is not uncommon for him to have a Qiankun bag. Many people knew about it during the training camp, but he could only store dead objects. Axiu is a living person!

Is there something wrong with Tan Zuo's mind?

Tan Zuo said: "She is not a living person, you should take it in first!"

"!!!" Wang Qianchen was undoubtedly even more shocked.

Axiu is not alive? !

How could it be possible, with her eyes open, she could still embroider and water flowers, with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth...

and many more.

After Tan Zuo said this, Wang Qianchen realized that Axiu was not breathing at all!

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