Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 578: The boat is done

Several people caught the pill and looked at it one after another, and it turned out to be slightly transparent and ethereal, and it was impossible to see what material it was.

Song Cepeng looked at the group with a smile, waiting for them to take it. Wang Qianchen was a little hesitant about whether to eat it or not. In the past, he must have eaten it without saying a word. Now, because of Wei Zihua, he is a little suspicious of Song Epee's intentions. What if the commander-in-chief is not at ease?

Tan Zuo and Du Hong didn't have this concern, they were all eager to try, ready to swallow.

Du Hong said excitedly, "Director Song, are you sure you can give us something so good?"

Song Cepeng said: "Shen Jiang was caught by you. Whoever you don't eat? You should enjoy this benefit!"

Du Hong was finally completely relieved, he stretched out his hand to put it in his mouth, suddenly remembered something, and turned back and asked, "Xiaochen, what state are you in now?"

Wang Qianchen was stunned for a moment and said, "It's still in the early days, why?"

Without the help of demonic energy, Wang Qianchen was a pure ordinary person when he was cultivating one. After he was promoted to the wall, it was even more slow, and he is still at the edge of the initial stage today.

Fortunately, everyone has become accustomed to his extremely slow cultivation speed, and suddenly broke through a large level one day, so it is not surprising.

Du Hong smiled and asked Tan Zuo again, "What about you, what state are you in?"

Tan Zuo said: "I am in the late stage of the wall."

Du Hong said, "I'm in the late stage too!"

Wang Qianchen smacked his lips lightly, saying that it was a lie not to envy others, look at the speed of others' cultivation, and then look at himself. peak.

I heard Du Hong say: "Guangfuhui promised that after Shen Jiang opened the gourd in the corpse pit, it would help him upgrade to the peak realm, but they sent three pills. Shen Jiang is now in the middle stage of the wall realm, so we can push these three Pills can help him break through a small realm. In this way, I will give Xiaochen my pills to help him reach a higher level."

When Tan Zuo heard it, he nodded and said, "I also give Xiaochen mine."

Du Hong said with a smile: "I have no morals to kidnap you! I am me, you are you."

Tan Zuo said: "No, I originally wanted to do this."

The two gave the pills to Wang Qianchen together.

Wang Qianchen hurriedly waved his hand and said, "No, no, you can eat it by yourself. How good is it that you can break through the peak after eating?"

"It's okay, our cultivation speed is very fast, without this thing, we can quickly rise to the peak!"

"That's right, hurry up and eat, don't be polite to us!"

The two stubbornly stuffed the pills into Wang Qianchen's hands, seeing that he never accepted them, and even stuffed them into his mouth. Wang Qianchen gritted his teeth tightly, just not letting the two succeed.

Seeing that this thing was about to start fighting, Du Hong got angry, directly took out a piece of immortal binding rope, tied Wang Qianchen firmly, and then pinched his cheek, forced him to open his mouth, and put the pill. stuffed in.

Song Chongjian looked at this scene with a smile, but did not stop him.

Wang Qianchen complained in his heart. Apart from being embarrassed to accept the gift from the two, he also did not want to take the pills so quickly because he was a little suspicious of Song epee. As a result, Du Hong and Tan Zuo had already been stuffed into his mouth.

"Hurry up, why is there so much nonsense!" Du Hong took Wang Qianchen's pill and stuffed it into his mouth.

At this point, all three pills were swallowed by Wang Qianchen. But after several minutes, Wang Qianchen didn't respond, and Du Hong asked strangely, "Is this pill ineffective?"

Song Chongjian said: "The immortal-bound cable binds his spiritual power."

Du Hong suddenly realized, and quickly released Wang Qianchen. At the same time, Wang Qianchen felt a heat in his stomach, and then he broke through the middle and late stages in a row, and finally reached the peak of the wall, and he was only one step away from the peak!

Feeling the breath emanating from Wang Qianchen, Du Hong and Tan Zuo nodded in satisfaction.

Wang Qianchen tried to operate the spiritual power in his body, but did not notice anything unusual. On the one hand, he felt that the evil spirit was powerful, and on the other hand, he felt that his suspicion of Song Chongjian was a bit too much. How good is Song Chongjian to him, when is there something good that you don't want to miss him? Wei Zihua's refusal to tell Song Epee does not necessarily mean that Song Epee is a bad person, maybe just out of some hardships.

"Yes, this pill really works." Song Chongjian nodded first, then murmured, "This evil **** is far more terrifying than I imagined! Although I don't know his true strength, he is definitely above me... Above me, isn't it in the super-dust realm? Are there people in the super-dust realm under the sky? Could it be that the Heretic God is really a god? Then why wasn't he sucked away by the vortex?"

This is what his commander-in-chief should consider.

A few young people definitely couldn't think of things that far. Du Hong and Tan Zuo excitedly surrounded Wang Qianchen and kept saying yes, yes, congratulations.

Wang Qianchen looked at the two helplessly and said what are you doing, pity me?

Du Hong said yes, we are all in the late stage, you are still in the early stage, isn't it worth pity?

Tan Zuo said earnestly, "Thank you for your help in my mother's matter this time, so let's take it as a reward."

Du Hong raised his eyebrows and said, "Emotional intelligence is too low, how can this matter be stated clearly, it seems that Xiaochen is helping you for the sake of the pills!"

The boat is done, and Wang Qianchen has no choice but to think: "Look back and wait for the big brother Yaoqi to wake up, and take you to the peak together!"

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