Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 553: Don't be so honest

Wang Qianchen and Du Hong were still lying on the ground with immortal ropes tied to their bodies.

They also heard and saw the scene just now. They raised their heads and looked at Tan Zuo and Axiu in surprise. Ah Xiu looked demented, but the moment she came out of the cave, she covered her eyes with her hands and said, "The sun is so big! Little Zuo, don't run around."

Tan Zuo said, "Mom, I don't run around."

Axiu said, "Why don't you go to school?"

Tan Zuo did not speak again.

Tan Zuo didn't speak, and Axiu didn't speak either.

Yes, Ah Xiu still looks wrong, and her memory seems to be stuck before her death. But after all, she has been dead for ten years. It is very good to be in this state. It is a miracle!

Du Hong blurted out directly: "Tan Zuo, you are too awesome! I now admit that you are the second talented student of our training camp!"

In normal times, Tan Zuo would definitely have a good discussion with Du Hong about who the talented student on the first day was, but now he just smiled lightly, his expression even a little complicated.

Wang Qianchen was also excited in his heart. Although Tan Zuo had not yet succeeded, it was already amazing to have reached this point. But for some reason, he had a vague sense of unease, and Tan Zuo himself didn't scream or rejoice, which made him feel more and more that things might not be so simple.

Tracing back to the source, how could a person who has been dead for ten years and whose three souls and seven spirits have long since dissipated really be "resurrected"?

I am afraid that a genuine **** of the underworld like Wei Zihua would say "impossible" when he is alive?

However, everyone in Maoshan was immersed in joy. Everyone felt that this was an incredible progress and praised Tan Zuo's bright future. In such an atmosphere, even if someone has doubts in their hearts, it is impossible to raise them.

A Dharma protector said, "Call the other elders and disciples back and prepare to go back to Maoshan!"

Everyone took action. Du Hong lay on the ground and shouted, "Are you okay? It's okay to untie me. I am the deacon of Putuo Mountain. You are too rude!"

A guardian was about to come up to untie the ropes for Du Hong and Wang Qianchen, when suddenly there was a "boom boom" battle sound not far away, and everyone was very surprised: "What's going on?"

Several guardians hurried to check the situation.

After a while, they returned, and several elders carried a man. This man had obviously experienced a fierce battle. His body was scarred and bloodied, and he was also tied with immortal ties.

It turned out to be Ma Qianli!

These elders said while walking: "The harvest is good, I have caught this Lingzhu!"

With a bang, Ma Qianli was thrown to the ground.

Wang Qianchen and Du Hong were both surprised and asked, "Master Maling, why didn't you leave?"

Ma Qianli said with a sad face: "I originally left, but I was worried about you guys, so I came back to have a look, and they found out!"

Wang Qianchen almost spit out a mouthful of old blood: "Didn't I tell you, we are all right! Lord Maling, I know you are a good person and you are loyal, but let's divide the time!"

Du Hong also said angrily, "That's right, your emotional intelligence is too low, and it's said that we will be fine!"

Ma Qianli said dejectedly: "I just came back to see, I didn't expect to be found..."

The elders were still very excited. Elder Feng gritted his teeth and said, "It's this guy who led a group of monsters at the foot of Maoshan last night! It's really hard to deal with, we can't beat him even if we join forces. Help!"

One of the guardians said: "What nonsense, just kill him! Before leaving, the headmaster explained that this Ma Qianli must be killed, otherwise everyone would dare to come to Maoshan to be arrogant."

Several elders did not say a word, and drew their swords one after another, and Ma Qianli's life was about to be killed on the spot.

Of course Wang Qianchen and Du Hong said anxiously: "Elders and guardians, show mercy! Although Lord Maling is a monster, he is kind and has never killed anyone!"

Tan Zuo also followed: "Yes, uncle, uncle, I asked Master Maling to rescue people yesterday."

Before this, Tan Zuo didn't know Ma Qianli at all, but at this time he had to take the responsibility on himself.

But it's fine that he didn't say this. When he said this, everyone became even more angry, and a guardian said: "Tan Zuo, Maoshan has always been at odds with monsters, you know this, how can you ask monsters? Also, what? He has a good nature and has never killed anyone. It's ridiculous to use such words on a monster! Even if he has never killed anyone, haven't his subordinates ever killed anyone?"

This sentence stopped a few people.

Indeed, even if Ma Qianli has never killed anyone, he is the leader of the Ten Thousand Monsters Association in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. There are not one thousand or eight hundred monsters under his command. Haven't all of them killed anyone? Just an international joke.

At this time, Ma Qianli explained a sentence for himself: "I went from the master of the cave to the master of the mountain, and I have always warned my subordinates not to kill..."

Du Hong immediately said: "Yes, because of this, our Hangzhou Demon Slayer Team has been cooperating with him. During his tenure as Lingzhu, he has helped us solve many cases and killed many monsters. greater than ever!"

Ma Qianli continued: "But if my subordinates killed people in private, I don't know..."

Wang Qianchen said: "Master Maling, there is no need to say this sentence."

Ma Qianli said, "Ah? Needless to say?"

Wang Qianchen said, "Yes, you don't have to be so sincere."

Ma Qianli was silent.

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