Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 705: successor

Nie Gang immediately hurried to the back garden.

The entire Nie family was covered by [Qingming Space], and of course the back garden was no exception. The ancestor of the Nie family, who was in retreat, naturally heard the movement and immediately went out to help.

The Nie family in the south of the Yangtze River has not been invaded for many years. Is this still amazing?

The ancestor of the Nie family was furious, and he was about to go outside with big strides, but he ran into Nie Gang who came in a hurry.

"Father, where are you going?" Nie Gang stopped him immediately.

"Where did you say I'm going? Who hurt you like this, I can't spare him!" Nie's ancestor looked sullen, his gray hair and eyebrows almost exploded.

"Father, let's not interfere in this matter..." Nie Gang grabbed his arm and explained the situation carefully.

It has always been the traditional family style of the Nie family to put interests first and the word first This should be done! You, the owner of the house, are doing a very competent job!"

Nie Gang said: "Actually this is Xiaorong's idea..."

The ancestor of the Nie family smiled again: "That's good, the Nie family has a successor!"

——How should I put it, maybe it’s the answer to that sentence, it’s not that the family does not enter the house!

The ancients really did not deceive me!


in the backyard.

Although Wang Qianchen has an artifact in hand, he is only a peak state in the end, and if Ge Ye deals with it with all his strength, he may not lose. However, Ge Ye put all his hope on the ancestor of the Nie family, and used the word "drag" wholeheartedly to avoid attacking, and this also required a huge amount of physical, spiritual and spiritual power. watch for.

After so many rounds, the wound on Ge Ye's back was getting bigger and bigger, and the blood kept flowing down. Even an immortal couldn't stand it. After a few minutes, he finally became top-heavy.

"Patriarch Nie, why hasn't the Patriarch Nie come out yet?" Ge Ye shouted.

There was no response from the back garden.

Ge Ye felt that something was not right, and finally made up his mind to escape, but unfortunately it was still a step too late.


Ge Ye Yujian flew, and just as he was about to escape the clear and bright space that was riddled with holes, a sharp sword light suddenly flashed, and Ge Ye's head was directly chopped to the ground.



First the head fell to the ground, and then the body fell to the ground.

Wang Qianchen held the Immortal Slaying Sword in his hand and walked over step by step. This is Ge Ye's third head. In theory, there won't be a fourth head growing out. The head, who knows what killer or trick or magic weapon he is hiding?

So he took every step carefully, for fear that Ge Ye would come back to life again.

Fortunately, he walked all the way to Ge Ye, and he didn't see any sign of this guy standing up again, but the **** head on the ground was still open, looking at him with incomparable resentment. Confused, confused, confused.

Ge Ye didn't understand why Nie's ancestor didn't show up until the moment he died.

Don't say he doesn't understand, even Song Cepeng doesn't understand.

Song Epee arranged for the demon slayer captains in Shanghai, Guangdong, and Shenzhen, thinking that there is still a strong Jiangnan Nie family, how can they keep Ge Ye.

But Ge Ye is dead!

Wang Qianchen squatted down, grabbed Ge Ye's hair, lifted his head, looked directly into his eyes, and said coldly, "When you killed me and Mr. Honglou, you should have thought about this day!"

"X your grandma's legs! Let you kill the red mansion, let you kill the red mansion!" The bricks flew out, smashed them all over Ge Ye's head, and then frantically sucked blood like a leech.

Immediately afterwards, flames spewed out of Wang Qianchen's mouth, directly burning Ge Ye's body completely. Even if he had other ways to revive, he would not be given this chance.

Wang Qianchen put Ge Ye's head into the Qiankun bag, glanced at the direction of the back garden, and said, "Patriarch Nie, Patriarch Nie, thank you very much, I remember this, it will be useful to me in the future, Just speak up!"

This sentence sounds a bit nonsense. He is going to be hunted down and wanted, so what else can he do to help the Nie family?

But it has to be said.

After speaking, Wang Qianchen turned and ran towards the front yard.


in the back garden.

Among the flowers, one old man and one middle school stood side by side.

"It's just that Wang Qianchen's speed is too fast. Before I could go out, he killed Ge Ye and ran away." The ancestor of the Nie family said leisurely with his hands behind his back.

"Understood." Nie Gang nodded.

"I hope I bet right this time," said the ancestor of the Nie family.

"It's definitely fine," Nie Gang replied.



A fierce battle continues.

Although everyone is in the peak state, there are also highs and lows in the peak state - Du Hong and others are of course the best, no matter what level they are in, they are basically invincible, but the captains of Shanghai, Guangdong and Shenzhen are also not common. The hands also have strong means on their bodies, and their combat experience is also richer.

So from the very beginning, Du Hong and others were pressed and beaten, and they were dragged by their own abilities.

"Let's go!" Wang Qianchen shouted loudly, holding the Immortal Sword in his hand and slashing gently into the air.

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