Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 563: He succeeded

A few people of course agreed. Du Hong even wanted to give Tan a thumbs up, praising him for killing two birds with one stone and quick thinking, but Wang Qianchen patted his hand back and said in a low voice, "Don't be so low on emotional intelligence!"

Wang Qianchen was of course very happy to be able to get back some of Wei Zihua's limbs, but he didn't think this happiness should override Tan Zuo's pain. Tan Zuo was already sad enough to send his mother into the corpse pit with his own hands, and there was no need to be happy in front of him.

After the plan was finalized, Tan Zuo went out to prepare glutinous rice. Of course, Maoshan was not short of this stuff. There was a lot in the warehouse, but he had to get it.

Mao Shijiu stayed in the room to check if there was anything else unusual about Axiu, while Wang Qianchen and others stayed at the door of the room, waiting for Tan Zuo to return.

inside the house.

Mao Nineteen stood in front of Axiu and said in a low voice, "Thank you for your hard work."

Axiu had a yellow talisman on her head, and she could not move or speak. Even without the yellow talisman, she could only talk to Tan Zuo. But she actually opened her mouth: "Mao Zhangmen, it's you who worked hard, didn't that palm hurt you just now?"

Mao Nineteen said, "No, Xiao Hu, I will send you to the corpse pit later, you have to stay there forever."

Axiu said, "Understood."

This conversation was not supposed to be heard by others, but Wang Qianchen, a coward, heard it!

Wang Qianchen turned around in surprise and looked into the room in disbelief.

Mao Nineteen felt his gaze, his face quickly sank, and his brows furrowed.

Immediately afterwards, Mao Nineteen walked out of the thatched hut and said, "Captain Wang, come in and get down."

Wang Qianchen's expression was uncertain, and he didn't know if he should go in. The scene just now was too terrifying. Mao Nineteen was able to talk to A Xiu, and A Xiu behaved like a normal person, there was no sign of a zombie at all!

And listening to the conversation between the two of them, Ah Xiu suddenly went crazy just now and slapped Mao Shijiu with a palm. Was it all arranged?

what happened?

Is Axiu really resurrected? If so, why send her to the corpse pit?

Many doubts lingered in Wang Qianchen's heart, so he had strong doubts and doubts about Mao Nineteen. Mao Nineteen let him in, but he couldn't move a little, worried that he would also be sealed with a yellow talisman in the corpse pit.

"Master Mao called you, hurry in! You may be surprised by your skeleton, and you are going to accept you as a disciple. In the future, you are also a little old man, and you can't marry a wife!" Du Hong suddenly pushed Wang Qianchen excitedly.

Wang Qianchen looked at Du Hong with a complicated expression. He wanted to tell him the secret just now, but seeing how his mind was not very good, he felt that it would make no difference whether he said it or not.

That's all, this is Mao Shan, everything is under Mao Nineteen's control, what kind of flowers can he find?

Wang Qianchen gritted his teeth and bravely stepped into the room.

Mao Nineteen's face was sullen, and he said in a low voice, "Can you hear our conversation just now?"

Wang Qianchen could only nod his head. In front of the head of Maoshan, all the lies seemed to lose their meaning.

Mao Nineteen looked back at Axiu and sighed softly.

And Axiu said again: "Xiaochen, don't tell Tan Zuo."

Wang Qianchen watched this scene in horror. This is definitely not a repetition of what he said before his death. Ten years ago, he didn't know Ah Xiu at all!

But it can also be noticed that neither A Xiu nor Mao Shijiu has any ill will towards him.

Wang Qianchen's scalp was numb and asked, "What's going on?"

Axiu was about to open her mouth to speak, but her eyes became demented again, and her whole body remained motionless.

Mao Jiujiu put his hands behind his back and said solemnly: "After Tan Zuo went to the training camp, it didn't take long for me to discover the existence of A Xiu. Because I have always wondered what he was doing in the back mountain alone."

"...So, he actually succeeded, did he really resurrect Axiu?" Wang Qianchen asked tremblingly.

"Yes." Mao Nineteen said, "Although Axiu has been dead for ten years, for some reason, the three spirits and seven spirits did not completely dissipate, but one spirit and one spirit remained. This is incredible, Axiu. As an ordinary person, it is impossible for the soul to stay for so long, but this happened. So Tan Zuo used the corpse control technique, made mistakes and made mistakes, and really resurrected Ah Xiu! But you know, a If a person wants to have a clear consciousness and thought, he must have three souls and seven souls. Axiu has only one soul and one soul, so there is very little time when he is awake, and most of the time he is confused and confused, and has no real zombies Different. I was thinking, to see if there is any way to help her fill up her soul, and at this moment, her hurting incident happened suddenly..."

That was the first time Ah Xiu hurt someone. In Maoshan, dozens of disciples were injured.

"I realized that Axiu must not stay. She only has one soul and one soul, which cannot support her to truly live. Moreover, her only remaining soul and soul are gradually dissipating, and then she will become a real Zombie! I discussed with Tan Zuo and sent his mother to the corpse pit. He promised me on the surface, but in fact, he quietly carried his mother down the mountain... You should already know about the future."

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