Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 644: lifeless

After Wang Qianchen left, Du Hong, Tan Zuo, and Yin Luoluo waited in front of Master Pan's Temple of Earth.

An indescribable voice came from the Temple of the Earth, and several people had indescribable expressions on their faces.

Du Hong, who has always thought differently from ordinary people, couldn't help but say: "If someone comes to worship this, and hear the voice inside..."

Tan Zuo said: "Looking for the good, no one comes here to worship, otherwise the temple will be broken like this?"

Du Hong nodded and said, "That's true...but I've never seen such an unscrupulous god!"

Yin Luoluo pouted and said, "I haven't seen it before. We also have land gods and city gods over there. Although their spiritual power is low and can't be of much help, they still work hard to do things for everyone, and every move is very helpful. Godly demeanor..."

Tan Zuo said: "Forget it, he has this weakness, otherwise he really can't borrow a crutch!"



With the cane of the God of Earth, Wang Qianchen escaped the ground extremely fast, coupled with the skills of [Landscape] in [Seventy-two Transformations], he easily reached the urban area of ​​Shangjing City, and then headed towards the Ding family. set off.

When I arrived near the Ding family, there was indeed an extremely strong prohibition. Unlike other sects or families, Shangjing City was after all the place where dragon energy gathered. Many real dragon emperors have been born throughout the ages. Their tombs and coffins are here. Demonic evil has a suppressing effect, and Wang Qianchen, who is full of demonic energy, is already uncomfortable. Coupled with the prohibition of the Ding family, it can be said to be even more difficult.

Wang Qianchen wanted to crack open it silently, but it was too laborious, and it might not be successful even when it got dark. Later, he simply gritted his teeth and forced his way in, and then used his [ground knowledge] skill to go straight to the ground. The Ding family looked at Mei Xuan and left.

At the same time, the entire Ding family sounded a piercing alarm, all the servants and guards rushed out, and Ding Jianjun, one of the "Eight Great Mountain People", also came out, and said solemnly: "Someone broke in, check it out! "

Everyone searched inside and outside for a while, but did not find any changes, indicating that the other party either came from the sky or came down from the ground.

There is nothing in the sky, and the other party should not be so courageous, that is, they have come down from the ground!

Ding Jianjun bit his thumb lightly, and a smear of blood immediately oozes out. He pressed his palm on the ground with a "snap", and a strange red rune appeared immediately. There was a sound of "rumbling" from the ground, and it seemed that something was gradually starting to wake up.

Ding Jianjun said solemnly: "Earth Dragon, someone broke in, see who it is!"

The so-called earth dragon is actually an earthworm, but this earthworm guarding the Ding family's underground is not ordinary. It is at least nearly 100 meters long, and it is surrounded by circles in the soil. With a terrifying sarcoma, it has the strength of a mountain, and has guarded the safety of the Ding family underground for hundreds of years.

Wang Qianchen had noticed the existence of this earth dragon before. Fortunately, his speed was fast enough, and secondly, the earth dragon was still sleeping, so it was not disturbed.

However, as soon as Ding Jianjun called, the earth dragon immediately woke up and began to walk and shuttle underground, looking for traces of illegal trespassers.

The earthworm is the king of the underground, otherwise it would not have the title of "earth dragon", not to mention that it has been here for hundreds of years, and is very familiar with every piece of land. go.


Shangjing City, in a hotel.

Ge Ye, the head of Qingcheng Mountain, listened carefully with his mobile phone in his hand.

"Wang Qianchen borrowed a cane from Master Pan, the land **** of Linglong Mountain. I don't know where to go. Du Hong and the others are still waiting there." The invisible disciple from Qingcheng Mountain reported truthfully.

"Well, just keep staring at Du Hong and the others. Sooner or later, they will meet." Ge Ye said confidently.

"Okay, I understand." The disciple said.

"They didn't find you?" Ge Ye asked.

"No, if I find out, I won't tolerate it now. Sect Master Ge, your Hua Qing Dan is very effective." The disciple said seriously.

The so-called Hua Qing Dan is an elixir made from 18 kinds of famous flowers, which can perfectly cover the breath and smell of the body. .

"Okay, keep staring at it, and wait for Wang Qianchen to make a move." Ge Ye sighed.

Du Hong, Tan Zuo, and Yin Luoluo have different identities. They must not act in front of them, neither kill nor injure, so they can only wait for the opportunity.


Ding family, look at Mei Xuan.

As soon as Wang Qianchen's body got out, he immediately looked around.

This is the back garden of the Ding family, and it is also a forbidden area for the Ding family. There are many plum trees in Wangmei Xuan, otherwise it would not be able to have this name, but there are other famous flowers and plants, which are fragrant, fragrant, and beautiful.

At a glance, Wang Qianchen saw an old man with a withered face sitting under a pavilion in the middle, with his back facing the door.

Wang Qianchen lightly sniffed twice, and knew that he had no life.

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