Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 649: both dead

When Wang Qianchen's head fell to the ground, his eyes were still wide open.

Because of the peak, his body was solid enough and he didn't fall to pieces, but he was indeed dead.

My head has fallen off, can I not die?

Ge Ye also fell to the ground, retracted the sword, looked at the corpses of one person and one demon, and exhaled softly: "Finally solved a problem."

At the same time, the sleepy sky plate finally failed, and a large number of Qingcheng Mountain disciples surrounded it.

"I still need my shot to kill these two guys, you guys..." Ge Ye shook his head slightly, obviously dissatisfied.

Everyone looked ashamed, and one of the guardians said, "Who knows how he got the Sleepy Sky Pan in Longhu Mountain? It's really thanks to the sect master, or else you'll lose your master this time."

Finally, a serious confidant was killed, Ge Ye was in a good mood, and ordered someone to bury Wang Qianchen's body and the "Dream of Red Mansions" on the spot, so as not to be found.

As for the things on Wang Qianchen's body, Ge Ye didn't move either. Once these hot things are involved, they can't be explained clearly.

After all, Wang Qianchen was the captain of Dayuan City's Demon Slayer. Even if everyone in the world knew that Qingcheng Mountain had a grudge against him, they couldn't kill him openly, otherwise Song Cepeng would be difficult to do.

After finishing these things, Ge Ye was more happy physically and mentally, and said lightly: "You can go back to Qingcheng Mountain to rest for a while! After a while, I will continue to seek revenge for the people who are abandoned by Tianqi!"

A group of people, led by Ge Ye, left this golden wheat field.

The scene was carefully cleaned up, the bloodstains disappeared, and no one knew what happened here.


Oyuan City, inside a hospital.

Qi Yan gave a patient an infusion, and she failed two or three times in a row, which was unbelievable for an experienced head nurse like her.

No way, Qi Yan called another nurse to do the work for her.

After finishing the work, the nurse came to the nursing station and saw Qi Yan sitting by the window in a daze.

"Head Nurse Qi, what's the matter with you, you feel absent-minded today?" a nurse named Xiaoli walked over and asked.

"It's okay... I don't know... I always feel flustered." Qi Yan shook her head, and she was also very puzzled.

"Are you too tired?" Xiaoli asked softly.

"It's okay, it's not very tired." If you want to say tired, you are so tired every day, but there is no day as strange as today, as if you have lost a very important thing in your heart.

This is the first time since I was transferred from Luzhou to work here.

Unconsciously, Qi Yan took out her mobile phone, and after hesitating for a while, she still dialed the number that she almost forgot.

She knew that Wang Qianchen's job was special and could not take the initiative to contact her, but she couldn't help it.

It's a pity that it didn't get through, and it doesn't seem to be in the service area.

Qi Yan put down her phone and looked out the window in a loss.


In a flash, seven days passed.

During this period, Du Hong and Yin Luoluo, who were in southern Yunnan, called Wang Qianchen more than once, but unfortunately they never got through.

Including Tan Zuo, he didn't play many times, only three or five times before and after.

At first, they thought there was something wrong with Wang Qianchen. After several days, there was still no news. Finally, they felt that something was wrong. After passing through each other, they contacted Sun Ming, the vice-captain of the Dayuan City Demon Slayer Team.

In the end, Sun Ming told them that Wang Qianchen had never gone back!

Strange, where did this guy go?

"Will this guy know where Xiao Wei's remaining limbs are, but it's too dangerous to let us go?" Du Hong and Tan Zuo asked on the phone that night.

"It's possible!" Tan Zuo cautiously agreed.

"It is also possible that he was killed. This guy has many opponents, and many people want to kill him!" Du Hong said again.

"Can you stop saying these depressing words?" Tan Zuo said angrily.

"If you don't talk about frustration, will those depressing things not exist? I have low EQ, but I'm not as hypocritical as you! Isn't it strange that I haven't been able to contact you for so long? Shouldn't we be prepared for the worst? Anyway, I've already Get ready, even if Xiaochen really dies, we have to find the body, maybe Xiaowei can revive him when he wakes up?" Du Hong said seriously.

"You're right!" Tan Zuo finally agreed.

"Before we parted, he did get on the car to Dayuan City. I checked the traffic information that day, and there was no problem on the road. Xiaochen must have arrived at Dayuan City! In this way, let's meet at Dayuan City and check it out. The surveillance video at the exit will make a final conclusion." When Du Hong got serious, he was quite reliable.

"Okay." Tan Zuo also agreed.

Du Hong hung up the phone and said to Yin Luoluo, "Your father is an old stubborn, I can't make sense with him! Anyway, don't get married. When I get back, I'll have a good fight with him."

Du Hong stayed at Yin's house for a few days, but unfortunately it didn't work.

The Yin family's attitude is very firm, either returning to the secular world, joining the family, or changing to another son-in-law, there is no third way.

Now that Wang Qianchen is suspected of having an accident, Du Hong has no time to delay here.

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