Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 692: thank you for helping

Wang Qianchen actually felt that something was wrong. Unless the incident happened suddenly, he rarely fought unprepared battles.

But it was not his turn to speak, and he was not qualified to command this team. A large number of monsters, led by the Golden Eagle King and the Black Bear King, were attacking the mountain with a "hula la", some flying and some escaping. There are also people running on the mountain road, rolling up waves of yellow sand along the way.

The Golden Eagle King was extremely fast, rushing forward with his wings flapping, and the Black Bear King stood on the back of a big bird, almost keeping pace with the Golden Eagle King. The two demon kings took the lead, and neither of them flinched. As soon as they reached the mountain, they heard the sound of "Boom". The restrictions on the mountain road had been destroyed by them, and many monsters rushed up like a tide.

Wang Qianchen had no choice but to follow closely.

But before he took two steps, the phone suddenly rang, and when he took it out, he saw that it was Du Hong.

After hesitating for a while, Wang Qianchen still picked it up. At this time, he suddenly called. Who knew what was the emergency?

"Xiaochen, are you going to hit Qingcheng Mountain? Don't worry, Xiaotan and I will be there soon, wait for us!" Du Hong shouted on the phone.

"???" Wang Qianchen was naturally confused: "How did you know?"

Du Hong said nonsense: "I arranged a nail at the foot of Qingcheng Mountain! Anyway, wait for me, don't act rashly, it doesn't matter if you don't wait for Xiaotan, you must wait for me!"

Wang Qianchen said, "I don't need you two to come, I'm ready!"

He knew that after this battle, he would definitely not be able to stay in [Monster Slayer], and he didn't want to drag Du Hong and Tan Zuo into the water.

In the end, Du Hong scolded and said: "What nonsense are you talking about? Didn't you say that you have the same blessings and the same difficulties? Why do Xiaotan and I stand by and watch?"

Wang Qianchen said strangely: "Have we ever said such a dirty word?"

"Yes! We'll be there soon anyway! You must wait for us!" Du Hong hung up the phone directly.

Wang Qianchen didn't know how they knew about this, but he knew it couldn't be stopped, and he thought of the White Tiger King lurking on the mountain. After all, he still felt a little uneasy, and immediately called Tan Zuo.

"Hello? Xiaochen! We'll be there soon, you must wait!" Tan Zuo said exactly the same as Du Hong.

"Where have you gone?" Wang Qianchen asked.

"I've already arrived in northern Hubei, and I posted the Gangfeng Talisman!" There was indeed the sound of "huhuhu" over the phone.

"...In this way, take a detour to Ganxi!" Wang Qianchen thought for a while, and immediately explained.

After making the call, Wang Qianchen put down his mobile phone and saw that the monsters were approaching the mountain gate, and was about to rush to join in. The whole person was suddenly stunned and looked back at a certain tree.

"I was discovered by you again..." A figure walked out from behind the tree, it was He Jun!

He Jun hadn't seen him for a few days. He Jun was disheveled and ragged. He still had bloodstained wounds on his body. There were grass leaves and dust everywhere. He didn't know what he had experienced.

Wang Qianchen said in surprise, "Why are you here?"

He Jun smiled and said, "I agreed to come to help you, how could I not come? It seems that I am not late, just right."

He Jun had indeed promised Wang Qianchen before that he would help him kill Ge Ye together.

Wang Qianchen said: "No, I called you but couldn't get through..."

He Jun nodded and said: "The current mobile phone is like this. It won't work if you don't charge it for a day! I went to catch Qu Da, and I was a little embarrassed. That guy is going to drill into the ravine..."

Qu Da?

Just as Wang Qianchen wanted to ask why, He Jun said again, "It's hard to say anything, and I'll tell you about it later. Let's go up the mountain to do business first!"

He Jun raised his head and glanced at the mountain gate, with a complex look in his eyes. After all, it was his former teacher's gate and the place where his dream just set sail, but now he is completely on the opposite side.

However, this kind of complexity had been experienced once before when Guo Zizhen was killed, so he quickly adjusted and was about to go up the mountain.

Wang Qianchen took his arm and said, "He Jun, thank you for coming to help, but you have more important things to do!"

Then, he recounted the previous conversation between Ge Ye and Tang Gui.

Wang Qianchen said: "Ge Ye said to kidnap your parents later, but I'm worried that Tang Gui will start early. I don't know where your home is, so I can't help you. It's just right that you're here, so move your parents to a safe place first. I'm fine here, you saw it too, the two demon kings are here!"

He Jun suddenly said solemnly: "Okay, then I'll come when I go!"

The two briefly exchanged a few words, and then separated temporarily. Wang Qianchen ran up the mountain, and He Jun went in the opposite direction.

He Jun's house is not far away, go down the mountain and go south for more than ten miles, and there is a place called "Hejia Village". This is also the reason why he was able to be recruited into Qingcheng Mountain when his aptitude was mediocre at the beginning.

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