Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 616: Ling Ling mirror

Yuan Tianpeng stared into his eyes and said, "Xiaolie, tell me the truth, did you kill Zhou Ruoxue?"

It turned out that Yuan Tianpeng didn't know what Yuan Xiaolie did, no wonder Yuan Xiaolie didn't dare to tell him what nightmare he had.

Think about it, Yuan Xiaolie did such a thing, how could he tell the truth to his father, because he thought the whip was not light enough, or because he thought the prison meal was delicious?

However, Yuan Tianpeng clearly noticed something, so he asked this question.

Yuan Xiaolie, like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, immediately howled: "What has it got to do with me, how could I kill him? Didn't they have locked up on Lord Baibian, no one doubts me, you doubt me?"

Seeing that his son was going crazy again, Yuan Tianpeng quickly reassured him: "It's okay to have nothing to do with you, I'm just asking, after all, you will also change..."

"I said, it has nothing to do with me! Do you think you are such a father, but you suspect your own son! Get out! Get out!" Yuan Xiaolie is a typical renegade. When he was angry, he directly picked up the chair and ruthlessly attacked Yuan Tianpeng. Smashed it hard.

In normal times, Yuan Tianpeng would definitely turn around and leave. If it wasn't a matter of principle, he wouldn't bother to care about this son who was going mad at every turn. In the end, he still felt very guilty about this son. He didn't discipline him well since he was a child, and he couldn't let him do bad things outside.

But this time, Yuan Tianpeng stretched out his hand and turned the chair aside, and said in a deep voice, "The captains who came here said they came to look for the traces of Lord Baibian, but how dare that monster come to Longhu Mountain? So I suspect that they are rushing. I'm here for you! Tell me, did you kill Zhou Ruoxue? If it was you, you'd better tell me honestly so that I still have time to deal with it!"

Yuan Xiaolie's face turned pale in an instant: "Chong...chasing me? How did they know it was me?"

Yuan Tianpeng's face sank: "You really killed it?"

"No...I didn't...No..." Yuan Xiaolie instinctively wanted to deny it.

"Tell me the truth! If you killed it, I'll find a way!" Yuan Tianpeng hurriedly grabbed his collar.

"Yes...Yes..." Yuan Xiaolie finally collapsed, and explained everything one by one, the content of what he told was the same as before.

After listening to this, Yuan Tianpeng was furious, slapped him twice, and cursed at the same time, "You bastard! How could you do something that is inferior to a beast!"

Yuan Xiaolie covered his face, gritted his teeth and said: "I'm not as good as a beast? Isn't it inherited from you? You are still in your fifties and still go to my mother..."

"Shut up! Your mother and I are childhood sweethearts, and we still remember them after many years. How dare you compare with me!"

"If you hadn't gone to her, how could she have died in childbirth!"

Yuan Tianpeng was burning with anger, and he wanted to slap Yuan Xiaolie again. Yuan Xiaolie held his head up, unavoidable, and his eyes were full of hatred.

Yuan Tianpeng was stunned for a moment, pointed at Yuan Xiaolie's neck and said, "Why do you have bruises here, who pinched you?"

Before Yuan Xiaolie was either kneeling or sitting on the ground, Yuan Tianpeng didn't notice this trace, until Yuan Xiaolie raised his neck, Yuan Tianpeng didn't notice it.

Yuan Xiaolie was stunned for a moment, touched his neck and said, "Are there any bruises... Is what happened just now true?"

Yuan Tianpeng asked in a deep voice, "What happened?"

Yuan Xiaolie also realized that something was wrong, so he told what happened just now.

Yuan Tianpeng said in a deep voice, "That's an illusion! The illusion is fake, but the injury caused is real! Sure enough, someone is eyeing you! As I expected, when you explained the crime just now, they had already recorded it! "

Yuan Xiaolie was very tough in front of his father, but he was so soft in front of others that he shivered and said, "Then what should I do?"

Yuan Tianpeng's eyes immediately turned to the door, and he said quietly: "When I came in just now, I didn't notice any changes, which means that this person is still nearby!"

Wang Qianchen, who still remained invisible and stood by the window, did not dare to come out, and his body was even more motionless.

Yuan Tianpeng said as he walked outside the door, his eyes were like eagles looking around. Wang Qianchen didn't dare to move before, and now he doesn't dare to move. Yuan Xiaolie also followed and said nervously, "Where?"

Yuan Tianpeng said: "No one was found, but I'm sure he's still here, otherwise it's impossible that there's no movement at all!"

Yuan Xiaolie was so blessed: "You mean he is invisible?"

"Not bad!" Yuan Tianpeng's voice fell, and he suddenly took out a simple-looking mirror from his arms.

This mirror, named Ling Yin Mirror, is one of the magic weapons of Longhu Mountain. It has the effect of [illuminating monsters]. It can not only reveal the true appearance of monsters, but also make invisible people invisible!

Yuan Tianpeng held the Lingyin mirror and carefully looked around, and when it hit Wang Qianchen, a white light flashed, and the [invisibility] skill suddenly failed.

"Here!" Yuan Tianpeng put away the Lingyin mirror, stretched out his hand and grabbed it towards Wang Qianchen's neck.

Wang Qianchen flew to the sky for the first time, but he was still a step slower. Yuan Tianpeng was so fast that he grabbed his throat in an instant!

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