Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 571: Mao's home

Faced with this scene, Tan Zuo was also very confused. He heard Wang Qianchen talk about the Black Bear King, and knew that the Black Bear King had "harassed" his mother more than once, and now he has followed him to the corpse pit again. What is this monster trying to do?

The black bear king entered the corpse pit originally to save A Xiu, but he ended up fighting with Roychet in a confused way. After several inquiries, A Xiu ignored him and had to ask Mao Jiujiu: "What's the matter? , where did the monster come from?"

Mao Nineteen said, "I don't know either! Also, how did you come here?"

The Black Bear King said, "None of your business!"

Mao Nineteen: "..."

In any case, because of the addition of the Black Bear King, Mao Nineteen and A Xiu did feel relieved, but it was still a little impossible to completely defeat Roychet.

The Black Bear King said, "Why is that old ancestor of yours still sitting there, let him come up and help quickly!"

Mao Nineteen said, "It's none of your business!"

Black Bear King: "..."

After pulling back a round, Mao Nineteen felt extremely happy in his heart, and turned his head and shouted outside: "Captain Wang, haven't you called anyone yet?"

Wang Qianchen also looked at the black bear king in a daze, and was suddenly awakened by this shout. Just as he was about to say that Maoshan was in chaos, he heard the sound of "hula la" coming from the air again.

Looking up, it was the Golden Eagle King who came down!

The Golden Eagle King, as the backup force for the Black Bear King's attack on Maoshan, originally did not participate in other battles, and waited wholeheartedly for the ancestor of Maoshan. He watched everything in the air, saw that the Black Bear King had entered the corpse pit without moving for a long time, and then saw Wang Qianchen appear on the edge of the pit, so he fell down to see what was going on.

"King Eagle?!" Wang Qianchen was naturally surprised.

"Why are you here?" the Golden Eagle King asked.

Just as Wang Qianchen was about to answer, the Black Bear King heard the voice and immediately shouted: "Lao Jin, come in and help!"

"Don't call me Lao Jin, we're not that familiar yet!" Hearing the sound of fighting in the pit, King Golden Eagle thought that King Black Bear and Patriarch Maoshan had already fought, so he rushed in while talking impatiently. Ready to save people.

As for Wang Qianchen, he didn't care that much. After all, he was just a cave master under Lang Baibai.

The Golden Eagle King rushed into the pit, but was stunned by the scene in front of him. He saw the Black Bear King, Mao Shijiu, and A Xiu besieging an ugly monster.

"What's the situation?" King Golden Eagle looked puzzled.

"Don't ask, come and help!" In fact, the Black Bear King didn't know what was going on, so he had no way to answer.

"What can I do for you, the two of us agreed, I'll only help you escape, not fight... If you want to leave, I'll take you away!" The Golden Eagle King folded his wings and stood beside him watching the play. .

"Stop talking nonsense, come and help me quickly, and I'll let you fight twice after everything is done, and never fight back!" The Black Bear King shouted again.

"It's settled!" The Golden Eagle King spread his wings and flew towards the battlefield with a "hula" sound.

The Golden Eagle King's hands turned into sharp claws, attacking from the air, and in a short while he scratched Roichette's head with blood. Wang Qianchen also rushed up. He did not play against Roychet at close range, but instead looked for an opportunity to produce strong light from his eyes, constantly piercing Roychet's eyes.

Seeing this, Du Hong couldn't hold back his loneliness, and rushed up to stand on the side and threw a fireball at Roichette.

Although Roychet is a powerful monster, his IQ is too low, and he has almost no intelligence at all, so his strength is still much worse than those of the real big monsters. Even so, it is still a little difficult for the four mountain realms to deal with one extreme realm, and the assistance of Wang Qianchen and Du Hong is also a drop in the bucket.

The black bear king said loudly, "Mao Jiujin, aren't there many zombie kings here, let them out to help!"

Mao Nineteen said, "It's okay to let it go, but it's hard to take it back!"

The Black Bear King said, "What's the difficulty, then Lao Jin and I will help you!"

King Golden Eagle said: "Don't call me Lao Jin, we are not so familiar with each other, and we are really good!"

Mao Nineteen said, "Really?"

The Black Bear King said: "Damn, our dignified demon king, maybe it's not a word to talk about, and it's not a joke if it spreads out? Hurry up, or we will all die here!"

Mao Jiujiu gritted his teeth and finally made up his mind. Taking advantage of the Black Bear King, Golden Eagle King and Ah Xiu to contain Roychet, he immediately flew to the coffins that had been dusty for many years, recalled which zombies were easier to deal with, and reached out to take those zombies out. The talismans that had been pasted for many years were torn off.

With the sound of "boom blah blah", the lids of the coffins were blown away, and several zombie kings with deep Taoism jumped out. These zombie kings came from various dynasties, and they wore all kinds of clothes, and they were different in height, short, fat and thin. Some looked handsome, while others only had a skeleton left. Compared with Ah Xiu, their movements were naturally less flexible, but under Mao Shijiu's "corpse control technique", they all attacked Roychette together.

In the end is Mao Shijiu's home court!

With the help of these zombie kings, the next battle was much smoother. After a hard and fierce battle, Roichette's body swayed, and finally fell to the ground covered in blood with a "bang", turning into a steel knife riddled with holes and glowing red.

The Black Bear King and the Golden Eagle King also did what they said, and really helped Mao Nineteen to reseal the zombie kings who were jumping around. Mao Shijiu was really tired, he sat on the ground with his buttocks, gasping for breath. After struggling to finish the battle, he was completely injured and exhausted. But recalling the scene just now is still a little dazed. First of all, it is unknown where this supernatural monster came from, and secondly, it has cooperated with two famous monster kings, which is even more difficult to understand and cannot believe. matter.

No matter what, everyone helped him, Mao Nineteen turned around with difficulty and said, "Thank you two..."

Before he could finish speaking, his eyes widened, because the Black Bear King actually picked up the scarred Axiu and threw himself on the golden eagle king next to him, who turned into a huge golden eagle with two wings. Zhen flew out of the pit.

Axiu had just experienced a fierce battle. Although she could not feel any pain at all, the injured area still affected her movements, so she had no power to fight back.

"What are you doing!" Mao Nineteen growled.

"None of your business!" The Black Bear King scolded, sat on the Golden Eagle King's back, and flew out of the pit.

As for the Nighthawk who came with him, he has long since flown to where.

Wang Qianchen was surprised, and hurriedly chased out, where can he catch up?

"Mom—" Tan Zuo cried out, struggling to stand up, but because of his own injury, he fell to the ground with a "pop".

Du Hong hurriedly picked him up and comforted him: "It's okay, it seems that those two demon kings have no intention of harming your mother! Your mother is so well-connected, there will be nothing wrong!"

How could Tan Zuo hear it, and kept roaring and crying: "Mom! Mom!"

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