Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 579: Fairies are fairies

Song Chongjian got up and said, "Okay, you guys stay here, I'll go back first."

Tan Zuo suddenly asked: "Commander Song, Captain Shen... How should Shen Jiang deal with it?"

After all, he was his former captain, so he still had to ask.

Song Chongjian said: "I don't know, let it be handled by a military court."

Tan Zuo stopped talking.

Song Chongjian walked to the door, suddenly remembered something, turned around and said, "Wang Qianchen, come out and get down."

Wang Qianchen was stunned for a moment, as if he had expected something, but he still pretended to be inexplicable and followed Song Chongjian to the outside of the house.

It was late at night, and the whole Maoshan was silent. The lively and hustle and bustle of the day was gone at this moment, only one or two insect or bird calls came from time to time.

Looking at the large hall in the darkness like a mountain peak, Song Chongjian said solemnly, "We meet again."

Wang Qianchen softly "um".

"Is there any news from Wei Zihua?" In the darkness, Song Chongjian's expression was a little unclear.

"No." Wang Qianchen answered decisively.

Song Chongjian was silent for a while, and then said: "As the captain of Dayuan City's Demon Slayer, why don't you stay in Jinxi Province, why do you run around all day?"

Wang Qianchen said with a sad face: "It's not my fault, it's they who asked me for help! But the Dayuan City side is fine, and there are no monsters causing trouble recently."

Wang Qianchen, Du Hong and the others were originally helping each other, and it was common for them to run around. Song Chongjian couldn't suspect anything based on this, but he still said thoughtfully: "Qingcheng Mountain, Putuo Mountain, Maoshan Mountain, you are from the major sects. You’ve run all over, where are you going next, Longhu Mountain?”

According to past experience, Longhu Mountain might actually have some of Wei Zihua's limbs.

Wang Qianchen bit his head and said: "I don't have this plan for the time being, unless Bai Feiyang has something to ask me for help."

Song Chongjian said with a smile, "I'm looking at it soon."

Wang Qianchen was silent.

Song Chongjian let out a breath and said, "No matter what you are hiding from me, I hope you are fine and don't have an accident."

Wang Qianchen said, "No, what am I hiding?"

Song Cepeng stopped talking, just patted Wang Qianchen on the shoulder, and then flew up into the night sky with a "huh", and quickly disappeared. Wang Qianchen raised his head and made sure he was gone before returning to the house.

Tan Zuo was still depressed because of Axiu's incident, and Du Hongzheng comforted him: "Although you don't have a mother anymore, wouldn't it be nice to have a father?"

Before Tan Zuo got angry, Wang Qianchen quickly took out Wei Zihua's leg and said, "Tan Zuo, let me show you something fun!"

In front of Tan Zuo, Wang Qianchen took out the demon slaying knife and chopped it down with a "click". Not only was there nothing wrong with Wei Zihua's leg, but a lot of sparks burst out.

Tan Zuo was really attracted to his attention, stared at him and said, "It's amazing!"

Du Hong said: "What is this, I even used fire to burn it, and nothing happened. Immortals are immortals, you can't accept it!"

Speaking of the word "immortal", Tan Zuo suddenly had an aura and asked, "Is Xiaowei really a judge? When he comes back to life, can he ask my mother about it?"

Du Hong said: "Xiao Tan, you are on the cusp again! Your mother has been dead for ten years, and the three spirits and seven spirits have long since dissipated. Don't think about it all the time."

Tan Zuo was depressed again, Wang Qianchen said, "You can really ask Xiaowei, maybe your mother is not reincarnated? Or reincarnated, you can also see where the reincarnation is."

Only then did Tan Zuo regain his energy, nodded and said, "Yes!"

As a result, Tan Zuo was also anxious to see Wei Zihua resurrected, so he asked, "Where to go next? I'll go with you!"

Wang Qianchen retracted Wei Zihua's leg and said, "Longhu Mountain."

Qingcheng Mountain, Putuo Mountain, and Mao Mountain each have a part of Wei Zihua's body, but there is no reason why Longhu Mountain does not.

Longhu Mountain also has a place where spiritual energy gathers, called Zhenlongtan. It is said that there is a giant dragon pressing down on the bottom of the lake. I don't know if it is true or not. The seniors of Longhu Mountain often practice on a small island in the center of Zhenlongtan. If nothing else, part of Wei Zihua's body is on that island.

Wang Qianchen said: "Wait for Xiaowei to dream, I don't know when, let's go directly to Longhu Mountain to find out."

Tan Zuo agreed immediately, and Du Hong said triumphantly: "It's easier to go to Longhu Mountain. I'll just call Xiaobai. His status in Longhu Mountain is quite high! But it's too late today, we'll see you tomorrow. contact him."

"Xiao Bai" is naturally Bai Feiyang, a close disciple of the ancestor of Longhu Mountain, and the current leader Yuan Tianshi is his senior brother, and he is also the little uncle in the eyes of many people. In the training camp before, Du Hong and Bai Feiyang didn't deal with each other at first, but somehow they became good friends. Bai Feiyang, who has always been arrogant and arrogant, was very convinced of Du Hong, always "Brother Hong" and "Brother Hong" Calling nonstop.

Later, Wang Qianchen had several incidents, and Bai Feiyang also helped. Although it was for Du Hong's face, he was also a friend rather than an enemy.

In short, with Bai Feiyang there, the trip to Longhu Mountain should not be a problem.

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