Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 537: Man in black

Breathing should be a behavior that everyone has, so it is often ignored, so that Wang Qianchen didn't pay attention to it before. Ah Xiu can move and open her eyes, but she is indeed not breathing.

"Living dead?" Brick turned back and looked at this scene in surprise.

"Quick, put it in the Qiankun bag!" Tan Zuo didn't explain much, and handed Axiu over again.

Wang Qianchen reached out and grabbed Axiu, but Axiu still smiled faintly without any reaction. Wang Qianchen's thoughts moved, and Axiu turned into a streamer, and was really put into the Qiankun bag.

Seeing this scene, Elder Feng said with a sullen face: "Tan Zuo, do you want to resist to the end?"

"So what?" Tan Zuo took out from his arms, took out several yellow papers, and then threw them into the air. Several zombies in official uniforms of the Qing Dynasty appeared, with their arms stretched forward and their legs stretched. Straight, showing a mouth full of fangs.

The zombies that Tan Zuo raised with his own spiritual power were always one level lower than him.

"There is no medicine to save, take them all back!" Elder Feng finally got extremely angry and waved his hand abruptly.

"It's not over yet!" Tan Zuo squatted down suddenly, slammed a yellow talisman onto the ground, muttered something in his mouth, the talisman clapped with a "hu" sound, and then heard the sound of "kakaka", small In the open space in front of the building, including the courtyard of the small building, some of the stone slabs were cracked, and one after another ragged and corrupted corpses emerged.

Corpse Control!

This is a secret technique spread in Maoshan. In short, it can control the corpse. The strength of these corpses depends on the practitioner's own cultivation, and it will definitely not exceed the practitioner's.

After the corpses emerged from the soil, they let out an indistinct howl, and then walked behind Tan Zuo.

Elder Feng looked sullen: "You buried the body in advance?"

Tan Zuo said: "Yes, just to prevent this day!"

Elder Feng said angrily: "Tan Zuo, you are crazy. Always disturbing the deceased like this will be very detrimental to your own cultivation and spirit!"

Tan Zuo gritted his teeth and said, "I'm protecting myself!"

Elder Feng let out a long sigh, and seemed very disappointed with Tan Zuo. He shook his head and said, "It seems that it's not enough to fire you, but to take you back to face the wall!"

The words fell, and the four elders, Feng, Huo, Lei, and Dian, as well as more than a dozen Maoshan disciples rushed up.

Seeing this, Wang Qianchen immediately took out the demon-suppressing bell, and set up the [Qingming Space] first, so as not to cause large-scale damage. Those zombies and the corpses that broke out later fought against those Maoshan disciples under the manipulation of Tan Zuo. The two sides could not be said to be evenly matched, but were crushed unilaterally.

Those zombies and corpses, even if their strength has reached the rock realm, are not the opponents of those Maoshan disciples at all because of their inflexible hands and feet!

But they have the advantage that they don't know the pain, and they won't die, so they are knocked down again and again, and they can get up again and again, clinging to each other.

However, Tan Zuo didn't plan to rely on these zombies and corpses to make a comeback. As long as he dragged the disciples and repulsed the four elders, he and Wang Qianchen would be able to escape.

But this plan did not go well. Whether Tan Zuo or Wang Qianchen, it is not a problem to deal with an elder alone. Even if Mr. Honglou cannot win, he can still draw a tie with his exquisite swordsmanship, but there are four elders on the opposite side, four!

Three to four, the disadvantage is too great. Wang Qianchen relied on many skills to walk back and forth between different elders, but he could only entangle at most, and could not defeat each other. He couldn't help scolding: "If that guy Du Hong Now, we don't need to be so embarrassed!"

Du Hong said yesterday that he would come, but it has not been seen until today. This person is so unreliable and capricious. No wonder he often makes Yin Luoluo half-dead, and even makes Master Puji kneel in the Valley of Flames and cry bitterly. snot.

But at this moment, there was a sudden sound of "Kakaka" outside the space. It was obvious that someone wanted to forcibly break in, and this person was not weak. After a few times, the space was broken open, and then he got in.

This man was dressed in black and had a black cloth on his face. He couldn't tell who he was at all. He only knew that it was a man, and he also exuded the atmosphere of a wall.

Wang Qianchen thought it was Du Hong, but he was about to scold that you finally came, but his nose twitched slightly and his brows locked.

Is it him?

After the man in black came in, he didn't say any nonsense, looked at the situation in the field, and rushed towards one of the Maoshan elders.

This person also used an iron sword, which is not very good looking at the swordsmanship, but with the blessing of the strength of the wall, it can also exert a lot of power. It was Elder Lei who dealt with him. Elder Lei fought back and shouted coldly: "Who is your Excellency? This is our Maoshan's private affairs, it is best not to interfere."

The man in black didn't speak, and stabbed with sword after sword. This weapon obviously didn't take advantage of his hand, so he was quickly beaten by Elder Lei and retreated step by step.

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