Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 575: this is my son


A group of disciples are busy taking care of the aftermath. Some of them are taking care of the wounded and some are cleaning up the rubble. At this time, they can see the importance of [Qingming Space]. If there is no such thing, if the building is destroyed, it is really destroyed. trouble.

And in the corpse pit, Mao Shijiu was also devastated. He made many calls in a row, and he asked the Black Bear King several times, but there was still no news.

Wang Qianchen had no choice, he could only contact Ma Qianli, but Ma Qianli didn't do anything, and he was scolded by others.

With the help of the medical practitioners, Tan Zuo's injury has healed a lot, but he sat on the side anxiously, not knowing how to get his mother back.

Du Hong persuaded him: "You really don't have to worry, I think that black bear king is very good to your mother, at most there are multiple fathers, wouldn't it be good to have a demon king as a backer in the future?"

Wang Qianchen said: "You should say a few words less!"

Du Hong said, "What's the matter, am I making no sense?"

Wang Qianchen said, "Can I find a demon king father for you?"

Du Hong said: "No problem, let alone the demon king, the demon emperor and demon ancestor are better, but unfortunately I don't have a mother..."

Several people were talking when they heard the sound of "crashing" from outside the pit, and someone shouted: "The Black Bear King is back!"

Everyone raised their heads one after another, and saw that the Black Bear King came roaring on a nighthawk, holding a woman in his arms, it was Ah Xiu! Most of the people in Maoshan were busy in the front mountain, and there were only some guardians and elders in the back mountain. Seeing this scene, they drew their swords and even formed a battle. Although the corpse pit is a forbidden place, at this time, there is no need to care so much.

Du Hong turned his head and said to Tan Zuo excitedly, "Your dad is here!"

Tan Zuo couldn't bear it any longer, and finally scolded, "Go away!" He also staggered to his feet.

Standing in the air, the Black Bear King said, "Mao Nineteen, is this how you treat guests? You just helped you kill monsters for nothing, didn't you?"

Mao Nineteen quickly waved his hand and said, "Everyone, stop!"

The guardians and elders put away their swords, and the black bear king said coldly, "Go down!"

Nighthawk listened to the order and immediately dived towards the corpse pit, but because of the constant trembling of his body, the Black Bear King almost became unstable.

"Are you trembling?" said the Black Bear King angrily.

"A lot of guardians, elders, and their leaders..." Nighthawk trembled uncontrollably.

"Look at your potential! Tumbling, I don't need you anymore, stand by in the sky!" The Black Bear King scolded, jumped out of the sky with a bang, and landed in the center of the corpse pit with a bang. The body is steady, and the eyes are looking left and right like a knife, really domineering.

Mao Nineteen limped up to meet him, and said helplessly, "You're here!"

He also had medical practitioners to help heal his injuries, but he wasn't completely healed.

The Black Bear King glanced at him and said indifferently, "Is the coffin ready?"

Mao Nineteen nodded and said, "It's already ready!"

Tan Zuo couldn't hold back for a long time, and he also limped over and shouted at Axiu in the arms of the Black Bear King, "Mom!"

Ah Xiu didn't respond, her eyes were dementia.

A trace of disappointment flashed in Tan Zuo's eyes. Before Mao Shijiu called A Xiu away, he thought that A Xiu was really alive, but now it seemed like an advanced corpse control technique.

The Black Bear King turned his head: "Are you Tan Zuo?"

Tan Zuo nodded in confusion.

The black bear king said: "Okay, you will be my son from now on, call me anytime if you have anything! Whoever bullies you, whoever makes you embarrassed, just find me!"

Tan Zuo: "..."

Mao Nineteen: "..."

Everyone: "..."

No one noticed, even A Xiu, who was originally motionless, trembled slightly. If it weren't for the inconvenience of speaking, I would have to stand up and slap the Black Bear King in a big fight.

Only Du Hong turned his head to Wang Qianchen and said, "Look, what did I say?"

"Of course, don't misunderstand everyone!" The Black Bear King said loudly, "I have nothing to do with Axiu. She had saved my life back then, but now she has passed away. I plan to repay this kindness to her son! So, I plan to accept Tan Zuo as my adopted son!"

He lowered his head and said to Tan Zuo, "Would you like to?"

Tan Zuo: "I don't want to."

Black Bear King: "..."

The Black Bear King asked in surprise: "Why? With my demon king father, isn't it very convenient for you to walk around the rivers and lakes?"

Tan Zuo still shook his head: "I'm a disciple of Maoshan, and my duty is to slay demons and eliminate demons. I won't recognize monsters as my father."

Du Hong just wanted to add two words, but Wang Qianchen immediately covered his mouth like a prophet.

"Woo-hoo--" Du Hong showed dissatisfaction.

"No matter what you want to say, it's inappropriate now!" Wang Qianchen said fiercely, knowing that his dog's mouth couldn't spit out ivory.

Du Hong had to shut his mouth.

The Black Bear King had an embarrassed look on his face, as if he would not be able to get off the stage. He never expected that his dignified Demon King would have such a humiliating moment. If it wasn't for Axiu's son, he would have left long ago.

"Okay... It's okay not to be my adopted son. Anyway, if you have anything in the future, you can come to me anytime!" The Black Bear King said, and handed Axiu in his arms to Mao Nineteen.

Tan Zuogang wanted to say that he would not look for you if he had something, but Mao Jiujiu stopped him with his eyes.

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