Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 619: this inverse

Wang Qianchen didn't know how deep the pit was. He only felt that it was pitch black all around, and he couldn't see anything. The iron wall on the top was not moving at all, and I don't know what material it was made of.

Wang Qianchen scolded: "Yuan Tianshi, what do you mean, if you go back on your word, are you the only one who is the head of Longhu Mountain?"

Yuan Tianpeng's voice came faintly: "Captain Wang, you have misunderstood. If I want to go back on my word, I will take back all the treasures just now. I'm just afraid of another trouble, so I'll apologise to you for a while. The case has been sentenced, and I'll let you out again!"

"I deleted the video and took the things, you still don't believe me?" No matter how Wang Qianchen shouted, Yuan Tianpeng lost his voice and seemed to have left the room.

"Damn it!" Wang Qianchen scolded, reached out and took out the phone.

Unsurprisingly, there is no signal in this ghost place!

Wang Qianchen used the skill of [Producing Light], and two eyes emitted strong light, instantly illuminating the dark underground. This is a room that is more than ten feet deep and several meters wide. It is square and has nothing. It seems that it is used to imprison people.

Surrounded by iron walls of unknown material, Wang Qianchen used the Demon Slayer Sword and the Quicksand Sword respectively, but he still couldn't break it.

Wang Qianchen recruited Banzhuan and Mr. Honglou, and asked them to think of a solution together.

"What, is it harder than me?" Brick riveted with all his strength, and slammed into the iron wall with a loud "bang".

With a "bang", the iron wall didn't move, but the bricks screamed "oh": "My head... No, I don't have a head!"

Mr. Honglou turned around, pushed his glasses, and said like an old pedant: "This is a thousand-year-old black iron, which cannot be broken by manpower. to open."

Wang Qianchen smacked his lips and said, "This old thing is too cautious!"

Banzhuan said, "It's understandable for people to do this for the sake of their son. Besides, didn't Yuan Tianshi say that he will let you out after tonight!"

Wang Qianchen gritted his teeth and said, "If you can't speak, you can shut up! Tomorrow, Bai Feiyang will be sentenced. What's the point of letting me out?"

Brick said suspiciously: "It's useless to let you out now, didn't you take things and delete the video?"

Wang Qianchen said, "I deleted it, but I still have a backup!"

Brick is even more strange: "Impossible, didn't Yuan Xiaolie check your phone?"

Wang Qianchen smiled: "At this time, the benefits of the old mobile phone can be reflected! My mobile phone has a memory card, and there is still a copy of the video in the memory card. When I gave him the phone, I pulled out the memory card. . Yuan Xiaolie was born with a golden spoon in his mouth. He must have used new digital products for all kinds of digital products. He has long forgotten that the old mobile phones have this function!"

Wang Qianchen happily took out the fingernail-sized memory card and re-installed it on the phone, and the video was still there. His living conditions have not been very good. The previous mobile phone can be used as long as it can be used. Even if it is a little stuck, he is reluctant to change to a new one. Unexpectedly, it has helped a lot this time.

Brick said: "It's awesome! But you are too dangerous. What if Yuan Xiaolie knew about this function and asked you for a memory card?"

Wang Qianchen said: "Hey, I'll just say no, if he wants to search my body, he will use [Refering] to turn the memory card into other small objects. Of course, if he can still take out something like a spiritual hidden mirror, etc. Things make objects appear... Then I can't do anything about it, this is also gambling! In the situation just now, if I were still rigid, Yuan Tianpeng would really be tempted to kill, and the time was too urgent to think of anything else. A good way, I can only take one step at a time... Fortunately, the video is saved!"

Brick said: "It's useless to keep it, Bai Feiyang will be sentenced tomorrow!"

Wang Qianchen said: "The verdict can be overturned, but it's a little troublesome! Anyway, with this thing, Bai Feiyang will be fine... Of course, it is best to submit the evidence before dawn..."

Wang Qianchen pondered, and put his ear on the iron wall again, to see if he could hear the slightest sound.

Don't say it, I really let him hear it.

outside the house.

Yuan Tianpeng and Yuan Xiaolie stood at the door.

"Dad, are those things really given to him?" Yuan Xiaolie said with some dissatisfaction.

"Those things can save your life, so be content!" Yuan Tianpeng was too lazy to deal with this villain, and looked left and right from time to time, not knowing what he was looking for.

"What's wrong?" Yuan Xiaolie asked.

"There are several people who came with Wang Qianchen. They have to be optimistic, and there can be no more problems!" Yuan Tianpeng thought about the whole process to ensure that there would be no omissions, and then took out his mobile phone and arranged it for a while.

After the phone call, Yuan Tianpeng turned around and said, "Xiaolie, go to Zhenlongtan to avoid the limelight, and wait until this matter is completely over before you come out!"

Yuan Xiaolie said "Ah": "The ancestor is retreating there, is it bad for me to go?"

"It's okay!" Yuan Tianpeng said in a deep voice: "After entering Zhenlongtan, don't run around!"

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