Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 620: it's dawn

After speaking, Yuan Tianpeng mentioned Yuan Xiaolie and hurried towards Zhenlongtan.

Coming to the edge of Zhenlongtan, under the hazy moonlight, the dark lake water is as smooth as a mirror, without a trace of ripples, and there is an island in the middle. Yuan Tianpeng took a deep breath and slammed his feet on the ground, his body was like a big bird, leaping across the lake and falling towards the island, a distance of dozens of meters, but it was like flat ground.

The island is not big, although there are dense forests, but you can see the head at a glance.

On the highest hillside, sat an old figure, as motionless as a rock.

Yuan Tianpeng knelt down at the back and murmured, "Master, I'm sorry."

Yuan Xiaolie also knelt down as he learned, but he didn't even dare to let out his breath.

Yuan Tianpeng stood up and said, "You're right here, don't go anywhere, understand?"

Yuan Xiaolie, who has always been stubborn, has calmed down a lot after arriving at Zhenlongtan, nodded and said, "Okay."

"Tomorrow, everything will be resolved. I hope you can learn from this lesson and never make such a mistake again!" Yuan Tianpeng patted Yuan Xiaolie on the shoulder.

"...Hmm!" For some reason, Yuan Xiaolie felt that his father had aged a lot again. Thinking of what his father had done for him tonight, he couldn't help feeling sour, and his eyes turned slightly red.

Yuan Tianpeng sighed and jumped out of Zhenlongtan again with a "huh".

Standing on the shore, Yuan Tianpeng turned his head and could vaguely see Yuan Xiaolie's figure. He murmured, "Apart from me, no one is allowed to enter Zhenlongtan, understand?"

The originally calm lake water actually bubbling up, the surface of the water tumbling like a boil, and there seems to be some giant creature cruising at the bottom of the lake!

Yuan Tianpeng looked up at the sky, and there were faint signs of light up.

All things will come to a result today!


Behind the mountain, underground, in the iron wall.

"How, did you hear anything?" Brick asked.

"I only know that Yuan Xiaolie was sent to Zhenlongtan, and I won't hear it any more!" Wang Qianchen shook his head.

"What about you, what did you find?" Banzhuan looked back at Mr. Honglou again.

Mr. Honglou was sitting on the ground, holding a large tome in his arms, and there were piles of books scattered around him. He also shook his head: "No, this thousand-year-old black iron is very difficult to break, and even the sublime can't do anything here!"

"What's the use of asking you!" Banzhuan snorted and said to Wang Qianchen, "Master, what should I do now?"

Wang Qianchen pondered for a while and said, "There is no other way, we can only wait for Du Hong and the others to come! I have disappeared for so long, they should have noticed something different. Du Hong and Tan Zuo are very smart."

Brick said quietly: "I think it hangs..."


The front yard, in a side hall.

Tan Zuo looked out the window and said worriedly, "It's almost dawn, why is there no news from Xiaochen?"

Du Hong yawned and said, "It's alright, Xiaochen is so powerful, and there are endless ways to do it, so it's up to us to worry about him? I feel that we are here to make soy sauce, and Xiaochen obviously has his own arrangements! "

Tan Zuo nodded and said: "I think so too, when I said about Longhu Mountain, I felt something was wrong, what traces of Baibianjun, it sounds like a fool! It seems that what we have seen Just the same, Xiaochen must have his plans, so it's not convenient for us to know."

Du Hong said: "Yes, your emotional intelligence has finally improved! Alright, you've been busy all night, you can just sleep for a while."

As soon as the last sentence came out, the two rushed towards Bai Feiyang's bed, for fear that they would not be able to grab their place one step later. After grabbing the bed and grabbing the pillow, I almost got into a fight.

If Wang Qianchen was here, he would be so angry that he would yell at him. How the **** could he count on this?

Fortunately, apart from Wang Qianchen, the other person was not angry, Yin Luoluo pointed to the two people who were tossing and turning on the bed and said, "You two are enough, something happened to Wan Xiaochen, can you be a little more friends? responsibilities?"

Du Hong pressed Tan Zuo's head and said, "It's not that I didn't do my best. I called just now, but I couldn't get through!"

Tan Zuo pinched Du Hong's neck and said, "Longhu Mountain is so big, where can I find it?"

"It's one thing if you can't find it, but you have to find it! And I just noticed that there were suddenly more disciples in Longhu Mountain outside the door, as if they were watching us." Yin Luoluo said worriedly.

"Really?!" Du Hong and Tan Zuo immediately jumped up from the bed and looked out the window cautiously, and they found some shadowy Longhushan disciples, including some guardians and elders!

"Could it be that something happened to Xiaochen?" Du Hong frowned.

"We are obviously being targeted, something must be wrong! We must find Xiaochen first!" Tan Zuo looked solemn and took out his mobile phone to call again, but Wang Qianchen still showed that he was temporarily unavailable.

"Damn it, I want to go out and ask to understand!" Du Hong flicked his sleeves and strode out.

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