Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 657: He Jun's change

The seven or eight people who were working put down their tools one after another, and walked towards Qu Da with a tired expression. They each took a breakfast and squatted aside to eat. Just looking at the construction scope of the site, the workload is actually not large, because the process is delicate, which makes them physically and mentally exhausted.

Eating and sleeping are the only time they can rest.

After they started to eat, Qu Da carried the remaining two plastic bags, walked to He Jun and Captain Ying and handed them over.

"I just bought some, and I don't know if it suits your tastes." Qu Da laughed, a little servile, completely different from the arrogance when he was at the foot of Laoding Mountain.

He Jun and Captain Ying didn't take it seriously, as if they had long been used to his attitude. Freed!"

Qu Dalian nodded, "Yes, yes."

Seeing that the seven or eight people were almost eating, Qu Da stood up and said, "Hurry up, keep digging, don't be lazy!"

The seven or eight people returned to their original places, and each picked up their tools and dug up.

After He Jun finished eating, he pushed the lunch box forward, patted his stomach and walked to the side for a small solution.

Taking this opportunity, Qu Da pretended to go to pack the lunch box, and at the same time told Captain Eagle about the previous incident.

Captain Eagle frowned and said, "If you're looking for He Jun, it's over if you tell him?"

Qu Da said, "Wang Qianchen is a monster slayer after all, I'm afraid..."

Captain Eagle pondered for a while and said, "Okay, let's not tell He Jun first, let's go over and find out what the guy wants to do..."

"What are you two whispering about?" He Jun walked back while tying his pants.

"No, just say a few words." Qu Dashen smiled.

"Don't hide anything from me, otherwise I'll be unhappy." He Jun put his hand on the shoulders of the two of them, looking like he was hanging around.

"I won't hide it from you." Captain Eagle also laughed.

"Hey, that's right, everyone came out to hang out together, don't play like a small group!" He Jun yawned.

If Wang Qianchen was here, he would definitely be shocked by He Jun's current state.

In the past, he was cautious and cautious. No matter how strong he was, he would only agree to talk to anyone, as if he was born to be lower than others; now he seems to be a different person, aloof and fearless, as if no one cares. eyes.

Qu Da and Captain Eagle seemed to be three points shorter in front of him.

A few people chatted casually for a while, and Captain Eagle said, "It's a bit boring, I'll go outside to get some air."

Qu Da stood up and said, "I'll accompany you."

The two walked out of the cave one after the other, He Jun glanced at them and didn't say a word.

Arriving outside the cave, Captain Eagle frowned and said, "This He Jun is getting more and more arrogant!"

Qu Da smacked his lips and said, "There's no way, Commander Chen respects him! Besides, he's also trying his best, and the upgrade speed is like riding a rocket. Didn't he just ascend to the peak not long ago? Plus his pair of Ghost hands, there are not many people in Tianqi who can restrain him!"

Captain Eagle snorted: "If Commander Chen didn't help him, how could it be so easy to rise to the peak? I don't know how many resources were thrown at him!"

Qu Da said: "No matter what the reason, it is always a fact that people are promoted."

Captain Ying gave a "hmm" and said, "You are strong and highly regarded, so let's hide. Let's go and see that Wang Qianchen. It's fine if he doesn't play tricks. You can't let him go if you play tricks!"

The two quickly descended the mountain and came to a place near the foot of Laoding Mountain.

"It's over there!" Standing behind a big tree, Qu Da pointed to Wang Qianchen sitting on the side of the road and whispered.

Captain Eagle stuck his head out, and a pair of sharp eyes stared straight at him.

"It doesn't look different." After staring for a while, Captain Eagle murmured.

"Who knows if there is an ambush nearby?" Qu Da glanced at his mouth.

"Well, I'll go take a look!" Captain Eagle shook his body and returned to the appearance of an osprey. He flew high into the sky with a "huh" and circled around to investigate.

Captain Eagle's eyesight is excellent, and anything abnormal can't escape his eyes!

After a while, Captain Ying returned and said solemnly: "Several monster slayers from Luzhou City have come. Although they are a little farther away, they are indeed nearby!"

Qu Da said in surprise: "Is it really a trick? But with just a few of them, is it a little difficult to take us down?"

Captain Eagle said: "First, they don't know how many people we have and what realms they are in; second, isn't there another Wang Qianchen in the peak realm? That's why they are unscrupulous!"

Qu Da gritted his teeth and said, "This Wang Qianchen is really cunning! It's a shame that he didn't tell He Jun, otherwise he would have leaked."

Captain Eagle said: "Fortunately, there are only so many people here, which shows that they don't have much control of the situation! First kill a few monster slayers nearby, and then kill Wang Qianchen, it should be fine."

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