Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 552: Axiu, wake up

Everyone in Maoshan was furious, but there was nothing they could do about them. One was the captain of Dayuan City's Demon Slayer, and the other was the deacon of Putuo Mountain.

A Dharma protector threw a handful of paper butterflies again and searched all around. The elders and disciples also scattered, trying their best to find Tan Zuo.

Another guardian squatted on the ground and said to Wang Qianchen and Du Hong: "You two, I know that you are loyal to your buddies, but can you think about the consequences of this, are we trying to harm Tan Zuo? We pamper him. It's too late! He did something wrong, and you helped him indiscriminately, but in the end, it ended up hurting him!"

I have to say that these words are still very effective. Both Wang Qianchen and Du Hong were silent, and both of them felt that Tan Zuo was a little stunned. It was indeed for the loyalty of his buddy that he stood by his side.

The guardian continued: "Tell me, where is Tan Zuo?"

Wang Qianchen and Du Hong still kept silent, even if they were wrong, they could only be wrong at this moment, otherwise they would really fall short. The guardian wanted to say something, and the guardian who threw the paper butterfly earlier said, "Don't ask, I found it."

A few people looked back and saw a paper butterfly was hitting a stone wall somewhere.

That place was the small hole where Tan Zuo was, but it was covered up by Wang Qianchen with [Move Scenery].

The protector stepped forward, beckoned to take the paper butterfly back, and then threw a yellow talisman. He heard the sound of "crack, crackle, crackle". After a burst of fire and explosion, the blinding method failed, a slightly narrow hole. appear in front of the crowd.

Wang Qianchen's heart sank, knowing that he was completely exposed.

Du Hong also sighed and said, "We can only help so far!"

Meanwhile, inside the cave.

Tan Zuo had already heard the voice outside, but he ignored it and was busy with his final actions. It wasn't until just now that he completed the last stroke, and then he put his hand on the ground. As the spiritual power slowly poured in, the runes around him lighted up, and then A Xiu's body trembled slightly.

Tan Zuo immediately stepped forward and tore off the rune stuck to Axiu's forehead.

Axiu slowly opened her eyes and said softly, "Little Zuo."

Tan Zuo's tears fell: "Mom, you finally woke up!"

At the same time, footsteps sounded, and several guardians broke in.

"Tan Zuo, come back with us!"

"Tan Zuo, don't be obsessed!"

These guardians love and take responsibility for Tan Zuo deeply. Although they don't want to be rough with him, they have to arrest him.

Tan Zuo picked up A Xiu and said to the Dharma protectors, "My uncles and uncles, I succeeded."

Several of the guardians were brothers of Mao Nineteen. When they heard this, they all looked at Axiu in surprise.

At the same time, Axiu also said: "Little Zuo, there are guests at home? Don't stand stupidly, go pour water!"

Several people were surprised. They thought that Axiu was a corpse, and even if it was able to move, it was due to a secret technique. It was not really able to move, it was equivalent to a puppet.

But now, Ah Xiu can not only move, but also speak!

Although her eyes were still a little demented, she did speak, and she said it fairly accurately. She knew that there were guests, and she knew that Tan Zuo poured water!

How is this possible, Ah Xiu has been dead for ten years, and the three souls and seven souls have long since disappeared without a trace.

For a while, several guardians were dumbfounded, because this scene had shattered the worldview they had created for a long time.

Tan Zuo can really resurrect a corpse?

Then Axiu said, "Little Zuo, are you hungry? Mom will cook for you."

Tan Zuo grabbed Axiu's arm and said, "Mom, I'm not hungry, you don't have to do anything."

Axiu said, "Okay, go and fetch my unfinished clothes."

Tan Zuo said stubbornly, "Mom, you don't have to do anything."

Axiu said, "Why are you still not sleeping? You have to go to school tomorrow."

Tan Zuo stopped talking, and A Xiu stopped talking, still looking like a dementia.

As a result, several guardians also saw that something was wrong.

One of the guardians said: "Tan Zuo, it's amazing how you can turn a corpse into this... But she doesn't seem to have returned to a normal state?"

Tan Zuo nodded and said, "It's a semi-finished product, and we need to continue to experiment."

Another guardian said: "Anyway, this is a big step for success. Tan Zuo, come back with us, let the head take a look, maybe he will allow you to continue the experiment."

"Yeah Tan Zuo, let's go back to Maoshan. The resources there are more abundant and will be more helpful for your next experiments."

"Yes, we will all help you!"

Although Axiu was still a little abnormal, everyone saw hope and was willing to give Tan Zuo another chance.

Tan Zuo hesitated, finally nodded and said, "Okay."

Then, Tan Zuo helped Axiu and walked out of the small hole with several guardians. At this time, some elders and disciples had not yet received the news, and were still searching nearby. There were only a few people outside the cave.

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