Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 663: Sword of Immortal Slaying

Because it involved the secret of [Tianqi], Wang Qianchen didn't intend to ask, but several people mentioned it again and again, and He Jun vowed that with that thing, he could kill Ge Ye, Finally succeeded in arousing his curiosity.

He Jun looked around and made sure that no one was there, and then whispered: "Xiaochen, I will definitely not say anything about others... Let me tell you, Commander Chen got the news some time ago that some places in Daxia are about to unearth some of the past. The famous fairy family magic weapon, and there is a specific location! Recently, we have been busy with this matter, and we are scattered in various places to dig for treasures, so we have no time to talk about Qingcheng Mountain! However, I don't know if these news are true or not, we are too In the exploration, if it is true, if you take these fairy magic weapons, your combat power will be greatly improved. For example, if I am a peak realm, at least I can exert the strength of the mountain realm! Combined with my own ability, I can clean up the kudzu leaves. Didn't I get it by hand? So wait, we'll see in three days...Even if I don't dig it out, I'll go kill Ge Ye with you, we'll always find a way, I'm more familiar with Mount Qingcheng than you!"

He Jun used to be a disciple of Mount Qingcheng, can you be unfamiliar?

However, when He Jun said these things, Wang Qianchen was shocked. For some reason, he vaguely felt that it should be true, because the Soul Ecstasy was dug up by the [Wan Yaohui], and there was a big fight because of this, and Wei Zihua was still separated.

Thinking that after [Tianqi] dug up these things, the combat power was greatly improved, and the situation of [Monster Slayer] was undoubtedly more difficult. Wang Qianchen couldn't help breaking into a cold sweat, and could not wait to call and tell Song Cepian about this matter.

But can he speak?

He Jun only told him that he trusted him...

Wang Qianchen's thoughts were complicated, and he thought that He Jun might as well not tell him, which made him somewhat contradictory and hesitant now. I can only pray secretly, the news that Chen Wanhe got is false, how could he really dig out the magic weapon of the fairy family, that thing is not Chinese cabbage, just dig it up?

Besides, where did he get the news, other people knew there was such a thing, why didn't they dig it by themselves, why should they tell him?

Learn from Lei Feng, do good deeds without leaving a name?

"In short, whether it is successful or not, I will definitely help you! Xiaochen, you are waiting for me!" He Jun didn't know what Wang Qianchen was thinking, and showed a bright smile.

"...Well." Wang Qianchen responded.

He Jun left his new number to Wang Qianchen again, saying that he wanted to keep in touch, so he walked towards the mountain.

Just relying on the smell, Wang Qianchen could follow them, easily know their specific locations, and call Song Cepeng with a phone call back... But he didn't do that, and went down the mountain step by step.

He Jun said to wait three days, then wait three days.

For three days, Wang Qianchen didn't know where to go, so he arrived at Zhezhe's car wash shop.

Unsurprisingly, several people were discussing whether or not to report today's matter, and there were also concerns about Wang Qianchen's current situation. Seeing Wang Qianchen push the door and come in, several people stood up one after another, some were called Captain Wang, and some were called Xiaochen.

"Long Jie, Zhong Xin..." Wang Qianchen greeted each other one by one and said, "The matter is done, you don't need to worry about it."

Nightshade said happily: "Have you caught those people?"

Wang Qianchen was silent for a while, but decided to tell the truth, otherwise it would be embarrassing to bump into in the future: "No, but don't worry about it, I have other arrangements."

Several people, you look at me, I look at you.

Wang Qianchen said solemnly: "This matter is a bit complicated, just leave it alone, and don't even say that you have seen me!"

After all, Wang Qianchen was the captain of Dayuan City's Demon Slayer. Of course everyone listened to his words and nodded in agreement.

After explaining for a while, Wang Qianchen left Zhezhe Car Wash.

He can't stay in this place all the time, after all, his current status is a "dead man", but in three days, where should he go?

Wang Qianchen quickly thought of a place to go.


On the other side, He Jun returned to the original cave.

Qu Da's injury has been bandaged, and Captain Ying is still standing by the pit, watching all the workers work, saying from time to time to slow down and be careful.

After He Jun came back, Qu Da stood up and greeted him, but Captain Ying didn't look sideways and ignored him at all.

"Why, are you still angry?" He Jun walked over to Captain Eagle and smiled gloomily.

"How dare I be angry, you are the big red man by Commander Chen's side!" Captain Eagle said angrily.

"Wang Qianchen is my friend, and I must protect him." He Jun paused and said, "Also, Commander Chen is very optimistic about him, and he is going to pull him into [Tianqi]."

Captain Eagle's eyebrows twitched slightly.

He Jun didn't bother about this topic, but asked, "Can it really be dug out within three days?"

Captain Eagle said: "It's hard to say, if there is, it will definitely be dug out... If not, it will only be lonely."

He Jun said yearningly, "Immortal Slaying Sword... I can't wait to open my eyes!"

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