Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 662: wait for me for three days

"Very good, very good!" Chen Wanhe repeatedly praised: "You kid is very good to my taste!"

Wang Qianchen was silent.

Chen Wanhe continued: "Then are you ready to join [Tianqi]?"

Wang Qianchen was stunned for a moment: "Why should I join Tianqi?"

Chen Wanhe also seemed stunned: "If you don't join Tianqi, why should I help you?"

Wang Qianchen organized the language and said: "Commander Chen, you may have misunderstood, I am not looking for Tianqi's help, I want to cooperate with Tianqi. Qingcheng Mountain killed so many people in Tianqi, our goal is the same, the so-called enemy's An enemy is a friend..."

Wang Qianchen really didn't know what to call Chen Wanhe, so he had to call him "Commander Chen" as the locals did.

Chen Wanhe sneered and said: "Enemies? Are you kidding me, how could Qingcheng Mountain be qualified to be my enemy? Tianqi has killed some people, but they are all crooked, and I don't care about it at all! Ge Ye's various behaviors are no different to me than mosquito bites. If I hadn't been really busy these days, the entire Qingcheng Mountain would have been slaughtered long ago! Besides, even if you have a bright future in the future, it's just a peak now. That's it, what qualifications do you have to discuss cooperation with me?"

As far as Wang Qianchen knows, the scattered guerrilla operations in Qingcheng Mountain some time ago have been quite effective. If Tianqi members died, there were 100 or 80 members. When they were placed on the leaders of other organizations, they were already anxious and angry, but Chen Wanhe As if nothing happened, even using "mosquito bites" to describe this matter is really hard to accept his thoughts and values...

But it seems that there is no accident. Isn't Chen Wanhe such a person? When did he take "human life" seriously?

If you want to be looked down upon by Chen Wanhe, you must have a certain amount of strength, otherwise you will be an ant, and it doesn't matter if you die!

Anything that is not normal will be normal when it comes to Chen Wanhe.

Wang Qianchen bit his head and said: "I have many friends of monster slayers, and I also have many methods. I can sneak into Qingcheng Mountain, I can get a lot of information, and I can cooperate with [Tianqi] inside and outside..."

Just when Wang Qianchen was trying to explain his own advantages, Chen Wanhe interrupted him directly: "No need! It's just to clean up Qingcheng Mountain, why is it so troublesome? You just say whether you want to join Tianqi? Join, I will help you, no Join, I won't help you... just answer me."

Wang Qianchen hardly hesitated: "I won't join!"

Wang Qianchen wanted to kill Ge Ye, but he didn't plan to betray [Monster Slayer], although these two points seemed a bit contradictory - if Ge Ye was killed, Song Chongjian would definitely not let him go, expulsion was a trivial matter, and being wanted was a certainty. matter.

But for Wang Qianchen, active and passive are still different.

Chen Wanhe seemed to understand what he was thinking, and said directly: "After you are wanted, you must have nowhere to run. Don't you still have to join [Tianqi]?"

Wang Qianchen said, "It's not necessarily the only choice, right?"

Being wanted does not necessarily mean joining Tianqi, although Wang Qianchen has not yet thought of another way.

At this point, the conversation seemed to be deadlocked.

Chen Wanhe finally got a little annoyed.

He maintained excellent patience with Wang Qianchen at first, one because of He Jun, and the other because of Song Cepeng's praise for him. But now, in the face of this stubborn guy, Chen Wanhe felt that it was a waste of time, and said coldly: "If you don't join Tianqi, I can't help you."

Wang Qianchen said, "Okay, I understand."

When he came to He Jun, he didn't plan to succeed. Since Chen Wanhe was unwilling to cooperate, he should think of other ways.

So far, it's completely broken.

Before Chen Wanhe hung up the phone, He Jun took the phone and said, "Commander Chen, I have to help him."

Chen Wanhe said indifferently: "Of course you can help, but you have to finish what I explained first... How is your side?"

He Jun said: "It should be soon, we should be able to see the results within three days."

Chen Wanhe gave an "um": "Well, I wish you success! If you can really dig out that thing, you can take it up and help him. It's no problem to kill Ge Ye."

He is really not very good to He Jun.

He Jun said seriously: "Thank you Commander Chen!"

After hanging up the phone, He Jun turned his head and said, "Xiaochen, wait for me for three days, and I will accompany you in three days."

Wang Qianchen shook his head and said, "No need, I'll think of other ways."

To seek revenge on Ge Ye, He Jun alone is definitely not enough.

He Jun knew what Wang Qianchen was thinking, and smiled mysteriously: "Didn't you listen to what our Commander Chen said just now, take that thing and kill Ge Ye without any problem!"

Wang Qianchen finally couldn't help but ask: "What the **** are you doing in the mountains?"

From the mysterious Qu Da at the beginning, to Captain Ying and He Jun who appeared later, they all explained that they were conspiring something in Laodingshan, otherwise, a fourth-tier city in downtown Luzhou, how could it attract so many [tian] Abandoned] elite killer?

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