Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 622: white and white

Longhu Mountain, in a quiet room.

Yuan Tianpeng packed up, stepped on his cloth shoes, and held a whisk, and was about to go out when someone suddenly walked in.

"Sect Master Yuan." Wen Ji bowed respectfully.

Yuan Tianpeng nodded: "How about those people?"

Wen Ji replied, "It's all in the house."

Yuan Tianpeng gave an "um": "Be careful, they are likely to have various abilities, such as that Tan Zuo, Mao Shan's Taoism and Talismans, they are not worse than us!"

"We will guard carefully!" Wen Ji paused, and finally said, "Sect Master Yuan, why are you looking at them? Also, where has Wang Qianchen gone?"

Yuan Tianpeng said without changing his face: "I don't know where Wang Qianchen went, but because of his disappearance, I feel that something is wrong with these people! I always feel that they are not at ease. They could catch Bai Bianjun, but they didn't. , I came to Longhu Mountain in the middle of the night, how strange it is! In short, keep an eye on them, I will go to the court to see if I can give Junior Brother Bai a reprieve."

Wen Ji nodded and said, "Isn't it difficult to get a reprieve from death? Zhou Zhaoping now believes that Junior Brother Bai is the murderer. With his power in Xichang City, it is very possible to get a death sentence and execute it immediately..."

Yuan Tianpeng sighed: "I'll try my best!"

Wen Ji hesitated, hesitated, and tried: "How about we..."

Although he didn't say the word "robbing prison", Yuan Tianpeng already understood what he meant and shook his head firmly: "Longhu Mountain can't do such a thing! Well, it's up to people to make things happen, and I'll do it well. My business, you do yours too."

"Yes." Wen Ji could only turn around and go out.

Yuan Tianpeng reviewed the whole thing and determined that there were no omissions, so he took a few disciples and walked down the mountain.


At the same time, Lang Baibai had already put on an invisibility amulet and entered Longhu Mountain in a leisurely manner.

Of course, there are restrictions on Longhu Mountain, but it is not a problem for the mountain master of his peak. After successfully infiltrating, Lang Baibai quickly found Wang Qianchen's scent, and followed the direction of the back mountain all the way.

In fact, after one night, the smell has almost dissipated. If it was replaced by Wang Qianchen, a half-hearted dog demon, 80% of the time, no traces would be found. Fortunately, Lang Baibai is a serious canine animal, and only a trace of breath You can also identify the direction.

At the entrance of the back mountain, there are also restrictions here.

The prohibition outside the mountain gate is easy to solve, but the prohibition here is not easy to break, and if you are not careful, the entire Longhu Mountain will be disturbed.

Wang Qianchen can break the formation with [Seventy-two Transformations], but Lang Baibai has no such ability!

Lang Baibai called Du Hong and talked about the current situation.

Tan Zuo took the phone and said, "Brother Lang, please describe the environment at the scene."

Lang Baibai looked left and right and said, "One stone, one tree, one grass, one flower, one pond, one goldfish, and two stone statues resembling door gods, all holding knives, they are quite fierce."

Tan Zuo said: "Well, eight-star array, you wait!"

Tan Zuo handed over the phone to Du Hong, then crouched on the ground, took out a blank rune from his arms, then took out cinnabar and a writing brush, and in less than a minute, he made a rune with a complex pattern. .

Du Hong said: "What kind of thing, it's messy, like a ghost painting, and its emotional intelligence is too low."

Tan Zuo didn't answer, handed the talisman to Yin Luoluo and said, "I'm sorry Miss Yin."

Yin Luoluo did the same, curled the rune into his hair, and then shuttled out from the ground, all the way to the entrance of the back mountain, and handed it to Lang Baibai.

Tan Zuo took the mobile phone and taught Lang Baibai how to use it.

Lang Baibai held the yellow talisman, recited something in his mouth, and then threw it forward. The yellow talisman seemed to be alive, and flew straight forward. He heard the sound of "crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle" After a flash of fire like lightning flashed. , The knives in the hands of the two stone statues were slowly lowered, the goldfish in the pond stopped moving, and the plants, trees, and flowers also dimmed.

"Broken!" Lang Baibai said, "I'm in!"

Lang Baibai hung up the phone and walked inside, realizing that the invisibility charm was about to expire, and quickly replaced it.


in the house.

Du Hong tutted: "Not bad, you have two brushes, your emotional intelligence is very high today!"

Tan Zuo said worriedly: "Xiaochen went to the back mountain, it should not be to get Wei Zihua's body, otherwise there is no need to hide it from us! What happened to him?"

Du Hong said with a smile: "What about him, the soldiers will block the water and cover the soil, and it's a big deal to kill them on Longhu Mountain!"


Back Mountain.

Following Wang Qianchen's faint smell, Lang Baibai quickly came to the house where Yuan Xiaolie lived before.

The smell disappears right here!

Lang Baibai stood in the room and sniffed carefully, then slowly lay down on the ground and said tentatively, "Canine brother? Canine brother? Are you down there?"

Wang Qianchen's voice soon came from below: "Brother Lang! I'm here! Why are you here?"

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