Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 542: escape

During that time, Tan Zuo devoted himself to the experiment. Not to mention, it really made him a small part of his success. Axiu can blink, smile, sew clothes, and water flowers, and his movements are not stiff, but his eyes are slightly demented, and he can't be like a living person. freely.

It is conceivable that Tan Zuo is not satisfied with this. He wants his mother to truly come alive, so that he can speak, hear other people's voices, and even have his own thoughts!

This is a crazy act, no one has ever done it in the past, maybe someone has done it, but it has not been successful, and there is no documentation left.

Tan Zuo is doing all this quietly, and he wants to be the first person in history. It's a pity that it's shackled at this step. It's not difficult to make a corpse move, but it's too difficult to have one's own consciousness. The reason why people can be the spirit of all things is because of the existence of "three souls and seven souls", one less Not even a soul, let alone Axiu, who has nothing but an empty body?

Just when Tan Zuo felt that there was nothing he could do, the [Monster Slayer First Training Camp] started. There had been classes before, but Tan Zuo refused to participate, but this time it was different, Song Epee taught the lessons in person.

Tan Zuo thought to himself, this [Monster Slayer] commander has a lot of knowledge, and there are so many experts in the training camp, maybe he can give some pointers?

Before Tan Zuo left Maoshan, he covered his thatched hut with talismans, not letting Axiu go out or outsiders. At that time, without Tan Zuo's control, Axiu could move on her own. Although she could only complete simple movements, it was still inconvenient for others to know.

After three months of training camp, Tan Zuo returned disappointed, and no one knew the corpse control technique at all. Even if there is, the level is not as good as him. The only thing that interested him was Wang Qianchen's many magical powers, but he later found out that Wang Qianchen couldn't bring the dead back to life. From Wei Zihua's mouth, he learned that Wang Qianchen had also died of several friends, and he still had nothing to do.

Since no one can count on it, you can only rely on yourself.

After Tan Zuo came back, he first joined the demon slayer team in Suzhou, and then rented a house outside, preparing to transfer his mother's body over to continue experiments and research.

Just then, something happened.

Several Maoshan disciples were instructed to go to Houshan to work. When they passed by the thatched cottage where Tan Zuo lived before, they heard a noise inside, and they glanced inside curiously, and then discovered the existence of Axiu.

They didn't think much about it at first, thinking that Tan Zuo had brought his mother up the mountain. Although this matter was illegal, it wasn't too bad. Because Tan Zuo's popularity in Maoshan has always been good, several people planned to keep it a secret at that time, so that the elders and guardians would not know.

Now that I know someone, when they go to the back mountain, they will inevitably pay more attention, and even send some fruits and vegetables there. When they knocked on the door, Ah Xiu didn't respond. Seeing that her mental state was not very good, she opened the door on her own accord and put things in.

However, Ah Xiu suddenly went mad and injured all these disciples.

Then he rushed out of the thatched hut and wounded many Maoshan disciples in succession, only to be subdued by the long-arriving elders. In this way, Tan Zuo's secret was finally discovered, and the head Mao Shijiu summoned him alone and asked him what was going on.

Tan Zuo had to tell the truth, telling about his experiments and plans.

Mao Nineteen was furious, and for the first time severely scolded Tan Zuo, saying that his behavior was too crazy and too dangerous. The corpse control technique cannot be used indiscriminately, let alone the 2.0 version of the corpse control technique?

Axiu only injured someone this time, what if he killed someone next time?

Tan Zuo did not think so.

He said that he had always been in control, and it was the disciples who broke into the house and disturbed Ah Xiu. As long as the talisman is attached, Axiu will not be able to come out, and in the future when Axiu has her own thoughts and consciousness, it will be even less likely to hurt others.

Mao Jiujiu naturally felt that this was Tan Zuo's whims. A corpse, no matter how it was manipulated, no matter how vivid it was, could not have its own thoughts and consciousness.

The current Axiu is a time bomb. I don't know when it will go mad again, and it will be too late to cause irreversible consequences.

Mao Nineteen still prefers Tan Zuo, he ordered Tan Zuo to stop the experiment and properly dispose of A Xiu's body. He knew that Tan Zuo was reluctant to destroy Axiu, and as a master he couldn't bear to do so, so he came up with a compromise idea - to draw an area in the corpse pit and put Axiu in it.

Of course Tan Zuo didn't want to. The corpse pit is a place to suppress zombies. How could he let his mother go to that kind of place!

But Tan Zuo knew that Mao Shijiu had made up his mind, and it was useless to argue and argue, so he pretended to agree to the proposal, and said that he would spend the last day with his mother.

Tan Zuo's innocent face successfully deceived Mao Shijiu.

Mao Nineteen thought he truly regretted it, so he agreed.

That night, Tan Zuo carried Axiu on his back and escaped from Maoshan overnight. The first person he asked for help was naturally the Demon Slayer Team in Gusu City. Shen Jiang was shocked when he found out about this, not only did he not help him, but persuaded him to send Axiu back, because Shen Jiang felt that Mao Nineteen's decision was not wrong.

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