Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 599: dead end

"King Bear, there are so many monsters! If you go down, you will surely die!" Xiao Ye said worriedly in the air.

"That can't be helped, who made him really catch my weakness?" The Black Bear King glanced at Tan Zuo on the ground and sighed softly.

"I don't understand, why do you care so much about him, is he really your own son?" Xiao Ye said suspiciously.

"Don't talk nonsense, Axiu and I are innocent!" The Black Bear King gritted his teeth.

"Then he is someone else's son! You have to sacrifice yourself for someone else's son?" Xiao Ye became more and more dissatisfied.

"What other people's son, this is Axiu's son! I don't care who his father is, as long as he has something to do with Axiu, I'm bound to!" The Black Bear King said loudly that Axiu gave him his life. It's been more than 20 years, what else is there to say?

Xiao Ye knew that the Black Bear King was determined, so he could only say, "Will the Golden Eagle King come?"

The Black Bear King was silent for a while, and said, "It shouldn't come, didn't you just hear it? I called him, and he said that the last time the account has not been paid, I said that it will be paid together next time, and he said that there is the White Tiger King, He won't be involved..."

Xiao Ye gritted his teeth and said, "I thought he would at least miss his old relationship!"

The Black Bear King said solemnly: "What kind of old relationship do I have with him? Among the many demon kings, who has an old relationship with me?"

Xiao Ye was completely speechless.

"Let's go, it's a blessing not a disaster, it's a disaster that can't be avoided!" The Black Bear King patted Xiao Ye's head.

Xiaoye gritted his teeth and dived toward the ground again.

When there were still several hundred meters from the ground, the Black Bear King said: "Okay, let's go here, you wait in the sky, if you can, go together, if you can't...you go alone, don't interfere!"

After speaking, the Black Bear King stepped on Xiao Ye's back, and fell to the ground with a "huhuhuhu", and finally fell to the ground with a "bang", stepped on a huge pit, and stood in front of the white-haired old man.

"Black Bear King, you really came!" The white-haired old man said with a smile.

"The White Tiger King... stay safe!" The Black Bear King looked at him gloomily.

The white-haired old man is the White Tiger King who is in charge of the territories of Sichuan, Shu, Yungui, etc. He and the Black Bear King have a long history of grievances and have fought countless fights for hundreds of years.

And not only the white tiger king, the black bear king and all the demon kings would not deal with it. Except for the demon emperor and demon ancestor above his head, he almost ignored all the demons.

The arrogant must pay the price.

After the White Tiger King heard that the Black Bear King had adopted a son and made a scene in Maoshan, he once called him a lunatic, and when he heard that he encouraged the monsters under his hands to arrest Bai Bianjun, he immediately realized that this was a good opportunity to kill him. , and he came to Ganxi Province with some henchmen under his hands.

Variety is hard to find, but Tan Zuo is easy to find.

After finding Tan Zuo, he found that the Black Bear King was secretly protecting him. When I was worrying about how to start, I accidentally discovered the trace of Lord Baibian, so there was the previous scene.

The White Tiger King said cheerfully, "Don't be ill! The Black Bear King, I miss you so much, I want to kill you every day! How about you?"

The Black Bear King shook his head and said, "I didn't think about you."

The White Tiger King's expression changed.

The Black Bear King's eyes moved to Lord Baibian again.

With just this look, Bai Bianjun was so shocked that cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"Bai Bian Jun, you are so courageous!" The Black Bear King suddenly shouted fiercely.

Bai Bianjun went weak all over and almost fell to his knees. The White Tiger King reached out to support him and said with a smile, "What are you afraid of him doing, he is already the turtle in our urn."

Bai Bianjun didn't say a word, still trembling slightly.

The Black Bear King said coldly, "Dare to betray me, do you know what will happen?"

Bai Bianjun said tremblingly: "I...I..."

The White Tiger King smiled and said, "If he didn't betray you, wouldn't he have good fruit to eat? For the sake of your wild son, all the ling masters under his command are gone! The Black Bear King, you are such a jerk! Which monster is not cold-hearted?"

The White Tiger King touched the head of Lord Baibian again, and said quietly: "It's okay, you will follow me in the future and see what he can do?"

Bai Bianjun finally gained enough confidence, raised his head and said: "Black Bear King, I am loyal to you, but in the end this is the result, what qualifications do you have to say that I betrayed?"

The black bear king said coldly: "Stop talking nonsense, dare to betray me, it is a dead end!"

After speaking, the Black Bear King rushed forward, his two palms turned into huge claws, murderous and angry, and went straight to Lord Baibian!

"Ah-" Bai Bianjun stepped back quickly in shock.

He was originally by the White Tiger King's side, with a group of monsters behind him. These monsters were already ready for a battle with the Black Bear King, and their formations were all set up. Just because Lord Variety suddenly retreated, the team was in chaos in an instant, screaming "oops" and "oops". When you get up, there are some who are slumped, and some who look terrified.

"Don't panic, stand up for me!" The White Tiger King shouted, his palms also turned into sharp claws.

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