Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 650: Wang Qianchen's hand

Du Hong was going to leave, but Yin Luoluo couldn't follow him anymore, because the Yin family no longer allowed it.

After all, Du Hong is a monk. What does Yin Luoluo, a girl who has not left the cabinet, walk around with him every day? No matter how sturdy the style of ethnic minorities is, they don't do this!

Yin Luoluo said, "I'm sure Xiaochen's affairs are more important... Let's go first, I'll try my best to delay this side of my house!"

The word "try your best" already highlights Yin Luoluo's sense of powerlessness. Du Hong wants to say "must, not try", but he knows that Yin Luoluo can't be the master either. Instead of wasting time here, it's better to finish things quickly just come back.

In this way, Du Hong left Yin's house, and finally met Tan Zuo at the Dayuancheng high-speed rail station, and then joined Sun Ming and other monster slayers who had rushed over, and together they checked the surveillance that had left the station.

Sun Ming is the vice captain of Dayuan City's Demon Slayer. It is not difficult to do this, and he is very cooperative in all aspects.

Which train Wang Qianchen took, and what time the platform left, this is very easy to check, and it can be clearly understood through the identity information. When I checked the monitoring of that time period, I saw Wang Qianchen's figure.

"It is true that I have returned to Dayuan City!" Du Hong nodded and said.

"But he didn't contact us, and the phone couldn't get through!" Sun Ming looked confused.

Tan Zuo continued to stare at the computer screen, the surveillance video followed Wang Qianchen all the way, and finally saw him take a taxi. After that, there will be no news. There is a large field outside the high-speed rail station. There is still a distance to the urban area, and there are no cameras along the way.

Fortunately, the taxi driver is still relatively easy to check.

Half an hour later, the taxi driver appeared in front of several people.

The taxi driver truthfully explained the situation of that day, because he still remembers it so far, and after speaking, he said nervously: "I don't know what he does, it should have nothing to do with me..."

Sun Ming reassured him: "It's okay, just take us to the place where he jumped off."

After another half an hour, several people came to the place where Wang Qianchen jumped from the car. At a glance, they saw that a large area of ​​wheat fields had been destroyed, and it was all caused by sword qi, sword gangs and various energies. Bad fight!

——Although Ge Ye ordered someone to clean up the site, some traces must not be erased, such as the destroyed wheat that cannot grow back.

When things had developed to this point, it was basically determined that something had happened to Wang Qianchen, otherwise there would be no news for such a long time. The hearts of several people were heavy, and they quickly launched a search and investigation on the scene.

Except for the destroyed wheat fields, no other traces could be found. Just when everyone was worried, Du Hong suddenly shouted: "There is movement!"

A few people rushed over immediately, and they saw that in a wasteland, one of the soils that had been compacted was surging slightly, as if something was about to crawl out.

This scene is indeed a bit terrifying, but no one cares about the fear, and immediately draws the sword, draws the sword, draws the sword, and digs around the soil.

It didn't take long for one palm to stick out of the soil, followed by the other hand, and then the head and body.

Who else could it be if it wasn't Wang Qianchen?


"Captain Wang..."

Several people rushed up immediately, pulling and pulling him out.

"Xiaochen, what's the matter, why did you get buried in the soil?" Du Hong asked in surprise, seeing Wang Qianchen's appearance covered in soil.

Wang Qianchen glanced at him, but said nothing.

However, it was this look that made Du Hong's whole body hairy. What kind of look was that look, full of endless cruelty and resentment, as if it would destroy the world at any time!

However, on the surface, he could not see anything unusual about Wang Qianchen. His face was as plain as water, as if being buried in the soil was no big deal, it was as simple as eating and drinking water.

He had clearly come out of the soil, but he still pulled out the Demon Slayer Sword and continued to dig the land.

His face was calm and silent, except for his terrifying eyes.

A few people realized that there might be other things buried in the soil, and helped him dig it up again. Not long after, Sun Ming suddenly let out an "ah" and sat down on the ground, his face as pale as paper.

Du Hong and Tan Zuo followed his gaze and saw that there was a **** head under his steel knife, his eyes were still wide open, his hair and face were covered with dirt, but they could still recognize the face, which was upright. It's Wang Qianchen!

But Wang Qianchen just stood beside him, and his head was hanging around his neck. What the **** was going on?

Several people watched this scene in horror, but Wang Qianchen's expression did not change. He continued to dig the soil one after another, and the slabs flew out from his back waist, scraping the soil with the edge on the side, although he couldn't get up. To what extent, but still trying.

Brick, who has always been talkative, is now as quiet as a chicken.

A few people realized that there was something under the soil, and they ignored the head next to them and continued to help dig it up.

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