Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 562: best home

Mao Shijiu nodded, then stretched out his hand and shook it in front of A Xiu's eyes. A Xiu didn't respond, and still looked demented.

Tan Zuo said: "After the second advancement of the corpse control technique, she could only interact with me, the caster. When I looked at her and spoke, she would also speak to me, and immediately shot me when I was attacked. Protect me. Although it's all conditional launches, I always feel like I can really wake her up..."

Mao Shijiu interrupted him and said, "This corpse has already had a close connection with you, but it's just repeating the previous actions and words. She protected you before she died, so she also protects you now. The associated caster does not have this effect. It is also a great improvement in principle, the only flaw is that once she falls into a madness, you can't control it."

Tan Zuo gritted his teeth and said, "I can control it! I..."

Before the words were finished, Ah Xiu suddenly slapped Mao Jiujiu's chest!


Mao Nineteen was caught off guard, and was slapped back several steps by this palm, and he spat out a large mouthful of blood. This change was really unexpected. Wang Qianchen, Du Hong, and Shen Jiang, who were standing outside the house, were all stunned and rushed in to check the situation.

And Ah Xiu kept walking, ran up to Mao Jiujiu again, and saw that he was about to slap him again.

"Mom! Mom!" Tan Zuo panicked and rushed over to try to stop him.

But just like yesterday, Ah Xiu slammed Huang Fu into the air again and again, and slapped Mao Shijiu with one palm after another. Fortunately, Mao Shijiu was already prepared. After dodging for a few times, he took out the yellow talisman again, and stuck it on Axiu's head with a slap, and Axiu finally stopped moving.

Mao Shijiu gasped lightly, wiped the remaining blood from the corner of his mouth, turned his head and said to Tan Zuo, "Did I mean to attack you just now?"

Tan Zuo was naturally stunned: "No..."

Mao Nineteen said softly, "I said you can't control it, do you believe it now?"

Tan Zuo had nothing to say, just looked at Axiu in confusion, obviously not knowing how things turned out like this. This was completely different from his previous plan, and his eyes lost confidence and determination.

Out of control time and time again, more difficult to control each time.

It was Mao Shijiu, who would be able to stop Ah Xiu if someone else was here?

It is not impossible for the blood to flow into the river and the bones everywhere.

Mao Nineteen patted Tan Zuo's shoulder and said, "Send her to the corpse pit, that is her best home."

Before putting it off, Tan Zuo must be firmly opposed, stubbornly thinking that as long as he does it again, he will definitely wake up his mother. But now, he has no confidence in himself, and after being stunned for a while, he can only nod his head in pain.

Mao Nineteen sighed and said, "Get ready, enter the corpse pit later, and seal your mother with your own hands!"

Tan Zuo was silent and could only nod his head, looking at Axiu with a reluctant look in his eyes.

But he had no choice and no choice.

This trip to the back of the mountain not only failed to get Mao Shijiu to help, but instead accelerated the plan to send Axiu to the corpse pit.

Wang Qianchen, Du Hong, and Shen Jiang came over, some patted him on the shoulder, some pulled his arm, trying to soothe his emotions.

Mao Shijiu said, "The corpse pit is heavy with yin, so you can prepare more glutinous rice to take with you later."

For thousands of years, dozens of zombie kings with high morality have been sealed in the corpse pit. Even if they lose their ability to move, they are still gloomy, and those with low realm will be affected.

Tan Zuo gave a soft "um", suddenly remembered something, and said, "Master, let Xiaochen go together!"

Mao Nineteen was stunned for a moment and asked, "Why?"

Tan Zuo was originally in a mess, and his mind was full of things about his mother, Axiu, but Mao Shijiu repeatedly mentioned the corpse pit, which finally reminded him of Wang Qianchen's purpose of going to Gusu City—some of Wei Zihua's limbs may be In the corpse pit in Maoshan, Wang Qianchen needs to take it out in person!

If you want to enter the corpse pit left and right, it is better to help Wang Qianchen by the way.

In front of Mao Shijiu, Tan Zuo definitely couldn't say that, he said: "Since this incident, Xiaochen has been by my side, helping and supporting me, and now there is a result, let him go with me. Well, it has a beginning and an end.”

This reason sounds a bit blunt at first, but it is not completely illogical.

Tan Zuo thought about it for a while, and felt that it was a bit strange to call Wang Qianchen alone, so he added: "And Du Hong and Captain Shen, let them go too."

Then look back at the few people: "Can you?"

Of course, several people had no objection, and nodded in succession.

The corpse pit is a forbidden place in Maoshan, not to mention outsiders cannot enter, even inside Maoshan, not everyone can enter. Mao Jiujiu must have been reluctant, but seeing that several children had already negotiated, fortunately they are not bad people, plus he really doted on Tan Zuo's apprentice, and the seal was Tan Zuo's mother, so he nodded and said: "Then let's go together, but be careful when you go in. The ancestor is still in retreat, so don't disturb him."

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