Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 661: Talk to Chen Wanhe

Wang Qianchen's impression of Chen Wanhe is more complicated. First of all, he knows that this person used to be the deputy commander of [Monster Slayer]. He definitely has strength. He is one of the seven powerhouses in Daxia, and he is as famous as Song Epee; his personality charm is also Yes, otherwise he wouldn't be able to sit in this seat, and he wouldn't be able to attract countless experts to work for him.

But this person is notoriously bad. When he was in the [Monster Slayer], he made countless credits, but also made countless mistakes. After being driven out by Song Chongjian in a rage, he formed a notorious group. The [Tian Abandoned], openly opposes the [Monster Slayer], and regards the law as nothing, which can be described as a plethora of crimes and innumerable!

And when Daxia was in danger, he stepped forward again and kept "Yaksha Mara" out of the frontier.

This person is definitely a bad person, but he doesn't completely lose his conscience. In addition, he killed Guo Zizhen at the foot of Qingcheng Mountain before, which can be considered to solve a problem for Wang Qianchen...

Therefore, Wang Qianchen can't talk about respect for him, but he can't talk about resentment. He can only use the word "complex" to express it.

"You are Wang Qianchen?" A voice full of evil came.

"Well." Wang Qianchen replied softly.

"You want to slaughter Qingcheng Mountain?" Chen Wanhe's tone was playful.

"...Using the word 'slaughter' is a bit too much, but Ge Ye, I will definitely kill it." Wang Qianchen said seriously.

"Hey, if you don't slaughter the mountain, how can you kill Ge Ye? Will the others in Qingcheng Mountain watch you kill?"

Wang Qianchen was noncommittal, because Chen Wanhe made a lot of sense.

For Wang Qianchen, the most ideal state is definitely the one who has the injustice and the debt, and if Ge Ye kills Mr. Honglou, then kill Ge Ye to finish the matter, and there is no need to involve other people in Qingcheng Mountain.

But as Chen Wanhe said, the rest of the Qingcheng Mountains are not for dry rice, so do they stand still and let him kill the head of his family?

"It's not impossible to use a little trick." Wang Qianchen did not lack the wisdom to draw out Ge Ye, but he didn't have the force to kill him, so he asked Tianqi for help!

"Ge Ye is dead, and the people in Qingcheng Mountain still won't let you go. As long as there is one person in Qingcheng Mountain alive, the grievances between you will be endless." Chen Wanhe said sharply.

Wang Qianchen fell silent again.

"Wang Qianchen, I know you." Chen Wanhe said suddenly.

"??" Wang Qianchen looked blank.

"Song Cepeng mentioned you when he invited me to drink." Chen Wanhe said: "He said that you are a good seedling with unlimited future prospects. Maybe the hope of [Monster Slayer] is all on you."

"Director Song... Would you like a drink?"

"Why, don't believe me?"

Wang Qianchen was silent again.

It’s not that I don’t believe it, it’s just ridiculous. Song Cepeng can’t wait to destroy the entire Tianqi, how could he take the initiative to invite a person like Chen Wanhe to drink?

"Actually it's nothing." Chen Wanhe said indifferently: "If it wasn't for the difference in ideas, we would still be good friends! When I was in [Monster Slayer], he trained me as his successor, although I committed a crime. There were many mistakes, but he protected me every time. Later, there were too many and too loud voices against me, and he couldn't protect me, so he kicked me out... Hehe, those high-level executives are really stupid, and there is no elite like me to sit in the office. , is definitely a huge loss for [Monster Slayer]!"

This is the first time Wang Qianchen has heard someone say that he is an "elite"...

Although this is true, it always feels a bit narcissistic to say it.

Chen Wanhe continued: "When I just left [Monster Slayer], Song Chongjian often called me, told me to stabilize, don't worry, and then call me back... Hey, am I the kind of person who will turn back? After the formation of [Tianqi], Song Chongjian gradually became disappointed with me and stopped calling me."

Wang Qianchen believes that these are true.

But at the same time, he felt a little strange, why did Chen Wanhe tell him this, the commander-in-chief of [Tianqi] really doesn't seem like a person who likes to talk!

Wang Qianchen didn't answer, Chen Wanhe didn't seem to care, and continued: "Afterwards, he called me because of 'Yaksha Mara'. I asked him to beg me, and he really did. That's all, then I'll go. One trip. Afterwards, he invited me to drink."

It turned out to be so.

Wang Qianchen let out an "oh" and realized that the topic had finally come back.

Chen Wanhe said, "He told me a lot during the drinking session, and he mentioned you...he is very optimistic about you, and he seems to want to train you as a successor. You really plan to kill Ge, the head of Qingcheng Mountain for a monster. Ye? You have to know that your future is very bright. If you endure this and climb up step by step, one day you will take Song Epee's class. Isn't it up to you how you want to deal with Ge Ye?"


It was the first time that Wang Qianchen had heard of this matter. Could this be the reason why Song Chongjian treated him so well?

Wang Qianchen said, "I can't bear it."

The tone was light, but full of firmness.

Chen Wanhe's "hahaha" laughter came from the other side of the phone.

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