Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 693: Borrowing

Hejia Village is backed by green mountains and surrounded by green water. It is a place with beautiful scenery. It is sparsely populated, and there are less than a few dozen households. Those with a little ability have gone to the city.

He Jun also dreamed of taking his parents to live a good life in the city. Unfortunately, when he was in Qingcheng Mountain, his status was low, and the subsidies were even more pitiful. Now he is rich. Single, how can there be no money?

He had already bought a house in the city, but he was too late to pick up his parents, or even to appear in front of his parents. He knew that he had been labeled a "traitor" by Qingcheng Mountain, and where is the 80% chance of this happening? The family village has spread, what face is there to go home?

Revisiting the old place, the familiar vegetation, fields, and houses came into view, but He Jun had no time to sigh, nor to greet the villagers. He scurried back to his house, and brought those "He's boys back" "He is not Have you been fired by Qingcheng Mountain?" and other gossips were left behind.


He Jun slammed open the wooden door and rushed into the hospital. At a glance, he saw that his elderly parents had been **** by five flowers, and several Qingcheng Mountain disciples were escorting them out.

Wang Qianchen guessed right, Tang Gui really started early!

Seeing this scene, He Jun was so angry that he pulled out his sword with a "swoosh", and the disciples responded quickly, pulling out their swords one after another and placing them on the necks of a pair of old people.

"He Jun, put down the sword!" a disciple growled.

He Jun sighed softly and put down the sword.

At the same time, his hands shone slightly with white light. Just when a few disciples thought they were in control of the situation and were about to go up and take him down, the sound of "Boom Rumble" came, and the roof beam suddenly collapsed, and a large piece of stone and dirt fell down, smashing. On the heads of these disciples, they were photographed on the spot until their brains burst and blood flowed!

He Jun's parents, who stood in the middle, were safe and sound.

"Dad! Mom!" He Jun pounced on him and knelt down in front of the second old man.

The second old man hadn't come out of the fright, and when he saw his son who had been missing for a long time and reappeared in front of him, he immediately hugged his head and burst into tears.

He Jun is no longer what he used to be. After experiencing countless changes, he is now tenacious and determined. Knowing that this is not the time to cry, after kowtowing, he immediately stood up and said, "Dad, Mom, this place is not suitable. Long stay, I'll find a place to settle the two of you first..."

He Jun first sent his parents out of the house, then returned to the hospital, took out a small medicine bottle from his arms and poured it on the Qingcheng Mountain disciples. After a while, he heard the sound of "Zi La Zi La", and several corpses quickly disappeared. Turned into black water and disappeared.

This is a common practice used to destroy corpses and traces in [Tian Abandonment].

Then, he went out again and left Hejia Village with his parents.


Western Gansu, Longhu Mountain.

On the small island in the center of Zhenlongtan, Yuan Tianpeng was wearing a black and white Taoist uniform, with a snow-white whisk wrapped in his arms, his gray hair and beard hanging down, and he still looked like a fairy.

In the blink of an eye, Yuan Tianpeng has been reflecting here for a while.

In fact, in the Longhu Mountain, no one can control him at all. It is all self-consciousness to reflect or not to reflect. But he was very satisfied with the current situation. When he recalled what happened in the past, he still felt that his old face was a little red. Yuan Xiaolie was indeed given a suspended death sentence, and he was still here with peace of mind.

At this moment, he was sitting on the shore and talking to a dragon head floating on the water.

"I just don't understand, why do you listen to that Tan Zuo?"

"In front of so many Longhushan disciples and monsters, you listen to him and don't listen to me, it really embarrassing me!"

"It can't be like this again, you know?"

"I am the head of Longhu Mountain!"

"When you were suppressed to the bottom of the pool, you made a promise, and only listened to the words of the head of Longhu Mountain!"

"If you do this again, I will be angry..."

When Yuan Tianpeng was in Zhenlongtan and introspected, he often called the evil Jiao up to give lectures. In retrospect, he still couldn't figure out what happened that day. Unfortunately, this evil Jiaojiao was not very intelligent and could not speak. Why he listened to Tan Zuo is still a mystery to this day.

"You can only listen to me in the future, do you understand?!" Yuan Tianpeng increased the volume.

Evil Jiao nodded as if he didn't understand.

At this moment, the sound of "huhuhu" suddenly came from the sky.

Yuan Tianpeng looked up and saw a handsome young man riding the wind.

"Tan Zuo?!" Yuan Tianpeng was taken aback.

Of course, there are restrictions on the mountain behind Longhu Mountain, but for Tan Zuo, it's not a big deal, and it breaks in in minutes. But because he forcibly broke open, instead of forming and dismantling the formation, the alarm sounded loudly on Longhu Mountain.

"Tan Zuo, what are you trying to do?!" Yuan Tianpeng looked angry.

"Sect Master Yuan, it's an emergency, I'll take advantage of your little Jiao!" Tan Zuo bowed respectfully in the air.

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