Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 590: changeable

"Hey, I can't find my mother's corpse, otherwise I really want to try..." Du Hong is also a fatherless mother, lacking education since childhood, otherwise he would not be so open-minded.

After joking enough, Du Hong said sternly: "Tan Zuo, whether this is your mother's connection or not, he is the murderer of Zhou Ruoxue, we must arrest him!"

As for Bai Feiyang's safety, of course Tan Zuo would not hesitate: "You still need to say it?"

At the same time, Ouyang Ping also said, "What do you want to do with Tan Zuo?"

Bai Bianjun said: "I have something to tell him, you let him come out."

Everyone was silent, no one knew what Bai Bianjun wanted to do, not to mention that he was still a peak, so he did not dare to make an assertion.

Tan Zuo stood behind the tree and said, "I am, what are you doing?"

Bai Bianjun said: "You come out, I will see you!"

Tan Zuo gritted his teeth and walked out. Everyone was ready at this moment. In particular, the guardian of Longhu Mountain was extremely warm and directly pulled his sword out of the sheath. He was the only peak in the crowd, and he had to maintain everyone's safety.

The two were separated by dozens of meters, and by the bright moonlight, Bai Bianjun looked up and down at Tan Zuo, pretending to be surprised and exclaimed: "Are you Tan Zuo of Maoshan, you are really talented and handsome, I admire You've been so long!"

Tan Zuo: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Du Hong said in a low voice, "Look, I said earlier that it is your mother's network."

Tan Zuo raised his eyebrows and said, "Do we know each other?"

Bai Bianjun smiled: "I don't know, this is the first time we met, but I have indeed heard your name for a long time! Are you a genius disciple of Maoshan, or the vice captain of Monster Slayer in Gusu City. It is said that you are going to be promoted to captain recently? I knew you had such a day, you deserve it!"

Everyone was at a loss. They didn't know why Bai Bianjun was flattering Tan Zuo. Tan Zuo himself was confused and looked at Bai Bianjun in disbelief.

After the flattery, Variety Jun said loudly: "Captain Ouyang, I knew you were coming to arrest me, the reason why I didn't run away was because I admired him so much, and I really wanted to see his style. I know why you came, I didn't want to explain, I have nothing to say to you humans! But for Tan Zuo, let me explain, I did become Bai Feiyang, and I met Zhou Ruoxue, but I didn't kill her! "

Ouyang Ping said, "Have you killed him? Go back with us and accept our investigation."

Bai Bianjun said: "Do I still have my life when I go back with you? Even if it is clear that Zhou Ruoxue's matter has nothing to do with me, you will not let me go, right?"

This is true, even if Lord Baibian didn't kill Zhou Ruoxue, but also killed other people, it would be impossible to let him go. What's more, everyone had long believed that he was the real murderer of Zhou Ruoxue, Ouyang Ping said, "Stop talking nonsense and come with us!"

After speaking, Ouyang Ping was the first to rush out, followed by Wen Ji, the guardian of Longhu Mountain, several elders, and Du Hong, Tan Zuo, and Yin Luoluo, rushing up in the shape of a pin.

Because it was in the wild, Ouyang Ping did not set up a clear and bright space, and even if it was set up, it would be useless. Lord Variety was a peak, and it broke in minutes.

"King Bear, save me!" Bai Bianjun raised his head and shouted at the night sky.

Everyone was shocked. Is the Black Bear King actually there? That is a Mountain Realm Demon King. If he is here, not to mention catching Bai Bianjun, it would be good for everyone to save their lives!

Even so, everyone did not intend to give up, and they still rushed forward. Killing monsters is the responsibility of the monsters.

There was no response in the dark night sky, which further confirmed the speculation in everyone's heart, and it was about to surround Bai Bianjun.

Bai Bianjun couldn't wait to scold him, and he knew that the Black Bear King would not save him. For the so-called adopted son, even his Lingzhu could give up, it was a big joke!

It's the same sentence, my life is my own, and if I lose it, it's really gone. No matter how I fear the Black Bear King, I have to take care of myself first!

As soon as Bai Bianjun gritted his teeth, he immediately transformed into a fish and dived into the wild lake with a "pop". This was the escape plan he had planned in advance, so he waited for everyone on the edge of the wild lake. If the situation was not right, he ran away immediately.

No one expected such a change. Longhu Mountain's guardian Wen Ji's response was extremely fast. He quickly pointed his sword at the lake and picked it up. Others also used their own methods, some threw talismans into the lake, and some used sword energy or sword gangs as a guide, and they kept slashing towards the bottom of the lake. Unfortunately, after a while of liveliness, they still did not find any trace of Lord Baibian.

"Run away again! It's the same every time! This guy is changing so many times, he can't catch him at all!" Ouyang Ping stomped his feet in anger.

It's okay to leave it to normal, now it's about Bai Feiyang's safety!

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