Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 623: It's not a dragon, it's a dragon

Lang Baibai talked about what happened before, and asked again, "Why did you get down here?"

Wang Qianchen said: "Brother Lang, it's hard to say anything! Let me go first!"

Lang Baibai stepped on the ground with both feet, but he didn't move at all.

Wang Qianchen said: "There must be an organ in the house. Brother Lang looked carefully. It should be a certain brick! Anyway, as soon as Yuan Tianpeng stepped on it, I fell off."

Lang Baibai walked around the house, stepping on this side, stepping on that side, and when he stepped on a certain floor tile, he finally heard a "click", and the ground cracked, followed by "咻" With a sound, Wang Qianchen rushed out.

Lang Baibai was already mentally prepared, so he didn't kneel on the ground, he immediately took off the talisman on his body, and after showing up, he said with a smile, "Brother Dog, are you alright?"

Seeing Lang Baibai, Wang Qianchen was as happy as seeing a relative, and said with a smile, "Brother Lang, I'm fine!"

Then, Wang Qianchen quickly took out his mobile phone and got out of the underground cage. Finally, there was a signal, so he immediately saved the video shot last night on the cloud disk.

"Brother Lang, thank you. I have to go to Zhenlongtan to catch someone. Your status is not suitable for staying here. Go back first." If Lang Baibai stayed here for one minute, it would be dangerous for another minute. When people saw him, they had to kill him.

Lang Baibai was not pretentious, and immediately said ok, put on the invisibility amulet again, and hurriedly walked down the mountain, calling Du Hong while walking, and told him what happened just now.

Wang Qianchen ran in the direction of Zhenlongtan.

If there is only one video, it is difficult to guarantee Bai Feiyang's innocence. After all, who knows if this thing is true or not? Therefore, it is best to take both the stolen goods and the stolen goods. Since you know that Yuan Xiaolie is in Zhenlongtan, you must arrest him and send him to the Secret Service!

Wang Qianchen walked quickly and quickly arrived at the edge of Zhenlongtan.

During the day, the line of sight is naturally much better than at night. Wang Qianchen saw Yuan Xiaolie standing on the central island at a glance.

In the same way, Yuan Xiaolie also saw him.

Because the deeds were revealed and the world was undecided, Yuan Xiaolie didn't sleep all night, and his nervous and anxious emotions were mixed in his heart. Seeing Wang Qianchen appearing beside Zhenlongtan at this moment, he immediately asked with a look of surprise, "How did you come out?"

Wang Qianchen sneered and said, "Why don't you care about yourself!"

Wang Qianchen jumped up abruptly, and flew towards the small island in the center with a bang. Yuan Xiaolie immediately took out his mobile phone and wanted to call his father Yuan Tianpeng. Wang Qianchen had expected that he would do this, but he had calculated the time and distance in advance, and he would definitely be able to take him down before Yuan Xiaolie made the call!

And I just learned from Lang Baibai that Yuan Tianpeng went down the mountain, presumably to the court.

After catching Yuan Xiaolie, he can fly away directly from the back mountain without disturbing the guardians, elders and disciples of Longhu Mountain. As for Du Hong and the others, it doesn't matter if they are temporarily trapped. Longhushan doesn't dare to do anything to them anyway.

Unfortunately, the plan is beautiful, the reality is cruel.

Wang Qianchen was flying very fast, but he just flew over Zhenlongtan, and the abnormality protruded.

The sound of "gululu" sounded, and the originally smooth surface of the lake was like a pot of water that was about to boil, and it seemed that something was about to come out. Wang Qianchen glanced down in surprise, and saw that the lake water suddenly split from it, and a thing like a big snake rose into the sky, bringing countless water splashes, and falling towards the surrounding, like a heavy rain, which instantly drenched Wang Qianchen. Got wet.


The sound like a dragon's roar sounded, and the big snake rammed straight towards Wang Qianchen!

Wang Qianchen was shocked, and immediately stepped back, landing on the shore with a "bang". Fortunately, the snake did not continue to track, the upper body was suspended in the air, and the lower body was immersed in the bottom of the lake. His eyes were like lanterns, staring at Wang Qianchen viciously, with a "don't let strangers enter" attitude.

"Dragon?!" Wang Qianchen was inexplicably horrified, and immediately recruited Mr. Honglou and Banzhuan.

The big snake was dozens of meters long, and even if only the upper body was exposed, it was enough to span the entire lake surface, and it had horns on its head, claws on its chest, and scales on its body, so Wang Qianchen came to the conclusion of "dragon".

Wang Qianchen has long known that there are all kinds of things in this world, all kinds of monsters and immortals, and the third prince of Nezha and the judge of the underworld have all shown up. Stunned for a while.

"It's not a dragon, it's a Jiao!" Brick said immediately.

"Yes, it's Jiao!" Mr. Honglou also said, "It takes five hundred years for a dragon to transform into a dragon, and a thousand years for a dragon to transform into a dragon. The dragon is one level lower than the dragon. The dragon has two pairs of claws, while the Jiao has only one pair of claws. The horns of the dragon are straight and short, the horns on the dragon's head are forked, and the tail of the Jiaojiao is more like a snake, which is due to incomplete evolution..."

Mr. Honglou may not have seen the real Jiao and Dragon, but he has read a lot of books, and he speaks these things well.

Wang Qianchen carefully looked at the Jiao in the lake, and sure enough, it was exactly the same as what Mr. Honglou said.

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