Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 698: Three heads and six arms

Although Shufeng Huan trapped Wang Qianchen and Ge Ye in it, unlike [Qingming Space], the outside world could still see the scene inside.

Wang Qianchen held the Immortal Slaying Sword, and for the first time intuitively felt the powerful power of this sword. It is indeed the magic weapon of the fairy family, "Jade Ding Zhenren", one of the twelve golden immortals under the legendary Yuxu Palace Yuanshi Tianzun. , then cut off Ge Ye's sword, and also cut off Ge Ye's head!

Ge Ye's head fell straight and fell to the ground like a ball. It even bounced a few times and fell to the side with his eyes wide open, just like the scene when Wang Qianchen was beheaded before.

For a moment, the entire Qingcheng Mountain people were dumbfounded. Whether it was a human being or a monster, they all watched this scene in astonishment, which was obviously extremely incredible.

Time seems to freeze at this moment!

Wang Qianchen was panting heavily, he didn't expect it to go so smoothly, and the head of the dignified Qingcheng Mountain was killed by himself!

But he didn't have time to get excited and express his emotions like "Mr. Honglou, I finally avenged you", Ge Ye's body stood up straight, and a head grew out of his bare shoulders. He blinked and twisted his neck.

Ge Ye, come back to life!

Wang Qianchen stared at this scene dumbfounded, apparently not reacting to what was going on.

The Golden Eagle King, who was fighting with the ant queen, shouted, "He is an enlightened being, with the ability to have three heads and six arms, which means he has three heads and three lives!"

Wang Qianchen understood in an instant, remembering that when [Tianqi] gathered at the foot of Qingcheng Mountain before, he had indeed seen Ge Ye's ability to use "three heads and six arms", and immediately slashed it with a fierce sword.

If Ge Ye hides normally, he may not be able to avoid this sword, and even if he fights normally, he may not necessarily lose. But he seemed to be frightened by the previous sword, and instinctively turned around and fled, so this second sword was impartial, cut off his head, and cut a huge wound on his back, blood like spring water Usually dyed through his torn hem in an instant.


Ge Ye's head that fell again screamed, and his eyes were full of endless terror and anger.

But soon, his third head grew out again. At the same time, the wind beam ring also failed, as if the sky did not want to kill him. Ge Ye Lingkong grabbed a sword, stepped on it, and was about to fly high into the sky.

Wang Qianchen immediately chased after him, ready to cut out the third sword.

"Stop him!" Ge Ye yelled at the ant queen, he was really afraid of Wang Qianchen, and really didn't want to fight Wang Qianchen again!

He has three true heads, but two have been beheaded, and only the last one is left. If he is beheaded again, his life will be completely over!

Who is left, who is not flustered?

The ant queen immediately rushed towards Wang Qianchen with a grin and grinned, and the huge mouthparts directly bit down on his head.

"Be careful!" The Golden Eagle King shouted, raising his wings and facing him.

"Fuck, this is the first time I've seen Brother Eagle caring so much about a subordinate!" Hua Bao Wang was stunned, is this still the Golden Eagle King he knew?

The queen raised a thick leg and kicked the golden eagle king's chest with a "bang".

With a "wow" sound, the Golden Eagle King spat out a mouthful of blood, his chest sank directly, and his body fell from the air.

The queen ant didn't do it again and again, and stepped on one leg again, and it seemed that she was going to kill the golden eagle king on the spot.

"Fuck!" Seeing this, the Leopard King jumped up, obviously wanting to save him.

But it was too late, the queen's leg was closer to the golden eagle king.

At the same time, a sword light flashed in the air, Wang Qianchen slashed out the third sword, the queen's leg was directly separated in the air, and slammed to the ground with a loud "bang", and the stench of blood splattered along the sky.

The king of the leopard hugged the king of the golden eagle and moved him to another place.

"You...you know shit...people stop Ge Ye for us...is it still a good thing to stand by..." King Golden Eagle said weakly.

"Ah yes yes yes, you are lofty, you are proud, you are really a virtuous monster, and you are on the same level as the sages of human beings!" The Leopard King scolded and complained.


The queen ant, who lost a leg, howled. Although it didn't have the domineering roar of a tiger and a leopard, it was also very terrifying. Just looking at its hideous face, it was known that it was completely angry, and it bit Wang Qianchen again.

The Black Bear King jumped up to block it, and shouted while rushing: "You two stop talking, come and help me!"

The Leopard King raised his head and said, "Don't go! I can't beat it! Brother Eagle is about to die!"

The golden eagle king was in a cold sweat: "You...you can't **** die..."

Wang Qianchen held the Immortal Slaying Sword in his hand, and was about to slash the queen ant again, when he heard a "boom" in the air, and it seemed that something flew over. When everyone looked up, they saw a "big snake" about a hundred meters long whistling.

"Fuck, dragon?!" The Black Bear King was stunned.

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