Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 589: your mother's connections

Bai Bianjun's worries are not unreasonable. Even if he is the lord of the Ten Thousand Demons Association, he is just a monster. How could humans believe him? Even if he said Po Datian, those people also believed that he was the murderer of Zhou Ruoxue.

The Black Bear King said: "It's okay, you can turn yourself in and explain it clearly. If they want to arrest you, I will rescue you. The focus of this operation is to highlight the merits of my adopted son."

Lord Baibian felt like 10,000 grass and mud horses galloping past, thinking if I was caught, would I be able to come out? Even if you can save it, you won't be able to save it. You can't wait for Tan Zuo to do a great job!

The Black Bear King seemed to see the thoughts of Lord Baibian, and said in a deep voice, "You don't believe me?"

Lord Bai Bian hurriedly smiled and said, "I believe it! Why don't you believe it? Of course, what King Xiong said is true to every word! King Xiong said he would save me, so he would definitely save me."

The black bear king nodded: "That's right, my dignified demon king, can I still deceive you? Go ahead, they will be at the foot of the mountain soon. Remember, you must say that you surrendered to Tan Zuo!"

Bai Bianjun had no choice but to walk down the mountain reluctantly.

The Black Bear King blew a whistle, and the nighthawk immediately swooped down and carried him into the night sky. In the dark night, it is difficult to see the figure of the Black Bear King, but Lord Variety knows that he is staring at him in the dark, and it will be even more difficult to make trouble!

There was the Monster Slayer in front and the Black Bear King in the back. Lord Bai Bian had never felt so sad. He could only move down the mountain step by step while thinking about the countermeasures in his mind.

Obediently, it is definitely impossible to be captured without a single hand. Your life is yours, so how can you be held in the hands of others?

Not even the Black Bear King!

Gradually, he had an idea, then exhaled and slowly walked down the mountain.


At the foot of the mountain, just like what the Black Bear King said, a group of demon slayers were already in place.

The Xichang City Demon Slayer headed by Ouyang Ping, the Dragon Tiger Mountain Tianshi headed by Wen Ji, plus Du Hong, Tan Zuo and Yin Luoluo were preparing to go up the mountain.

"Master Pudu, is there really no problem with that position?" Ouyang Ping asked.

"Amitabha, there is nothing wrong." Du Hong put his hands together and chanted the Buddha's name.

"Tianshi Wen, then let's go?" Among the group, Wen Ji was the most powerful and had the highest status, so Ouyang Ping naturally wanted to ask his opinion.

Wen Ji said, "Captain Ouyang, you are the commander-in-chief of this operation. We'll just follow your instructions."

Only then did Ouyang Ping nodded and said, "Let's go then, everyone, hide yourself, don't startle the snake."

The crowd immediately began to go up the mountain, and one after another figure shuttled through the mountains and forests, their whereabouts were ghostly and silent.

Walking to the edge of a wild lake, a voice suddenly sounded: "Is it Captain Ouyang?"

The group of people was extremely shocked, and they stopped and hid behind the trees. Due to the concealment of everyone's actions, the team was relatively scattered, and they were separated by at least tens of meters. Ouyang Ping was at the front, looking forward cautiously.

I saw a figure standing by the lake under the cold moonlight, it was Lord Variety!

Ouyang Ping could recognize him at a glance because he had exchanged hands many times, and he was immediately shocked. They came here to catch Bai Bianjun, why did Bai Bianjun wait for them halfway?

Has the news been leaked?

With his understanding of Lord Baibian, if he knew that he was going to be besieged, he would definitely choose to run away 100%. But Bai Bianjun not only did not run, but stood there calmly, either with certainty of victory, or with other conspiracies!

Ouyang Ping immediately looked to the left and right. Although he didn't notice an ambush, he still aimed at Wen Ji not far behind.

Wen Ji also stuck his head out and gave him a wink, meaning that it's all right, if there is any accident, he will come out to solve it as soon as possible.

At this moment, Lord Baibian's voice sounded again: "Captain Ouyang, I've been waiting for you for a long time, I want to talk to you!"

Ouyang Ping didn't dare to act rashly, he just waved his hands to prepare everyone, and then said, "What do you want to talk about?"

Bai Bianjun said, "Is Tan Zuo there?"

Ouyang Ping was stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting Lord Baibian to ask this question. Speaking of which, the sudden appearance of Wang Qianchen and his party in Xichang City did make him feel a little strange, but firstly, a few of them were friends of Bai Feiyang, and secondly, they were the captains and vice-captains of various cities. coincide.

Ouyang Ping said, "Yes, what's up?"

Bai Bianjun said: "Let him come out, I have something to say."

Tan Zuo, who was also hiding behind the tree, was confused. He didn't know Bai Bianjun, and he didn't have any intersection with him. Why did the other party call him suddenly?

Du Hong next to him whispered: "Could it be your mother's network again?"

Tan Zuo said angrily, "Your mother's connections!"

Du Hong said aggrieved: "What's the matter, it's not good to know too many people? Although your mother is a zombie, her friends are really wide."

Tan Zuo pinched his brows and said with a headache, "Don't keep mentioning my mother, you have to be really envious. I'll make your mother a zombie too."

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