Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 576: rest in peace mom

Mao Nineteen took Axiu and said with a smile, "Thank you for your kindness, but if Tan Zuo has anything to do, I will take care of it by my master. I can't do it, and there is also the entire Maoshan Mountain, so I won't bother the Black Bear King."

Mao Jiujiu handed Axiu to Tan Zuo, and Tan Zuo immediately checked Axiu's injuries and found that everything had been treated. Although it was a little rough, he could see the intention.

The Black Bear King said dissatisfiedly, "You dealt with that Kakarot before, why didn't you tell me not to trouble me?"

Mao Nineteen corrected: "What Kakarot, do you think Dragon Ball? It's called Roychet, the most famous demon sword in Malaysia!" Then he added: "This is this, this is that, we need trouble before, Don't bother now."

The Black Bear King raised his eyebrows and said, "Are you just crossing the river and demolishing the bridge?"

A Dharma protector suddenly said, "I just crossed the river and demolished the bridge. What do you want?"

The Black Bear King turned his head sharply: "Does this have your share of words?"

When he said the last word, the Black Bear King suddenly rushed in front of him and slapped him out!


In the corpse pit, a group of guardians and elders drew their swords one after another, all looking at the Black Bear King angrily.

"What do you think?" Mao Nineteen was also angry, and drew his sword as well.

The Black Bear King wasn't so angry in the first place. The people in Maoshan treated him like this very normal. The main reason was that Tan Zuo rejected him, which made him feel a little uneasy, and he couldn't attack Tan Zuo, so he had to spread his anger on others.

The black bear king said coldly: "Why, I just helped you to deal with a big monster in Maoshan, and now you are going to turn around and destroy me?"

Mao Nineteen said: "We have absolutely no intention of this! Black Bear King, I must be grateful for your help before, but that doesn't mean you can do anything wrong in Maoshan!"

The Black Bear King said, "I'm doing something wrong, what do you want?"

Mao Nineteen said, "Then let you see Mao Shan's strength!"

In the corpse pit, a murderous aura erupted for a while!

Outside the pit, Nighthawk hovered in the air, watching this scene with anxiety.

In the face of the siege, the Black Bear King was not at all afraid, and said coldly: "I dare to come alone, but I am afraid that you will play this trick? Yes, I admit, if you go together, I will not survive, but you And don't forget where it is!"

Mao Nineteen frowned and said, "What do you mean?"

The Black Bear King said: "Before the battle against Roychet, I asked you to release the Zombie Kings. You said it was okay to put them away or not. I said that Lao Jin and I will help you, it doesn't matter. Even so, when you released those Zombie Kings , is also selectively unblocked, so it can be seen that there are some zombies, even if the three of us work together, we can't take them back! If you dare to besiege me here, I will release all those zombies, and then I will pat my **** and leave , Your Maoshan is about to suffer a disaster, right?"

"You..." Mao Nineteen's expression was uncertain.

This is indeed a shortcoming of Maoshan, those zombies can't be killed at all, they can only be suppressed here. In the past, the ancestor was still alive. With him here, I am not afraid of these zombies making trouble. Now...

The Black Bear King glanced at the ancestor of Maoshan intentionally or unintentionally, and seemed to have realized something.

Mao Nineteen said in a deep voice, "Okay, let's go!"

"I have to watch Ah Xiu enter the corpse before I leave!" The Black Bear King did not pursue further investigations, but said with his arms folded.

Mao Shijiu didn't stop him, so he and Tan Zuo came to a certain coffin.

After Tan Zuo put Axiu in, he and Mao Shijiu lifted the lid of the coffin full of talismans and slowly closed it.

"Mom, rest in peace!" Tan Zuo's eyes were red, and tears slowly fell.

The black bear king's eye circles also turned red, but he wiped his eyes quickly so that no one else could see this scene.

"Tan Zuo, whether you recognize me as a foster father or not, I will treat you as an adopted son! I will put my words here, as long as it is your business, I will definitely take responsibility!" ” jumped up into the sky with a sound, and stepped on the back of the nighthawk justly.

"Mao Nineteen, there will be a period in the future—" The Black Bear King's voice echoed above Maoshan.

Although the speed of the Nighthawk was not as fast as that of the Golden Eagle King, it was not slow. Especially in this situation, it exerted its extreme speed and disappeared in an instant.

"Why are you flying so fast, I haven't finished speaking, and I haven't finished pretending!" said the Black Bear King angrily.

"King Xiong, I have this strength..." Nighthawk flew even harder, for fear that the people from Maoshan would catch up.

in the corpse pit.

After Ah Xiu was buried, Tan Zuo threw himself on the coffin and cried for a while.

Years of persistence and belief have been wiped out at this moment, how could it not be sad?

Wang Qianchen thought to himself: "Axiu still has a soul and a soul, and her body is also there. I wonder if Wei Zihua can revive her? Let's ask him when he dreams again."

If there is a soul, it means that it has not been reincarnated. Maybe there is really hope?

After Mao Jiujiu dismissed the other guardians, elders, and disciples, he came to Wang Qianchen and Du Hong and said, "Please comfort him."

The two nodded and were about to walk over when Mao Nineteen's eyes fell on Shen Jiang again.

"By the way, why did you bind Captain Shen?"

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