Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 598: no benefit

Twenty minutes after the Black Bear King left, Wang Qianchen, Lang Baibai, and Ma Qianli also came over with news.

"What's the matter?" Wang Qianchen asked anxiously. He only heard that Tan Zuo was kidnapped, but he didn't know what happened.

Du Hong quickly explained the cause and effect.

Wang Qianchen clenched his fists in an instant, Bai Feiyang's matter has not been resolved, and Tan Zuo has an accident again. But he quickly calmed down and quickly twitched his nose in the house, distinguishing the smell of several people.

The same goes for Lang Baibai, who is also a canine, and sniffs the smell of the scene together with Wang Qianchen.

Ma Qianli carefully analyzed: "If you can kidnap people in front of you, the other party is not only a peak, but at least a mountain!"

Du Hong nodded and said, "Yes, otherwise we wouldn't even be able to see what he looks like."

Wang Qianchen said: "In addition to Tan Zuo, the Black Bear King and the Nighthawk, I also smelled two other scents, which should be flying mounts."

Lang Baibai nodded, agreeing with Wang Qianchen's statement, and said at the same time, "I was outside the door just now, and I smelled the scent of Lord Baibian. They should be a group."

Ma Qianli said in surprise: "Where did Baibian-Jun call for the reinforcements?"

Wang Qianchen said: "The other party **** Tan Zuo, obviously going for the Black Bear King. Before the smell dissipates, let's follow him quickly. Leave a mark along the way and let someone support us!"

Lang Baibai and Ma Qianli each recruited flying mounts and flew out of the window with a group of people.

Wang Qianchen left a mark along the way, and contacted Ouyang Ping and Wen Ji at the same time, and asked them to bring people over quickly. It's just that they don't have flying mounts, and there are very few flying-type awakeners, so I don't know when they will come.


Sanqing Mountain, also known as Shaohua Mountain, is named after the statue of Sanqing erected on the top of the mountain. It is one of the more famous mountains in western Jiangxi Province. It is said that more than 100 years ago, the Sanqing often came here to solve worries and troubles in the world, so the incense was very prosperous.

Of course, since the Heavenly Court lost contact, people gradually stopped praying to God and worshipping Buddha, so this place has become desolate.

At this moment, on the top of the mountain, the breeze came slowly, blowing the hem of a white-haired old man.

The white-haired old man put his hands behind his back and stared at the sky, as if waiting for someone to come.

Behind him, Bai Bianjun said cautiously: "The Black Bear King responded very quickly. I already know that you did it. Will you prepare in advance when you come here?"

The white-haired old man sneered and said, "What if he prepares? Although this is his territory, it is impossible to summon all the monsters under him in an hour! Besides, isn't there him..."

Saying that, the white-haired old man kicked a young man beside his feet.

The young man was Tan Zuo, who had already been bound with immortal ropes, raised his head and glared at the white-haired old man.

"What are you looking at, if it wasn't for you, King Xiong wouldn't have done this to me!" Bai Bianjun got angry when he saw Tan Zuo, and kicked him on the back.

And not far behind them, there are still many monsters sitting or standing, who are usually the confidants of the white-haired old man, including peaks, walls, and rocks.

Bai Bianjun said worriedly: "Even if you can't summon the monsters under your command, it is possible to call other monster kings..."

The white-haired old man sneered and said, "Other demon kings? What are you kidding? How could the other demon kings help him, and they want to kill him one by one!"

Bai Bianjun said: "Yes, the Golden Eagle King has helped him before."

Then, he told the story of Maoshan.

The white-haired old man smiled and said: "Golden Eagle King, I know him, he is a guy who can't afford to pay early, without benefits, he can't help the Black Bear King! And with me here, he won't help the Black Bear King, you can do whatever you want. Put your heart in your belly."

Bai Bianjun gritted his teeth and said, "Anyway, I'm on your side completely this time! If I can't deal with the Black Bear King, I'll be in trouble in the future!"

The white-haired old man still smiled: "Don't worry, the Black Bear King can't walk out of Sanqingshan alive!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a sound of "hula la" in the air, a nighthawk swooped down, getting closer, and there was a tall figure standing on his back, it was the black bear king.

"Haha, come! I knew he would come by himself, this is so in line with the style of the Black Bear King!" The white-haired old man clapped his hands proudly.

Seeing the Black Bear King, Lord Bai Bian instinctively shivered, almost unsteady, and the monsters behind him all rushed over and stood beside the white-haired old man.

Tan Zuo sat on the ground with a complicated look on his face.

Through the conversation just now, he already knew that these monsters wanted to kill the Black Bear King, and the Black Bear King himself 80% knew the other party's mind.

But the Black Bear King is still here, just for him!

Tan Zuo still doesn't know what the relationship between the Black Bear King and his mother is, but it is really unusual to be able to do this.

Could it be that he is really his son?

Thinking of this, Tan Zuo couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart, he really didn't want to have a monster father.

Even if this monster is a monster king!

This is horrible and disgusting!

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