Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 646: Temporarily separate

After apologizing, the ancestor still did not respond.

Ding Jianjun said, "Ancestor, then we won't bother."

Then he left Wang Meixuan with a group of people.

When he came to the living room in the front yard, Ding Songran complained a little: "Wang Qianchen, what kind of monster are you catching? We were still together just now, just tell me no, why did you come to my house!"

Wang Qianchen said: "I thought it was a little monster, so I won't bother you! I really didn't expect..."

Ding Jianjun waved his hand and said, "Okay, I have no trouble. Captain Wang, it's hard to come here once, stay here for a few days before leaving?"

These words were obviously polite. Wang Qianchen didn't have much contact with other people, so how could he be cheeky and really stay there, he said, "No, I still have a bunch of things to do, so I won't bother you."

The two sides exchanged a few more words, and Wang Qianchen finally left the Ding family without any risk.

After closing the door, Ding Jianjun said, "What do you think?"

Ding Songran said hesitantly, "I always think it's weird..."

Ding Jianjun said: "It doesn't matter what he came here for..."

Ding Songran knew what his father meant.

There is also a Qingcheng Mountain behind him staring at Wang Qianchen, and the next step is basically a dead end, so the Ding family naturally decided to stay out of it.


After Wang Qianchen left the Ding family, with the help of Master Pan's crutches, he quickly returned to Linglong Mountain.

It didn't take more than half an hour before and after, Du Hong and others were still waiting here.

After learning about the situation in Wangmei Xuanli, all of them were disappointed, and they could not find Wei Zihua's head and body, which showed that the previous analysis was wrong, and it had nothing to do with the seven powerhouses in Daxia.

The ancestors of the Ding family did not have them here, and they may not have them on Chen Wanhe's side.

For a time, several people felt a little lost.

Du Hong said cursingly, "That bastard, Xiaowei, when did he dream about it!"

Tan Zuo was also a little gloomy, and the hope of his mother's resurrection was much slimmer.

Yin Luoluo comforted: "Xiaowei only mentioned Putuo Mountain, we have already completed the task ahead of time! Just wait, next time he dreams, he must tell him in advance that Maoshan and Longhushan have been found. Hurry up and say the next step, don't waste time."

Wang Qianchen nodded and said yes.

At this moment, a white light flashed in the Temple of Earth, and Master Pan walked out.

Wang Qianchen immediately returned the crutch to him.

"Master Pan, doesn't it look good? I'll get you some next time!" Wang Qianchen said with a smile.

"It's pretty good-looking in general, but there are two that are not quite right. They are actually male..." Master Pan scratched his head, and then looked at Tan Zuo excitedly.

"What?" Tan Zuo stepped back in horror.

"The young man has fine skin and tender meat, it's not bad..." Master Pan smiled, turned back to the Temple of the Earth, and a white light flashed and disappeared.

Tan Zuo felt a chill all over his body, Du Hong laughed, patted his shoulder and said, "You are hugging the thigh of a fairy!"

After joking for a while, several people felt a little lost. Before everyone was running around, at least they had a clear goal, and now they really don't know where to go.

Coincidentally, Yin Luoluo picked up a phone call at this time.

After hanging up, Yin Luoluo turned to Du Hong and said, "It's my dad, let me go back on a blind date."

Du Hong said dissatisfiedly: "No, what's wrong with my old husband? Why do you marry you in such a hurry, do you have my prospective son-in-law in your eyes?"

Yin Luoluo said, "If you weren't a monk, my dad would definitely recognize you, but you're still far away from being a secular world... My family got married early, and I really can't wait for you for too long."

Du Hong gritted his teeth and said, "Let's go, let's go back together, I want to have a good talk with your dad!"

Yin Luoluo also had the same meaning, so he said to Wang Qianchen: "Xiaochen, let's go back to southern Yunnan and call when we have Wei Zihua's whereabouts."

"Okay." Wang Qianchen nodded.

Tan Zuo said: "I will also go back to Gusu City. I received a call a few days ago, asking me to go back to the position of the successor captain... I will take care of the affairs over there and meet you again."

After Shen Jiang was arrested, the Gusu City Demon Slayer Team did not have a captain. Tan Zuo, the deputy captain, should have been promoted to one level, but the order has only come down now.

"Don't worry, Xiaowei hasn't dreamed yet, you can slowly solve the problem over there." Wang Qianchen said.

Speaking of it, Wang Qianchen has been out for a long time. Although there has been nothing wrong with Dayuan City, even if the monsters are in trouble, they are all little monsters. The other team members can also solve it, but as the captain, it is not a shame to be absent. Take this opportunity to go back and have a look.

As a result, everyone has their own things to do, so they decided to separate temporarily and reunite when there is news about Wei Zihua.

A few people left Linglong Mountain, some by plane, some by high-speed rail, and the small gang was temporarily disbanded.

Wang Qianchen took the high-speed train and set foot on the road back to Dayuan City by himself. Looking at the scenery passing by outside the window, he felt a little empty for a while, and slowly fell asleep leaning against the window.

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