Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 643: a little meet and greet

Otherwise, there's really no way to explain Du Hongdu's bizarre behavior of bringing out the name of Abbot Huiguang, and Ding Jianjun refused without asking.

Du Hong murmured, "Five of the seven powerhouses in Daxia have died..."

Coming to this conclusion, the faces of several people are extremely solemn, which is undoubtedly a huge loss for [Monster Slayer], whether it is [Tianqi] or [Wan Yaohui], or the [Guangfuhui] that is eager to move outside. ], once the news is known, will it trigger a turmoil?

Wang Qianchen said seriously: "In this way, we need Xiaowei even more! He is a god, even if he can't rise to the super-dust realm, he can solve a lot of problems. Let's hurry up and find his head and body."

Du Hong said: "I can't go in and look at Mei Xuan, how can I fix it?"

Wang Qianchen said: "If it's true as we guessed, the ancestor of the Ding family has passed away, then I can go in and get it by stealth and escape. However, the Ding family must have restrictions, even if I can forcibly break it, it is hard to guarantee. Would raise an alarm, or try not to take the risk..."

Wang Qianchen thought for a while, and then said, "I'm going to borrow something."


An hour later, a few people came to the door of an inconspicuous earth temple in Linglong Mountain.

This dilapidated earth temple was originally very difficult to find, thanks to the skill of [Landscape] in [Seventy-two Transformations].

Standing in front of the Earth Temple, Wang Qianchen said respectfully, "Master Pan, are you there?"

A white light flashed, and a short, fat old man with a white beard came out.

"It's you again, what are you doing?" Master Pan leaned on a cane in one hand and a few pieces of garlic in the other, looking like he was going to eat fried noodles.

Wang Qianchen introduced a few people one by one, and everyone greeted Master Pan, but Master Pan only stared at Yin Luoluo, smiled and said, "Okay, okay, it's really good..."

Du Hong said unhappily: "Smelly old man, what are you looking at? Believe it or not, I will goug out your eyes?"

Master Pan said angrily, "You dead monk, even your Commander Song, wouldn't dare to talk to me like that!"

Du Hong said: "I don't care who you are, if you dare to look at my wife, I will fight you!"

Master Pan frowned and said, "Your wife? Are you married? That doesn't make any sense. I only like little girls!"

After finishing speaking, he never looked at Yin Luoluo again, as if he had abandoned his shoes, and said to Wang Qianchen, "You kid can go to the Three Treasures Hall for everything, what can you do to me?"

Wang Qianchen said: "I want to borrow your old man's crutches..."

Master Pan put the crutches in his arms, and said with a wary expression, "What do you want? This is the baby of the fairy family, how can you borrow it casually?"

Wang Qianchen said seriously: "Master Pan, I'm really in a hurry, otherwise I won't come and borrow it, can I just take half an hour?"

Master Pan still shook his head: "No, no, unless it is to save a life, or you must not borrow it. I am a very principled person, even if your Commander Song is here..."

Wang Qianchen gritted his teeth and took out a plastic bag.

"Master Pan, this is a little greeting..."

"No matter what you send, I won't accept it, I have principles..."

Before he could finish speaking, Wang Qianchen opened the bag, revealing several magazines and CDs. The girls on the covers were all scantily clad, but Master Pan's eyes lit up, and he took the bag over excitedly, turning it over and saying: " Good stuff, good stuff!"

Everyone had a "..." expression on their faces.

On the way there, they encountered a seller who pulled out their clothes full of magazines and CDs. In normal times, they might buy them, but they would definitely not buy them in front of Yin Luoluo. Wang Qianchen remembered the scene when he met Master Pan yesterday, so he still bought some.

At that time, everyone was strongly against it, saying that Mr. Pan was an immortal anyway, how could it be possible to see such a thing?

Wang Qianchen said: "This immortal is different from what you think... Sigh, let's try it anyway, maybe he likes it!"

In the end, this one really made him bet right. Master Pan doesn't love gold and silver treasures, but loves these things!

Wang Qianchen said tentatively, "Master Pan, can the crutches..."

"Take it! Just don't do anything bad! Hurry up and return it when you're done!" Master Pan handed over the crutches in his hand, and then hurriedly walked into the Temple of the Earth with a plastic bag, a white light flashed and then disappeared.

"Hehehe..." Wang Qianchen rubbed his cane with a smug smile on his face.

Several people still had expressions of "..." on their faces, obviously they had not come out of their shocked emotions.

Wang Qianchen was not surprised, after all, he had seen it yesterday.

Wang Qianchen took a cane and said: "This thing is much faster than me, and even if the Ding family's ban is triggered, they will not be able to catch me! I will look into Mei Xuan to see if there is really Wei Zihua's head or If it's the body, just take it out for him, you guys are waiting for me here."

"Okay." Everyone nodded.

Wang Qianchen took the crutches, muttered words in his mouth, slammed into the soil, and then disappeared in place.

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