Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 617: Hurry up, I'm waiting

In the front yard, in a house in a side hall.

After Wang Qianchen's real body was strangled by his throat, his spiritual power was also imprisoned, so his clone disappeared instantly.

"Hey, Xiaochen..." Du Hong saw Wang Qianchen disappear, and immediately exclaimed.

"Are you invisible?" Yin Luoluo looked left and right.

"What the **** is Xiaochen doing?" Tan Zuo came over. Several people have fought side by side with Wang Qianchen for so long, knowing that he can do a lot of small spells, but it doesn't mean that he will die without saying hello.

"What's the matter?" Wen Ji, who was with them searching here, heard the movement and came over.

Du Hong waved his hand and said, "It's okay, Xiaochen is doing it, we can't see him for the time being!"

Wen Ji frowned and said, "You can't run around. It doesn't matter anywhere else. You can't go to the back mountain. The head will be unhappy."

Du Hong said with a smile, "Don't worry, Xiao Chen has a good track record and won't rush into the forbidden area of ​​your house."

Wen Ji nodded, thinking that there are restrictions in the back mountain, and he didn't take it seriously. Besides, Wang Qianchen is the captain of Dayuan City's demon slayer, so there is no doubt about it.

After sending Wen Ji away, Tan Zuo whispered, "Is Xiao Chen all right?"

Du Hong said, "I don't know either, just wait and see!"


Behind the mountain, in front of the house.

"Captain Wang, you..." Yuan Tianpeng looked at Wang Qianchen with a complicated expression.

"Yuan Tianshi." On the contrary, Wang Qianchen's face was calm, mainly because it was useless to be anxious, and he had no power to fight back in front of Yuan Tianpeng.

"Dad, kill him, he knows my secret!" Yuan Xiaolie directly drew his sword, but he was the one who couldn't hold back the most.

Yuan Tianpeng turned his head and said solemnly, "Do you know who he is? He is Wang Qianchen, the demon slayer captain of Dayuan City!"

Yuan Xiaolie said, "I don't care who he is, if he knows about me, he must die!"

Yuan Tianpeng said angrily: "Do you think I'm as brainless as you, and kill people at any time? He has several companions, all of them from extraordinary backgrounds. If you kill him, what will happen to those people?"

Yuan Xiaolie said, "What should we do then?"

Yuan Tianpeng turned to look at Wang Qianchen, then put his hand down.

Wang Qianchen didn't run, and couldn't run.

"Captain Wang, let's talk!" Yuan Tianpeng said sincerely.

"...Okay." Wang Qianchen nodded, and there was no other choice.

Yuan Tianpeng introduced Wang Qianchen into the house, Yuan Xiaolie looked around and closed the door.

In the room, Yuan Tianpeng and Wang Qianchen sat opposite each other, Yuan Xiaolie turned his head and said, "Captain Wang, you created that illusion? You recorded it, take it out and delete it..."

"Shut up!" Yuan Tianpeng pointed at him and cursed, and said solemnly, "Pour tea for Captain Wang."

Yuan Xiaolie had no choice but to boil water and make tea. Although the living environment in this place was simple, he was Yuan Tianpeng's son after all. He had everything he should have.

"Captain Wang, please." Yuan Tianpeng pointed to the teacup in front of him.

Wang Qianchen took a sip from the teacup, Yuan Tianpeng said with a smile: "There is a restriction in the back mountain, how did Captain Wang break in?"

Before Wang Qianchen could answer, Yuan Tianpeng shook his head again and said, "Captain Wang will be invisible, and he will also cast illusions. It doesn't seem like a big deal to break through! Captain Wang, when did you set your sights on Xiaolie?"

Wang Qianchen told the truth: "I didn't catch Bai Bianjun, but when he escaped, he gave me a clue, saying that you have an illegitimate child and can also change the art, so I will try it."

Yuan Tianpeng remained silent, while Yuan Xiaolie gritted his teeth and said, "This monster is really boring, he just ran away, what are you doing to me? If I have a chance, I will tear him to pieces!"

Yuan Tianpeng said: "It's not necessarily that he escaped, maybe Captain Wang let him go."

Wang Qianchen frowned slightly.

Yuan Xiaolie asked curiously, "Why?"

Yuan Tianpeng said, "Captain Wang is friendly with many monsters, right?"

In Sanqingshan before, Wang Qianchen cooperated with Lang Baibai, Ma Qianli and other monsters. Ouyang Ping, Wen Ji and others saw it. Although Wang Qianchen used other reasons to cover it up, with Yuan Tianpeng's ability and skill, it is not difficult to investigate some things clearly. .

Wang Qianchen said, "So what?"

Yuan Tianpeng smiled: "As a monster slayer, but I don't know much about many monsters, I'm afraid it's not good for your future to let others know?"

Yuan Tianpeng even threatened him with this incident!

Wang Qianchen couldn't help laughing: "Yuan Tianshi, why don't you call Commander Song to report me now? Hurry up, I'll wait."

When Wang Qianchen joined the Wan Yaohui, Song Cepian knew about it.

Seeing Wang Qianchen so calm, Yuan Tianpeng understood what was going on, nodded and said, "Are you undercover, Captain Wang has worked hard!"

Wang Qianchen said: "Yuan Tianshi, don't make a fool of yourself. Your son killed someone. Just let him go out and turn himself in. He will be judged as he wants. You are the head of Longhu Mountain. Defiled your reputation!"

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