Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 543: someone is coming

Tan Zuo was disappointed and had to leave the Demon Slayer team behind Axiu.

At first, he returned to the house he rented and planned to continue his experiments here, but he remembered that Shen Jiang and others knew about this house, and he was worried that the people from Maoshan would follow the vine and find it again, so he rented several other houses and took Axiu She was placed in one of the rooms, so that even if she was found, Axiu would be safe for the time being.

On the other side, Mao Nineteen was really angry. He was extremely disappointed with this apprentice. Would it be great if everyone followed suit? So he publicly announced that Tan Zuo would be kicked out of the mountain gate, and that Axiu would be taken back and suppressed into the corpse pit.

So what happened afterward.

As for how the Black Bear King targeted Axiu and was madly infatuated with Axiu, Tan Zuo didn't know.

Now it seems that the people from Maoshan have been eyeing Tan Zuo for a long time, but they have not been stunned by the grass, and they just want to follow him to find A Xiu. Tan Zuo was anxious to transfer Axiu, so he fell into the encirclement of Maoshan, and it was thanks to the help of Wang Qianchen and Shen Jiang that he came here smoothly.

"This is how the whole thing went." Tan Zuo said calmly: "Now, are you still going to help me?"

Wang Qianchen looked back at Axiu, the woman was still sewing clothes, with a quiet smile on her face, no matter how she looked, she didn't look like someone who would suddenly go mad.

But she was not a person, she was a corpse.

Humans have thoughts and consciousness, but what the corpse is going to do is out of control.

Anyone with a clear mind would not think that Mao Shijiu's actions were wrong, and this dangerous thing should be suppressed into the corpse pit in Maoshan.

Wang Qianchen turned his head, looked at Tan Zuo and said, "I'll help you."

Tan Zuo showed a puzzled look.

Wang Qianchen said softly: "Actually, I also think that you have done something wrong. Sending your mother to the corpse pit is the best choice. But since you don't want to, then I will help you, but we have to do a good job. Protection, don't let her rush out again."

Tan Zuo was silent for a while, his eyes were slightly red, and he said, "This kind of thing will never happen again. And I'm sure, after a few experiments, my mother will be able to have her own consciousness! At that time, she will definitely not It will go mad and hurt again.”

Wang Qianchen patted Tan Zuo's shoulder to show encouragement.

From the bottom of his heart, Wang Qianchen also doesn't believe that a corpse can still have its own consciousness, but he doesn't want to hit his friends, and he doesn't want to pour a pot of cold water over when his friends are full of enthusiasm.

If you can't help, don't speak rude words, silent support is enough.

What's more, Wang Qianchen can still help a little.

Wang Qianchen said: "It's not safe here, we have to change places. Shen Jiang has come and gone before. I don't doubt him, I believe Captain Shen is a very good person. But he is masked and swordsman, obviously It is to cover up his identity. People in Maoshan are not stupid, and they will soon associate with him. Once his psychological defense line is broken, he may bring people over."

Tan Zuo nodded, indicating that Wang Qianchen's analysis was very reasonable, and said, "Then let's go, and quickly change places."

Tan Zuodang even put away the talisman in the room, then walked over and carried Axiu on his back. During the whole process, Axiu cooperated very well and did not mean to resist at all. It was hard to imagine that she would also violently hurt others.

But this is a fact. Mao Shan injured more than ten disciples, many of whom were bitten on the neck by her.

When he was about to go out, Tan Zuo suddenly remembered something, raised his head and said, "Xiaochen, I'm sorry, I didn't help you."

Wang Qianchen came to Tan Zuo to enter the corpse pit and retrieve some of Wei Zihua's limbs.

Tan Zuo himself was hunted down by Mao Shan, so naturally he couldn't help.

It's a pity that Axiu has been dead for ten years, and the three souls and seven souls have long since disappeared. Otherwise, why would it be so troublesome? Waiting for Wei Zihua's resurrection, with a stroke of the pen, wouldn't it be enough to add some yangshou?

Wang Qianchen shook his head and said, "It's okay, I'll think of other ways after you settle down. Just take care of Axiu, don't have any accidents, or I'll regret it."

If Tan Zuo didn't control it well and let Axiu kill someone, then what Wang Qianchen did today was an accomplice.

Tan Zuo said firmly: "There will never be a second time!"

Wang Qianchen nodded and led Tan Zuo out.

But before he reached the door, Wang Qianchen's expression suddenly changed, he took a step back and said, "Someone is here!"

Tan Zuo was startled: "Who?"

As soon as the word "Who" was written, several figures had already surrounded him. It was the four elders of Wind, Fire, Thunder and Electricity from Maoshan, as well as Shen Jiang, who had left and returned not long ago.

Wang Qianchen's sense of smell and hearing can reach 100 meters, but the distance of 100 meters is too short for these wall experts.

Wang Qianchen and Tan Zuo were once again surrounded by them.

"Captain Shen, you..." Tan Zuo looked at Shen Jiang with a complicated expression.

"Xiao Tan, I'm sorry..." Shen Jiang lowered his head and said, "They found me, and I didn't plan to say..."

Elder Feng took over the conversation and said: "We talked to Captain Shen about the benefits and benefits. Tan Zuo, please wake up, your mother has passed away, and now she is just a zombie! You know what to do when you get lost, and you can turn back, don't make the same mistake again. wrong!"

Tan Zuo's forehead burst with blue veins, and roared: "My mother is not a zombie! She is a body I trained with corpse control, you give me some time, she will come back to life, she will have Your own consciousness!"

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