Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 656: he will come

Wang Qianchen?

Of course Qu Da has heard of this name, and He Jun has mentioned it more than once, and he has indeed mentioned the "friend" relationship between the two. But Wang Qianchen is a monster slayer after all. When he suddenly appeared here, Qu Da was still very vigilant and said coldly, "What do you want?"

Wang Qianchen said: "I don't want to do anything, just let him go."

Li Xian also said excitedly: "Captain Wang!"

Qu Da snorted coldly, "Just let it go if you say it?"

After finishing speaking, Wang Qianchen still grabbed his wrist and exuded the breath of his own peak state.

Qu Da breathed for a while, and finally found the reason why he couldn't move, and the hand holding Li Xian softened little by little.

Li Xian regained his freedom, rubbed his neck and breathed heavily, but he did not forget to point to Qu Da and said, "Captain Wang, take him down!"

He also felt the aura of Wang Qianchen's realm, and winning Qu Da must be as easy as the palm of your hand!

Qu Da looked at Wang Qianchen vigilantly, ready to run away at any time.

Although not necessarily run away.

Wang Qianchen didn't do anything, but said lightly: "Li Xian, go back, don't talk about today's affairs, don't say you've seen me, and don't say you've seen Captain Qu."

Li Xian stared blankly at Wang Qianchen, not understanding what he meant.

"Do you know?" Wang Qianchen asked again.

"...Okay." Li Xian was confused, but he could only agree.

"Well, go back." Wang Qianchen waved his hand.

Li Xian glanced at Qu Da and walked in the opposite direction step by step.

At the foot of Laoding Mountain, there are only Wang Qianchen and Qu Da.

Wang Qianchen said, "Captain Qu, I'm looking for He Jun in a hurry, but I can't get in touch with him. Can you help?"

After Wang Qianchen interrogated Xin Wuwei last night, he got the contact information of a key person. Gong Liang—the bodyguard of the Awakener who had fought with Zhou Weiguo in the bar—before got on the line with [Tianqi], which attracted Ah Fei, Lu Laobei, Liu Blind and others are him.

Find Gong Liang again and learn that he has officially joined [Tianqi] and has become an experienced team leader.

Seduced by a lot of money, the two made an appointment to meet at the foot of Laoding Mountain. Wang Qianchen came early, and before he saw Gong Liang, he met Qu Da and Li Xian first!

With Qu Da, who is closer to He Jun, who cares about Gong Liang?

Hence the above scene.

Although Qu Da's strength is not as good as Wang Qianchen, but his arrogance remains unchanged, he still said coldly: "What are you looking for He Jun for?"

Wang Qianchen said: "It's a bit of a personal matter, and it doesn't involve Monster Slayer and Tianqi. Captain Qu, if you're worried, I'll be waiting here. You ask He Jun to come and see me... He will definitely come."

Wang Qianchen has confidence in the relationship between himself and He Jun.

Qu Da did not trust Wang Qianchen a bit, worried that he was fishing for big fish on a long line, deliberately letting himself go, and then taking his old nest. But he had a chance to leave, and he couldn't leave. He nodded and said, "Okay, then you can wait here."

Qu Da continued to walk towards the depths of Laoding Mountain, and Wang Qianchen found a stone on the side of the road and sat down.


the other side.

After Li Xian got out of danger, he immediately used the walkie-talkie to contact Solanum vulgaris, and told the story completely.

Nightshade frowned and said, "Since Xiaochen doesn't let you say it, why do you still say it?"

Li Xian said: "I'm worried that Captain Wang has another meaning. What if he wants to stabilize Qu Da and ask me to come back to rescue soldiers?"

Nightshade thought about it, it was indeed possible, but felt that if Wang Qianchen wanted to do this, he would definitely tell her in other ways, so he cautiously said: "Leave it alone, wait for the news, don't ruin Xiaochen's affairs. ."

Li Xian just said goodbye.


Laodingshan, somewhere.

In the deep jungle, Qu Da walked all the way to observe, making sure that no one was following him, and then walked to a seemingly ordinary mountain wall, pushed aside the dense cobweb-like vines on it, and got sideways into a narrow gap. Inside, and then go wider and wider, the world in front of you suddenly opens up, showing an underground space of thousands of square meters.

There are a few permanent lights dotted around to make sure the area is well-lit.

There is a small area that is clearly separated, and seven or eight people are working in it, each holding a shovel, a shovel and other tools, carefully digging the soil below, at a slow speed, as if they are worried about breaking something.

There were also two people standing beside them, characters like "supervisors", carefully watching their movements, and occasionally saying "slow down" and "slow down."

One of them is He Jun, and the other is Captain Eagle. When Tianqi was making a scene in Qingcheng Mountain, this Captain Eagle also appeared. He was originally the Osprey King of the Ten Thousand Demons Association. After retreating to the peak, he was removed from the name of "Demon King", and then joined Tianqi to become a captain.

He Jun stood with him, and it seemed that the status was equal and equal.

"It's time to eat." Qu shouted and put the breakfast he bought on the ground.

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