Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 647: fight

When I woke up again, I had arrived at the high-speed rail station in Oyuan City.

There is still a long way to go to the base of the Demon Slayer in Dayuan City. Wang Qianchen did not ask Sun Ming and others to pick him up. He was not so delicate yet, but took a taxi by himself.

Dayuancheng high-speed rail station is built in the suburbs, a little remote, and you can still see fields along the road.

It was the harvest season, and everything was golden. Wang Qianchen sat in the co-pilot, chatting with the driver one after another, and looking at the rearview mirror from time to time.

This is his long-standing habit to prevent being followed.

Not to mention, it really made him find a white SUV that had been following after he got out of the high-speed rail station. Wang Qianchen didn't know who it was, the distance was a little farther, the car was closed, and he couldn't smell the smell inside.

Wang Qianchen instructed the driver to take a few more turns, and each time he confidently thought that he had thrown off the SUV, but it didn't take long for the car to follow, like a maggot in the tarsus.

Wang Qianchen frowned slightly. Did someone install a locator on the car, or did he have a tracking talisman and a spiritual mark on his body?

"Master, when you cross the intersection in front, turn right, don't slow down, no matter what happens, don't be surprised, just keep driving forward!" Wang Qianchen observed the nearby terrain and said.

"What are you doing?" The driver looked confused.

Wang Qianchen took out a few red bills and handed them over.

"Hey, you are killing people, it's none of my business!" the driver said cheerfully.

The intersection has arrived.

The car turned right and did not slow down. A row of poplar trees on the side of the road blocked the view of the SUV behind.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wang Qianchen put down the window, drilled out, and fell lightly into the roadside drainage ditch.

"Fuck!" The driver yelled, and immediately observed from the rearview mirror and found that Wang Qianchen had nothing to do, so he continued to drive forward.

The SUV didn't find anything, and it still followed.

Wang Qianchen breathed a sigh of relief and quickly checked his body. He didn't find any tracking talismans or imprints of spiritual power. He was about to start anti-tracking to see who was following him when he heard a "squeak", the SUV turned out to be It stopped, and then a few people jumped out of the car quickly, running towards him with precision!

What happened, they found out again?

Wang Qianchen was astonished, and at the same time looked closely, it turned out to be someone from Qingcheng Mountain!

Wang Qianchen had handed hands with them more than once, and immediately recognized that they were several guardians and elders. Wang Qianchen analyzed the battle strength of the two sides a little. If Mr. Honglou is also recruited, it is hard to say what the outcome will be.

But because he didn't know if the other party had other ambush, rashly shot may not be good, he immediately turned around and ran into the field, trying to use the lush wheat fields to avoid tracking.

If flying, the target in the daytime is bigger, and his speed is not fast enough, people can reach him even if they jump up.

In the golden wheat field, Wang Qianchen was invisible for a while, and walked on the soil for a while, but for some reason, those guys always followed behind him.

What the **** is going on? !

Wang Qianchen was a little annoyed, and suddenly he felt blessed. He took out the spiritual mirror when Yuan Tianpeng bought him, and swayed it around.

With a sound of "咻", a white light flashed, and a disciple of Qingcheng Mountain appeared not far away from him.

Sure enough, there is a guy who can stealth following him!

But this guy doesn't have any breath, it's incredible!

Wang Qianchen's anger rose from his heart, and he immediately pulled out the Demon Slayer Sword and slashed at the disciple. If you don't get rid of this guy, no matter where you go, you will be chased by people!

But the disciple didn't plan to fight him at all, and disappeared again into the wheat field.

Wang Qianchen had to take out the Lingyin mirror to shake it again. There were already crackling footsteps all around. The two guardians and two elders of Qingcheng Mountain had already surrounded them, and they pulled out their swords with a "swoosh", and the sword light flickered.

"If you can't hide, then let's fight." Wang Qianchen curled up a sneer, and reached out to recruit Mr. Honglou.

Mr. Honglou also held a sword in his hand, which was Yuan Tianpeng's quicksand.

A light wind blew past, and the wheat around him bowed slightly.

Wang Qianchen and Mr. Honglou were placed in it, staring at both sides.

Without any dialogue, the hatred between the two sides is needless to say.

The battle is imminent!

Wang Qianchen is already in the peak state, and he has a variety of methods. In theory, dealing with a guardian is definitely not a problem; and Mr. Honglou has a quicksand sword in his hand, and he has the swordsmanship he learned from the book. strong power.

As for the other two elders, they didn't actually play a big role. The realm gap was left here after all. If there were a few more, there might be some oppression.

For a time, sword qi and sword gangs were rampant, and large tracts of wheat were cut off, fluttering in the wind, and golden light everywhere.

If there are only these four people, Wang Qianchen will naturally take them down!

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