Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 704: hurry up, grandpa

Wang Qianchen's sudden action really shocked everyone at the scene.

Except for Wang Qianchen, Nie Rong, and Nie Gang, no one knew what was going on. The entire Nie family compound was in chaos in an instant. Nie Jiao rushed towards Wang Qianchen angrily, and the other Nie family disciples rushed forward.

But Nie Jiao was just halfway through when he was dragged to the ground by Nie Rong, and he quickly told his father's decision in his ear.

So Nie Jiao also lay on the ground clutching his chest and shouted, "What a ruthless guy!"

Although Wang Qianchen didn't even touch a single hair on him, it didn't affect his look of pain.

The three of the Nie family's father and son fell to the ground, and the other Nie family's children were naturally not the opponents of Wang Qianchen and the others. The sound of "bang bang bang bang" continued to sound, and the younger half of the Nie family was almost destroyed, and there was no one at all. Can stop them!

"Qingming space!"

At this moment, a low moan suddenly sounded, and the sky above the Nie family trembled slightly, and a virtual space was created. Immediately afterwards, three figures walked out from different directions. One was a young man in his early twenties. He was wearing a floral shirt, big pants, a bunch of messy keys around his waist, and a pair of black slippers with open toes on his feet. One is in his early thirties, wearing a suit, tie, and black leather shoes, like an elite white-collar worker who has just walked out of an office building; one looks to be in his forties, and is particularly well-dressed, although the weather is not very cold. , but had put on an English-style woolen coat, carrying a brown cane in his hand, and wearing a khaki top hat on his head.

"What are you doing, it's all about slaying monsters, don't kill each other, Laodou also told me to go back and collect the rent..." The young man in the floral shirt yawned, trying to speak Mandarin in half Cantonese and half white.

Although the other two did not speak, they both stared at Wang Qianchen and the others.

"It's the demon slayer captains from Shanghai, Guangdong, and Shenzhen, all of them are in peak realm, and their realm is higher than ours..." Tan Zuo said in a low voice.

"Fortunately, we have a lot of people, four to three, no problem..." Du Hong gently rubbed his palm, and there was a faint flame beating on his fingertips.

"There's no time, you entangle the three of them, I'll go inside and kill Ge Ye!" Wang Qianchen said in a low voice, he knew that Ge Ye was recuperating inside, he must have heard the movement outside, maybe he was ready to run, and he had to hurry up He took it.

In addition to this, Wang Qianchen still hopes to kill Ge Ye alone, and try not to drag Du Hong, Tan Zuo, and Yin Luoluo in—although they have already been dragged in, but if they don't kill Ge Ye, the crime can be lighter.

Wang Qianchen didn't give them time to think about it. After giving this suggestion, he immediately ran towards the backyard.

The demon slayer captains from Shanghai, Guangdong, and Shenzhen hurried up to stop them, but they were entangled by Du Hong and the others. The sound of "bang bang bang bang" and "bang bang rumbling" sounded, and the two sides were already fighting in one place. Not their opponents, it's always okay to linger for a while.

Du Hong and others were not worried that Wang Qianchen would not be able to kill Ge Ye. Knowing that he had a magical sword in his hand, they concentrated on dragging a few demon slayer captains.

In the Qingming space, all kinds of elements and black hair fluttered wildly for a while, and it was a lively fight.

A middle-aged man wearing a British style woolen coat, holding a cane to resist Tan Zuo's sword, shouted in a Shanghai accent: "Patriarch Nie, you can still attack, please come out, please!"

Nie Gang immediately shouted hello, pretended to struggle to get up, and also ran towards the backyard.

Ge Ye was indeed recuperating in the backyard, half of the medicine had been taken, and several practitioners from the medical department were also healing him; it was not as Wang Qianchen expected, he heard the movement in the front yard and was ready to run.

Although the entire Nie family was covered by the Qingming space, it was not a problem to break through it with his strength.

But before he had time to do so, Wang Qianchen had already followed the smell to find him.

"Ge Ye, today is your day of death!" Wang Qianchen roared, and no matter how hard it was to control his anger, he directly pulled out the Sword of Immortal Slaying and slashed towards Ge Ye with a "swoosh", and the sharp sword energy suddenly whistled. out.

Ge Ye only had the last head left, so he naturally cherished his own life. First, he did not dare to fight Wang Qianchen easily, and secondly, he used all his strength to avoid him. After a few swords, he did not cause any damage, but the Qingming space was split open. a few cracks.

Ge Ye immediately ran towards those cracks.

At this moment, Nie Gang rushed in, clutching the wound on his chest while shouting loudly, "Sect Master Ge, hold on for a while, I'll go to the back garden and invite the ancestor out!"

Hearing this, Ge Ye was instantly refreshed.

The ancestor of the Nie family also has the strength of the mountain. If you invite him out, the two of them will definitely kill Wang Qianchen together!

Instead of continuing to be chased and killed by Wang Qianchen, it's better to make a break here, to save endless!

"Okay, hurry up, I'll hold on for a while!" Ge Ye gave up his escape plan. He knew that Wang Qianchen's sword was powerful, but he wasn't completely incapable of avoiding it. questionable.

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