Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 645: so brave

His analysis was correct, the ancestor of the Ding family was indeed dead!

Of the seven powerhouses in Daxia, one did not belong to the [Monster Slayer] camp, five died, and only one Song Epee remained!

No wonder Song Cepeng refused to let these ancestors take action when those exotic monsters invaded Daxia's territory before, insisting that they were still in retreat, but it was because they were dead!

Wang Qianchen's heart is full of sadness. [Monster Slayer] seems to be beautiful, but in fact it is strong from the outside, and if you let those organizations with bad intentions know...

Wang Qianchen didn't dare to think about it any longer, and he didn't have time to think about it any more. After all, he had other more important things to do. However, he sniffed carefully and found no smell of Wei Zihua. Unlike in the Valley of Flames, Zombie Pit, and Zhenlongtan, he found traces of Wei Zihua as soon as he entered.

Although the fragrance of flowers here is complicated, it is not impossible to distinguish the smell of a person.

Looking at it again, under the body of the ancestor of the Ding family, nothing of Wei Zihua was found—according to past experience, it should be in this place.

If I were someone else, I couldn't find it in this place, so I had to look elsewhere. After all, Wang Meixuan's range was quite large.

But Wang Qianchen is different. He has a strong sense of smell, and he can cover the entire Wangmei Xuan just by turning a few places.

Indeed not!

That can only explain one point, some of Wei Zihua's limbs are not here.

Their previous analysis was wrong. The presence of limbs around the four ancestors did not mean that the ancestors of the Ding family also had them.

As soon as Wang Qianchen gritted his teeth and was about to leave here with a cane in his hand, he heard a strange sound of "boom" and a huge head emerged from the soil. It was the earth dragon stationed under the Ding's house. , a sarcoma on the top of the head radiated red light, it looked strange and infiltrating, and the speed was also extremely fast, and the stout body slammed into it.


Wang Qianchen couldn't avoid it, and was hit by it on the chest, the whole person turned back several meters, as if his chest was broken by something, and his throat spit out a mouthful of blood uncontrollably.

Powerful coercion rushed towards his face, and the air was full of stench. Wang Qianchen knew that he was not its opponent, so he quickly grabbed his crutches, muttered words in his mouth, and prepared to escape from the ground again.

But still a step too late.


Wang Meixuan's door was smashed open, Ding Jianjun had heard the movement inside, the first one rushed in, followed by a group of people from the Ding family.

Before Wang Qianchen's spell took effect, there was a sound of "hula la" in the air, Ding Jianjun had already jumped over, grabbed his arm with one hand, pressed his head with the other, and said viciously: "Who, what a guts! "

Seeing that the owner had subdued the intruder, the earth dragon drilled back into the soil.

Everyone from the Ding family also gathered around, some with knives and some with swords.

"Wang Qianchen?! Why are you?!" Ding Songran walked out of the crowd and looked at him in surprise.

Ding Songran took a special leave today and went home after accompanying Du Hong and others. He didn't expect to see him again at Wang Meixuan at his home.

"Is he Wang Qianchen?!" Ding Jianjun was a little surprised, and then he remembered that he had indeed seen this little guy who performed well at the graduation ceremony of the training camp.

Wang Qianchen also shouted: "Misunderstanding!"

Ding Jianjun let go of him and asked suspiciously, "Captain Wang, why did you come to my house?"

Wang Qianchen stood up, rubbed the bones that were almost sunken, and said with some difficulty: "I'm chasing a monster, that guy is very good at soil! For this, I also specially borrowed it from Master Pan of Linglong Mountain. Crutches, somehow I came here..."

Wang Qianchen shook the cane in his hand, indicating that he was right.

Although Mr. Pan is weak, he is a **** after all, and his endorsement can also increase a lot of credibility.

Ding Jianjun often interacts with Master Pan, and he can naturally recognize his crutches, but he is still dubious: "Can you catch my house by catching monsters?"

It's no wonder that he is puzzled. Generally, monsters see his house and take a detour. How can they break into here!

Wang Qianchen said: "It was the first time that I used Master Pan's magic weapon, and I was really unfamiliar. I could keep up with it at first, but then I lost my way. I really don't know how I got here. If there is any collision, I hope The head of the Ding family is Haihan."

This reason is reasonable, Ding Jianjun frowned again: "You haven't wandered around, have you?"

Wang Qianchen knew what he meant, and said quickly: "No, I just came out, and that big earthworm knocked me flying!"

Ding Jianjun seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, looked back at the figure below the pavilion, saluted, and said respectfully, "Ancestor, it was an accident, didn't I bother you?"

Everyone also saluted respectfully over there.

The ancestor was already dead, so naturally he did not respond.

As the head of the family, Ding Jianjun could not have been unaware of this, but he still pretended to be.

Seeing this, Wang Qianchen also quickly bowed and apologized: "Ancestor, please forgive my abruptness!"

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