Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 570: Well-connected

"What's wrong with the monks, can't monks **** your mother?!" Du Hong said the more and more angry, and slapped Shen Jiang on the head.

"Don't fight...don't fight..." Tan Zuo was panting, his expression was very painful, and he wanted to reach out to stop him.

"Okay, I won't fight, save your energy!" Du Hong hurriedly reassured Tan Zuo, "but you'd better not have any hope for this guy, I bet it's definitely the monster he released!"

Du Hong vowed that he had come out of Wanjian Cave.

"...Now, don't fight for now!" Tan Zuo said with difficulty, looking back at the battle on the field.

Mao Nineteen and A Xiu were not Roychet's opponents, so they reluctantly held back the monster because A Xiu was not afraid of pain or death. Axiu rushed towards Roychet again and again and was shot away again and again. Tan Zuo looked very distressed, but couldn't help but say, "Why do I feel that my mother seems to be alive? "

Du Hong patted him on the shoulder and said, "Xiao Tan, I understand your intentions, but I still want to persuade you that your mother is already dead, don't always have illusions, it's easy to get into the horns, as your father... No, as your brother, I don't want to see you like this!"

Tan Zuo nodded and said, "But my mother and my master are not the opponents of that monster!"

Du Hong said: "It's okay, Xiaochen has gone to call you people from Maoshan."

Speaking of the people from Maoshan, Du Hong suddenly remembered something, and turned his head to look in a certain direction: "It's all like this, why is your ancestor still in retreat, and he doesn't know how to help the leader, so he won't be like my master. …”

Du Hong originally wanted to say that he would not pass away like my master, but he thought that this was the secret of Putuo Mountain, and stopped again.

After Du Hong's reminder, Tan Zuo also looked in the direction of the ancestor of Maoshan. The figure was indeed motionless and as stable as Mount Tai. When Tan Zuo went up the mountain, the ancestor often retreated, and there was never any intersection. At this time, it was not easy to make a judgment, so he said: "Maybe I think my master and the others are enough to deal with this monster..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Mao Nineteen was knocked out again.

Mao Nineteen had at least vomited seven or eight mouthfuls of blood, and he was almost unable to stand up, but he rushed up again.

Looking at the figure of the ancestor Maoshan still indifferent, Du Hong muttered: "Emotional intelligence is too low..."

At the same time, Wang Qianchen had already rushed to the door of the corpse pit, and was about to fly to the front mountain to call someone—of course it is extremely impolite to fly in such a place, but at this time, he can’t care about so much—but Hearing the continuous sound of "Boom Boom", I immediately flew to a high place to take a look, and saw that Maoshan was already in chaos, and many Maoshan disciples were fighting a group of monsters.

"What's going on?!" Wang Qianchen was extremely surprised. He didn't expect a few people to enter the corpse pit for a while, and the outside turned out to be such a mess!

Suddenly there was the sound of "hula la" in the air, Wang Qianchen looked up, and it was the Black Bear King who stepped on the Nighthawk to arrive.

Wang Qianchen stared, unable to believe the scene in front of him, and the Black Bear King didn't bother to pay attention to him, and stepped on Nighthawk directly into the corpse pit.


As soon as the Black Bear King entered the corpse pit, he saw that Axiu was being beaten by a monster. He was furious and rushed up immediately.

Mao Nineteen looked back and was extremely surprised: "Black Bear King?!"

As the head of Maoshan, of course he knew the famous Demon King, and thought that the Black Bear King and Roychet were in the same group.

Unexpectedly, the Black Bear King did not attack him, but pounced on Roichette.

"Where is the ugly monster, dare to touch Axiu!" The black bear king was furious, waving a pair of fleshy palms and slapped Roychet. These fleshy palms are his weapons. They are rough-skinned, thick-skinned, and powerful. They are no worse than conventional weapons. They can often slap people into pieces with one palm.

Coincidentally, Roychet also used his palms, the two demons slammed into a pair, and the Black Bear King flew out directly, and rolled several times with a bang.

Mao Nineteen was confused and asked suspiciously, "King Black Bear, what do you mean?"

The Black Bear King said, "None of your business!"

Saying that, he jumped up and pounced on Roychet again. No matter how stupid Mao Nineteen was, he could see that the two demons were not a gang. Even if the Black Bear King wasn't a friend, at least he wasn't an enemy, he immediately regained his spirits and rushed forward again waving his sword, throwing some talismans on Roychet from time to time.

Ah Xiu was grateful for Mao Shijiu's long-term care for Tan Zuo. Naturally, it was her duty. The three fought against Roychet, and the sound of "boom blah blah" kept ringing on the scene.

The IQ of this Roychet is not high, and he is not much stronger than the previous stone statue Boom, but his strength is really tough, and the three mountains can't handle him, but he is finally entangled.

While attacking Roychet, the Black Bear King asked, "Axiu, how are you, are you seriously injured? Stop hitting him, I'll just hit him!"

Ah Xiu didn't answer, but kept clapping her hands.

Du Hong turned his head to Tan Zuo and said, "Your mother is very well-connected!"

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